industry insights

What Are Best Practices When Cutting or Coring Concrete?

Coring or cutting through rebar or post-tension cables in concrete can result in immediate structural failure that endangers everyone on site – and costs a lot of money to repair.

When engineers in Deming, New Mexico, needed to saw cut into a concrete slab within a warehouse, they contacted GPRS to mitigate the risk of subsurface damage by utilizing our precision concrete scanning services.

The engineers needed to know the location and depth of utilities and any other unknown subsurface objects running through the slab. They also wanted to know the thickness of the slab.

Coring or cutting through rebar or post tension cables in concrete can result in immediate structural failure that endangers everyone on site – and costs a lot of money to repair. According to a recent study completed for GPRS by Finch Brands, the average cost to repair damage to rebar or conduit embedded within concrete is $12,000.

To prevent this, GPRS used a ground penetrating radar scanner to locate the utilities, reinforcing steel, and other anomalies within the concrete in the Deming warehouse.

A gloved hand holding a ground penetrating radar concrete scanning antenna.
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a non-destructive detection and imaging technology that utilizes radio waves to evaluate what’s inside concrete or buried underground.

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a non-destructive detection and imaging technology that utilizes radio waves to evaluate what’s inside concrete or buried underground. The GPR scanner emits a radio signal into a structure, then detects the interactions between the radio waves and any subsurface objects – metallic or non-metallic. Those interactions are displayed in a readout as a series of hyperbolas, which vary in size and shape depending on what type of material has been located.

Professional concrete scanning technicians like GPRS’ SIM-certified Project Managers are specially trained to interpret these readouts to provide accurate information about the location and depth of buried objects.

SIM stands for Subsurface Investigation Methodology, the industry-leading training program and specification for not only concrete scanning but also utility locating, video pipe inspections, and leak detection.

All GPRS Project Managers are required to achieve SIM 101 certification, which includes a minimum of 320 hours of field training and 80 hours of classroom training.

During their field training, the trainees are paired with experienced GPRS Project Managers who walk them through the finer points of Intelligently Visualizing The Built World®. The classroom education takes place at GPRS’ state-of-the-art training facility in Sylvania, Ohio, where the trainees utilize the site’s innovative, 3,000-square-foot training slab that’s designed to mimic even the most complex conditions they might encounter in the field.

All that training meant the Project Managers in Deming were prepared to meet the engineers’ needs. We scanned the concrete slab and marked our findings directly on the concrete with crayon at their request to ensure easy cleanup upon project completion.

The PMs were on site within 24 hours of initial contact with the client, ensuring the project’s schedule remained intact.

A GPRS Project Manager kneeling on a concrete slab and using a ground penetrating radar scanner.
GPRS used ground penetrating radar to locate the utilities, reinforcing steel, and other anomalies within concrete and protect you from subsurface damage.

A New Era of Infrastructure Mapping

Even GPRS’ 99.8%+ accurate concrete scanning and utility locating services aren’t worth much if the data we collect isn’t at your fingertips when and where you need it.

That’s why we created SiteMap® (patent pending), our cloud-based project and facility management application that provides accurate existing conditions documentation to protect your assets and people.

All GPRS clients receive a complimentary SiteMap® Personal subscription whenever they hire us to perform a job, allowing you and your team to easily, yet securely access and share the field-verified data you need to build better from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.

In the case of concrete scanning, GPRS’ in-house Mapping & Modeling Team can export the GPR concrete scans and field markings captured with 3D photogrammetry to create accurate existing condition as-builts to give you the information you need in a format you can easily work with and share. And that data will be uploaded into SiteMap®, so even after the markings we leave on site fade or are washed away, you still know where it’s safe to cut or core.

The Green Box Guarantee

GPRS isn’t just confident in the results of our concrete imaging – we guarantee them.

The GPRS Green Box Guarantee states that when GPRS conducts a concrete scan and places a Green Box on your slab prior to you anchoring or coring that concrete, we guarantee the area within the box will be free of obstructions.

If we’re wrong, we agree to pay the material cost of any damage that occurs.

The Green Box Guarantee helps prevent potentially life-threatening injuries and damages, eliminates project delays, costly repairs, and unexpected change orders, and ensures clear communication between you and our field team members about where it’s safe to break ground. It’s just one way we are working to achieve our goal of 100% subsurface damage prevention.

From skyscrapers to sewer lines, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How is ground penetrating radar used to identify tendons vs. rebar in a post-tensioned slab?

