GPRS Leak Detection Services Save Tennessee Plant $96,000 - FCS News

GPRS Leak Detection Services Save Tennessee Plant $96,000 - FCS News

Headline from FCS News - GPRS Helps Save Thousands of Dollars for Facility Managers & Engineers, with DXmic Pro
Flooded concrete slab due to massive underground water leak at plant.
Flooded job site due to massive underground water leak at plant.

Leak correlator and DXmic company, FCS, featured a GPRS case study in Tennessee on its news page recently to highlight the company’s use of acoustic leak detection and leak correlator technologies for pinpointing large-scale water line leaks. You can read how GPRS Project Manager, Rick Blackburn locating the source of a 700,000 gallon leak and save Mersen $96,000 in non-revenue water (NRW) loss, here.