SIM, the Subsurface Investigation Methodology is a guide to using the various types of locating technologies, combined with a proven training approach to achieve a very low investigation error rate. These technologies include the electromagnetic receiver, ground penetrating radar, concrete scanners and video pipe inspection technology.

Following a step by step procedure ensures that field people are trained to the highest standards, that multiple technologies are used, and that the right methods will yield the best results possible.
The Methodology contains three primary elements:
1.Human Asset, Experience-Based Training
• Mentoring and classroom training exceeding ASNT Practice SNT-TC-1A, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing Level 1 for ground penetrating RADAR.
2. Technology Asset, Multiple Technologies
• Proven set of methods and best practices for the best nondestructive underground utility locating and concrete scanning results.
3. Applied Methods and Practices
• Application of multiple technologies yielding redundant results and increasing accuracy in each subsurface investigation.
What is the Purpose of SIM?
The goal of SIM is to combine the experienced technician with the right investigative technologies in order to gain the best results and most importantly, to do so by reducing risks and creating a safe working environment.
The Common Ground Alliance, CGA is a member-driven association of 1,700 individuals, organizations and sponsors of the underground utility industry. The organization is dedicated to saving lives and preventing damage to underground infrastructure by promoting damage prevention practices. According to CGA, over the last 20 years improperly located or not located subsurface utilities have caused $1.7 billion in damages and resulted in 1,906 injuries with 421 fatalities.
Most of these losses, if not all, could have been avoided through a detailed site investigation using the best technologies available by highly trained personnel.
What are the Results?
The SIM standard elevates the level of professionalism and accuracy. The Subsurface Investigation Methodology yields higher quality results for the end client and lower hit rates for the contractor. In 2019 there was a 99% rate of accuracy and 70,000 projects were successfully completed.
Note: GPRS does not provide geophysical, geological, land surveying or engineering services. If you need such services, please contact an appropriate professional.