In post-tensioned structures, we typically find one mat of support rebar near the base of the slab. This mat is generally consistently spaced and remains at a constant elevation. Post tension cables are generally found above this support mat and “draped” throughout the rest of the structure. The elevation of the cable is usually high near the beams and column lines and drapes lower through the span between beams and column lines. Knowledge of these structural differences allows us to accurately differentiate between components. Our Project Managers will leave you feeling confident in our findings and in your ability to drill or cut without issue.

Can GPR determine the difference between rebar and electrical conduit?

Ground penetrating radar can accurately differentiate between rebar and electrical conduit in most cases. We have an extremely high success rate in identifying electrical lines in supported slabs or slabs-on-grade before saw cutting or core drilling.

Additionally, GPRS can use electromagnetic (EM) locators to determine the location of conduits in the concrete. If we can transmit a signal onto the metal conduit, we can locate it with pinpoint accuracy. We can also find the conduit passively if a live electrical current runs through it.

The combined use of GPR and EM locating allows us to provide one of the most comprehensive and accurate conduit locating services available.

Will there be a Green Box placed on every concrete slab that I have scanned?

No. Our Green Boxes communicate to our clients that all critical targets such as rebar reinforcement, electrical conduits, and post tension cables are absent, and no obstruction is present. We place Green Boxes on elevated concrete slab locations that we’re confident are clear to core, cut, or drill through. If we aren’t confident that you won’t hit anything, we won’t place a Green Box on the slab.

About GPRS
Concrete Scanning
Green Box Guarantee
Ground Penetrating Radar
Mapping & Modeling

Navigating the Subsurface with SiteMap®: Unlocking the Benefits of Underground Utility Mapping

SiteMap® is a comprehensive suite of tools, connected to GPRS, that takes underground utility mapping to a new level. Learn more about what SiteMap® is doing for utility mapping.

Throughout history, managing utilities has been a complex challenge for societies.

Take street lighting, for example.

Early civilizations used natural gas transported through bamboo pipelines from volcanic emissions to illuminate the streets of ancient Peking. This gas powered the early streetlamps. By 500 B.C., the Romans were lighting their streets with oil lamps filled with vegetable oil placed outside their homes. The organization of street lighting further evolved when, in 1417, Sir Henry Barton mandated that houses hang lanterns after dusk. By 1524, an order in Paris required that all homes display lights in their windows. This led to the emergence of "link-boys" in London, young servants who carried torches to light the way for the city's wealthy children. This early need for lighting evolved into gas streetlights, maintained by lamplighters, illuminating the nights of our early societies.

A city street lit up at night.
Managing municipal infrastructure, from street lighting to wastewater systems, presents unique challenges due to their hidden nature and complex networks.

And this is just the history of streetlights. When you consider that this is only one aspect of municipal infrastructure, it becomes clear why so many communities and facilities struggle with a complex web of underground utilities without an accurate map to navigate them.

Today's urban environments necessitate efficient infrastructure management. Managing underground utilities presents unique challenges due to their hidden nature and complex networks. SiteMap® (patent pending), powered by GPRS, is transforming the way we approach underground utility mapping and management, revolutionizing our perception of the subsurface.

The Importance of Underground Utility Mapping

Understanding the significance of underground utility mapping is essential to appreciate the impact of solutions like SiteMap®. Here are key reasons why this mapping is crucial:

Cost Savings:

The American Public Works Association (APWA) estimates that damage to underground utilities during excavation activities costs the U.S. economy around $30 billion annually, with other estimates reaching as high as $60 billion. Accurate mapping can reduce these costs by preventing utility strikes and the associated repair expenses.

Safety Enhancement:

According to the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), utility strikes are a leading cause of workplace fatalities in the construction industry. Electrocution, part of OSHA’s Fatal Four hazards, can be significantly mitigated through precise underground utility mapping, enhancing workplace safety.

Environmental Protection:

Damage to underground utilities can lead to environmental issues such as contamination, water pollution, and habitat destruction. Accurate mapping helps prevent these incidents, supporting environmental sustainability efforts.

Urban Advancement:

Proper infrastructure monitoring is crucial for advancing our cities and towns. The utility grid must not only support our current population but also accommodate growth, change, and new technologies. For instance:

  • Sewer Systems: Mapping sewer systems ensures the proper functioning of sewage networks.
  • Stormwater Drainage: Accurate utility mapping aids in managing water runoff during heavy rains, reducing flood risks and protecting properties and lives.
  • Fiber Optic Cables: With the growing reliance on high-speed internet and data transmission, precise mapping of fiber optics is vital for network management and expansion, also helping to prevent network disruptions during severe weather.

