Construction Safety Week 2024 a Major Success

Construction Safety Week 2024 a Major Success

What’s Your Personal Safety Plan?

This question is one our team at GPRS has asked tens of thousands of construction workers over the past five years during Construction Safety Week talks all across the country. Because every decision made on a job site determines the safety of those around us and the success of the project at hand.

At GPRS, safety is our top priority. That’s why we were so proud to sponsor Construction Safety Week 2024. This year, our fifth as a CSW sponsor, we were able to meet with some of the largest general contractors in the U.S. to discuss job site safety. These prominent industry partners included:

• Turner Construction,

• Skanska,

• DPR Construction,

• The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company,

• Balfour Beatty Construction,

• JE Dunn Construction,

• Hensel Phelps,

• Clark Construction,

• Swinerton

• Clayco and more.

Value Every Voice

This year’s main theme was to Value Every Voice, and how embracing every voice creates an environment where every team member feels valued and heard. The theme also emphasized how the safety and success of any construction project are determined by the individual decisions and actions of team members on site. Making educated decisions rooted in best practices allows each person to not only embrace the team’s safety culture, but also own their responsibility to take personal ownership for ensuring everyone can go home the way they came in at the end of the day.

Key areas that were focused on during presentations this year included:

- How to strengthen team culture to enhance safety

- Why the need to encourage & welcome new ideas is essential to project success

- How different strategies when digging or drilling can keep projects on budget, on time, and SAFE

- How to motivate team members to take ownership for safety on site

By The Numbers

With the conclusion of this year’s Construction Safety Week (CSW) 2024, we’re grateful to report massive numbers. Our team at GPRS had the privilege of engaging with over 14,500 workers at 193 different job sites all across the nation. At these talks, our team of safety experts imparted essential knowledge and best practices to help each team member on a job site develop a personal safety plan. Our safety experts also brought breakfast or lunch with them for the crews to help keep team members well-fed and engaged.

Since becoming a CSW sponsor in 2020, our team at GPRS has been able to help more than 52,000 workers develop personalized safety plans tailored to handle many scenarios they might encounter onsite.

Why It Matters

Construction workers gathered outside for presentation
Clark Construction collaborates with GPRS’ Luke Slater on one of their job sites for CSW 2024.

This initiative is more than just a week-long event; because safety day is every day in our industry. When you have safety on a job site, you have everything you need to get your workers home at the end of the day. Attendees were given the opportunity to cultivate and enhance pre-existing, robust safety cultures. Attendees’ personal safety plans revolved around:

• Underground utility strikes, and best practices to prevent them

• Heat related illnesses, and how to prevent them before they occur

• Wearing proper PPE when saw cutting, coring, or drilling through concrete

• Climate related risks on site

• The effects of workers mental health on safety and preparedness on the job

Looking Forward

With CSW 2024 behind us, our commitment to safety continues pushing forward. We offer complimentary toolbox talks and lunch & learn sessions throughout the year. Additionally, GPRS sponsors two other major safety events: Concrete Sawing & Drilling Safety Week in the winter and Water & Sewer Damage Awareness Week in the fall. Stay tuned for opportunities to increase your site safety by signing up early for either of these talks, today!

Join Us in Making Construction Safer

At GPRS, our mission is to help keep your projects on budget, on time, and safe through helping you Intelligently Visualize The Built World® on your job site. To learn how we can do just that, schedule a service or request a quote below.