Video Pipe Inspection is a method of visually inspecting a utility line to detect cracks, infractions, blockages, and the overall structural condition of the line. It is also used to locate service laterals and obstructions in the line. The process of Video Pipe Inspection involves navigating a camera through the line, either manually or via a remote control, which provides a video feed of the pipe interior to an on-site monitor for viewing.
Specialized equipment, like the robotic crawler, lateral launch, or push camera, is necessary to navigate the utility lines and ensure the walls of the pipe are properly illuminated in order to get the clearest picture possible. It is also critical to know the number of access points available, as the more access points we have, the more comprehensive the investigation can be.

Lateral Launch is another variation of our robotic crawlers. The lateral launch system is similar to a standard robotic crawler, but it has a mechanical push camera attached that can be launched into the laterals from the main line. Lateral launch fills the gap where there are laterals off the main line that crawlers or push cameras cannot inspect alone. Just like the standard robotic crawler, the lateral launch crawler has a rotating head with a light so we can get a full and comprehensive video pipe inspection. With the lateral launch crawler, we can inspect up to 500 ft of main line greater than 6 inches in diameter. In addition to that, by using the launch of the push camera, we are able to launch an additional 100 ft into any laterals over 4 inches in diameter off the main line.
The deliverables we have for lateral launch are the same as the 3 deliverables that the customer receives after a standard robotic crawler inspection. The first is a field sketch done by an on-site technician outlining the locations of any and all surface features and access points. The stretch of pipe and laterals that were inspected will also be labeled. The next deliverable is called a Win Can Report. The Win Can Report outlines information about the pipe such as size and location. It also gives a list of any obstructions or structural observations along with their location in the line and laterals off the line. The Win Can Report also includes a structural grading scale that is calculated based on the observations and findings within the pipe. The last deliverable we include is the actual videos from the Video Pipe Inspection.
When we do a Video Pipe Inspection, we inspect the integrity, condition, and location of the line so the client can make a decision on what they want to do and move forward with their project. The client also gains peace of mind and protection with pre and post-construction inspections to ensure utilities were not damaged throughout construction. Customers also use our Video Pipe Inspection services as a way to ensure their system is functioning properly with regular visits from us. Through the use of the Lateral Launch crawler we are able to inspect an even wider variety of pipe and pipe systems to get an even more comprehensive video pipe inspection.
Note: GPRS does not provide geophysical, geological, land surveying or engineering services. If you need such services, please contact an appropriate professional.