Effective utility management accelerates municipal progress. Better subsurface understanding allows us to build well-connected, advanced cities and towns.

A construction worker stands in front of heavy machinery looking at a tablet.
SiteMap® (patent pending), powered by GPRS, is transforming the way we approach underground utility mapping and management, revolutionizing our perception of the subsurface.

The Role of SiteMap® in Underground Utility Mapping

SiteMap® is pivotal in transforming underground utility mapping with its advanced technology and comprehensive features. Here’s how SiteMap® enhances the benefits of this mapping:

High-Precision Mapping:

SiteMap® offers high-precision mapping capabilities, enabling users to accurately determine the location, depth, and type of underground utilities. This accuracy minimizes the risk of utility strikes and ensures the safety and integrity of infrastructure.

High Accuracy:

With SiteMap®, users access GPRS's 99.8% accurate locate data. Once you order a locating service from GPRS, you get free access to a SiteMap® Personal account, which you can upgrade and customize as needed. In this account, you can interact with subsurface data like never before, thanks to GPRS’s use of advanced technologies, providing some of the most accurate data available.

Comprehensive Reporting:

SiteMap® generates detailed, layered visualizations, giving stakeholders actionable insights into underground utility assets. This supports informed decision-making, regulatory compliance, and effective communication. The Digital Plan Room acts as a data control center, a vault containing every file and map from any GPRS locating job.

Share Easily:

The Map Viewer allows you to simplify communications by showing contractors exactly what they need to see, when they need to see it. This single source of truth is accessible to all relevant parties for the life of your project, 24/7, from any computer or mobile device.

Unlocking the Benefits of SiteMap®

SiteMap® represents a necessary shift in underground utility mapping, offering unmatched precision, ease of use, and mobility. By leveraging SiteMap®, organizations can unlock numerous benefits, including cost savings, safety enhancements, and environmental protection. As cities and communities grow and evolve, the importance of accurate underground utility mapping will only increase. Solutions like SiteMap® are indispensable for navigating the subsurface and ensuring the reliability and sustainability of infrastructure networks.

The days of lamplighters may be gone, but the need to monitor natural gas and other utilities remains. SiteMap® simplifies this process, making it easier than ever to monitor utilities and other subsurface assets and features.

GPRS SiteMap® team members are currently scheduling live, personal SiteMap® demonstrations. Click below to schedule and learn how SiteMap® can help you plan, design, manage, dig, and build better today!

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling

LCI Lean in Design Forum: Integrating Lean into Design Thinking

The vast majority of construction projects utilize design-bid-build mentality, which separates the various parties of a project into smaller, separate projects. Lean is a way of thinking and managing the processes that is different. The focus is to create value and an efficient design by working closely together as a team through the entire conception, design, fabrication, and construction process.

More than 200 designers, architects, and engineers came together in Chicago, Illinois May 1-2, 2024, for the LCI Lean In Design Forum, to explore how design can benefit from Lean thinking and practices. The main goal of Lean management is to improve efficiency and effectiveness by reducing the time spent on non-value-added activities to optimize workflows.

Total Lean Management is a process developed by Toyota which aims to reduce waste in all areas of an organization. A model was developed from this process to help organizations identify the key “pain points” in their operation and work to eliminate waste in all areas – not just manufacturing.

Toyota Total Lean Management
Total Lean Management is a process developed by Toyota which aims to reduce waste in all areas of an organization.

How Does a Unified Team Help Lean Construction Practices?

Matt Mikolajczyk, GPRS’ Market Segment Leader for SiteMap®, attended the LCI Design Forum for GPRS. He shared that, “The vast majority of construction projects utilize design-bid-build mentality, which separates the various parties of a project into smaller, separate projects. Lean is a way of thinking and managing the processes that is different. The focus is to create an efficient design by working closely together as a team through the entire conception, design, fabrication, and construction process.”

Lean construction practices align the owner, design team, and construction team (as well as any additional contractors) into a unified team, where every party becomes contractually involved in each step of the design and construction process. The entire team will be in a “Big Room” during the design stage and the designers will remain involved throughout the project’s construction.

During the forum discussions, the “Big Room” idea was tested, where major design, construction, and owners were co-located in the same room to work together through increased communication and collaboration. They prioritized value generation, continuous improvement, and optimizing workflows, with an emphasis on respect for all parties involved on the team.

Mikolajczyk said, “I certainly noticed the respect for all parties in attendance as everyone I met was happy to talk with me and open up about what Lean means to them.”

