GPRS Sewer Mapping Services
You can’t properly maintain infrastructure that you can’t find.
GPRS’ sewer camera inspection services don’t just leave you with a comprehensive understanding of the integrity of your wastewater infrastructure; we also map your system while we’re evaluating it, ensuring you can avoid those lines when excavating and find them when it’s time to complete maintenance or repairs.
The remote-controlled rovers and push-fed cameras we use during our inspections are equipped with sondes: instrument probes that allow our SIM and NASSCO-certified Project Managers to ascertain the location of underground utilities from an inaccessible location. By using a sonde-equipped sewer scope in combination with an electromagnetic (EM) locator, a GPRS Project Manager can map your sewer system while they inspect it for faults and other defects.
The GPRS Mapping & Modeling Department increases the level of communication and safety on your project by providing clear and understandable maps and models to help you Intelligently Visualize The Built World® and easily share your vision with subcontractors, designers, engineers, and whomever else you need to collaborate with.
All this data is securely stored, yet easily accessible in SiteMap® (patent pending), GPRS’ industry-leading, cloud-based infrastructure mapping software that keeps you and your project team on the same page with the right information, exactly when you need it.
All GPRS clients receive a complimentary SiteMap® Personal subscription whenever GPRS completes a job for them. This means you can instantly access, review, and share the data we’ve collected and the maps and models we’ve created for you, allowing you and your team to plan, design, manage, dig, and ultimately build better on all your projects.
Utilizing a professional sewer scope company like GPRS to map your underground wastewater infrastructure is the best way to maintain and protect your utilities. By knowing where these lines are, you can avoid them during excavation, directional boring, and other potentially destructive activities. And should a problem occur, you’ll be able to pinpoint where you need to dig to begin repairs or maintenance.
Maintain the integrity of your sewer, storm, and lateral pipelines with comprehensive, up-to-date maps of your infrastructure created by a professional plumbing camera service you can trust. Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!