Rudolph Libbe Inc. tackles construction projects big and small.
The construction arm of the Ohio-based Rudolph Libbe Group offers a wide variety of services that can be tailored to meet the needs of any client or project. And no matter the size of the job, Rudolph Libbe maintains the same high level of commitment to safety for its own team members, subcontractors, and any community members who encounter their job sites.
“[Safety] is basic to our culture,” Rudolph Libbe says on their website. “[In 2021], our associates made over 195,000 safety observations and, of those, corrected 4,626 unsafe acts through our “Find It, Fix It” program.
“We have over 700 associates trained in OSHA 10/30 hour construction safety courses. And safety meetings in the office carry over to the jobsite, where we employ specific measures to anticipate and avoid potential hazards.”
Rudolph Libbe was founded in 1955 by brothers Frederick “Fritz” Rudolph and Philip Rudolph Sr. and their cousin, Allan Libbe. The company initially only serviced the residential construction industry, but only a year after its founding it was awarded its first commercial building project when they were selected to construct a branch of the United States Post Office in Bowling Green, Ohio.
The company never looked back, posting its first $1 million revenue year in 1963, and winning its first million-dollar project in 1967. In its 68 years of existence, Rudolph Libbe has worked with universities, medical facilities, government entities, Fortune 500 companies, and more.
Rudolph Libbe’s safety record is perhaps the most impressive part of its resume.
- In 2010, the company reached six-million man-hours worked without a lost time incident. This achievement spanned four years and included more than one billion dollars in construction revenue.
- In 2022, Rudolph Libbe had over 500,000 hours worked without a lost time incident. No associates needed to miss a day of work as a result of a safety incident during the 2022 calendar year.
- Since 2011, Rudolph Libbe Inc. has completed over 10,000 jobs where there were ongoing operations, and only three times did they disrupt those operations. In two of the three disruptions, operations were restored to full capacity in one hour or less.
GPRS and Rudolph Libbe have a longstanding partnership that continues into the work on our new headquarters, which is slated to open later this spring.
That project began with us providing 3D laser scans of the existing structure to assist in planning.
“Without the laser scanning ability that GPRS provides, we’d be having to hire an architect to go through and do manual assessments and measurements of the building in order to provide us with a set of drawings we could actually build off of,” said Rudolph Libbe Project Manager, Aaron Seymour.
Rudolph Libbe, just like GPRS, cares about safety beyond all other concerns. The company is a member of our Partnership Plus™ Program, an exclusive service agreement only available to our most valued clients. Through this program, these clients receive premium benefits and services, including priority scheduling.
“I’ve had the pleasure of working directly with Rudolph Libbe on three separate renovation projects here at GPRS,” said GPRS Facilities and Fleet Manager, Scott Clay. “Rudolph Libbe has worked approximately 12,200 total man-hours at our GPRS facilities with zero injuries. Rudolph Libbe exhibits an exceptional safety culture on the job.”
As GPRS does for all of Rudolph Libbe’s projects, we’ve conducted utility locates and concrete scanning at our new headquarters using ground penetrating radar and the other technologies at our disposal to eliminate potentially dangerous and/or costly surprises.
“Construction, by its inherent nature, is very gray and there’s unknowns behind every corner you turn,” Aaron said. “Being able to look past the walls and get an accurate assessment of your conditions on site is invaluable in the construction process.”
GPRS is proud to have partners who value safety as much as we do, and we love to highlight that shared passion. Our elite Project Managers use only the most advanced technology to conduct utility locates, precision concrete scans, video pipe inspections, and other infrastructure visualization services, ensuring companies such as Rudolph Libbe can Intelligently Visualize The Built World™ while keeping their projects on time, on budget, and safe.
We are currently scheduling the second phase of our Safety Tour of America, where we visit with our valued safety partners to highlight their efforts and our shared commitment to getting their crews home safely every night. Click here to sign up to be part of this initiative.