The Lean design examples presented were almost “common sense” to Mikolajczyk, adding value to the design in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Lean construction practices
Lean construction practices align the owner, design team, and construction team (as well as any additional contractors) into a unified team, where every party becomes contractually involved in each step of the design and construction process.

Lean and Target Value Delivery Management Practice

Mikolajczyk also participated in a session on Lean and Target Value Delivery. Target Value Delivery (TVD) is a management practice used throughout all phases of design and construction to deliver projects within a fixed budget, while meeting the operational needs and values of the client.

The steps involved planning and validating a business case before forming a team, organizing the “Big Room,” and finally beginning the constant and iterative process of project planning, cost modeling, cost estimating, and conceptual design.

Mikolajczyk said, “The heavy work and focus is up front prior to getting to production design and construction.”

During the TVD session, participants first had to design and construct a “tower” using traditional design methodology.  There was no communication allowed at the table, except through written RFIs.  Much of the information was lost in translation. The cost of materials was unknown. Stress was placed on the design team to complete the design quickly, and the construction team to build quickly.

“At the end of the day, we constructed a tower, but everyone was stressed, and the tower was very expensive to build.”

The exercise was then repeated using the “Big Room” approach. Historical costs were known, and everyone was part of the design thinking (owner, designer, and contractor).  The tower was designed together, and the team was always involved and moving forward. “The design was much less expensive, and everyone had fun doing it,” said Mikolajczyk.

“I was very impressed with how Lean construction practices were able to streamline so many processes, yet it wouldn’t have worked so well without a team working closely together in complete alignment.”

LCI Lean In Design Forum
Mikolajczyk's team had to design and construct a “tower” using traditional design methodology. Stress was placed on the design team to complete the design quickly, and the construction team to build quickly.

How Can GPRS Add Value to Lean Design?

So, what were Mikolajczyk’s key learnings for GPRS?

“My main goal of attending the LCI Design Forum was to learn how GPRS can help our clients meet their target value delivery goals. GPRS is not a member of the design team, nor are we present in the ‘Big Room.’ We can add value to all members of the team by providing accurate as-built data up front on both brown and greenfield sites.”

GPRS delivers a comprehensive array of services for subsurface damage prevention, existing conditions documentation, and management of construction and facility projects.

We provide utility locating, concrete scanning, video pipe inspection, and leak detection services to help prevent subsurface damage during excavation, or when drilling or coring through concrete. Our Project Managers utilize cutting-edge tools like ground penetrating radar (GPR), electromagnetic (EM) locating, and remote-operated sewer pipe inspection rovers to deliver detailed information of a site’s subsurface infrastructure.

3D laser scanning and 3D photogrammetry services utilize LiDAR technology to capture millions of three-dimensional data points of a space. Each data point is converted into a pixel with an X,Y,Z coordinate. Millions of data points are captured and processed, creating an accurate 3D as-built data set of the site. Data is then compiled into custom utility maps, 2D CAD drawings, 3D BIM models, 3D meshes, 3D virtual tours, digital twins, floor plans, and more by our in-house Mapping and Modeling Team.  All data, drawings, maps, and models are delivered digitally via SiteMap®, GPRS’ free cloud-based software.

GPRS Delivers Accurate As-Builts Prior to Design and Construction

Many times, GPRS is called to a project site after the design is completed, right before breaking ground.

It is typically the contractor’s responsibility to verify that existing plans and utility locations are accurately shown on the design plans. They are also typically responsible for repairing all damages that occur during construction.

Many building professionals can benefit from Lean construction practices:

  • Architects, engineers, and designers
  • Owners, owners’ reps, and general contractors
  • Trade partners engaged in Design/Build and Design/Assist
  • Preconstruction managers
  • Design managers
  • Estimators
  • BIM/VDC managers

GPRS can provide all architectural, structural, and MEP system layout and dimensions, plus utility and concrete markings prior to design and construction.  

“We help project teams verify that all discoverable utilities have been found, gravity sewers have had CCTV records pre and post construction, leaks in fire suppression and other water systems are discovered, concrete embedment and thicknesses are identified, and that all as-built conditions are documented so that accurate 2D plans and 3D models can be created. We can also help the construction team verify that a design is constructable and safe to proceed,” said Mikolajczyk.  

GPRS 3D Laser Scanning and BIM Modeling Services
GPRS can provide all architectural, structural, and MEP system layout and dimensions, plus utility and concrete markings prior to design and construction.  

Who Can Benefit From Lean Construction Practices?

GPRS can add value, save time, and minimize risk for teams who are working off bad data. As-built data collected after design planning can lead to delays, damages, and redesigns that can be costly.

“So many times, we have seen that creating a true as-built of the existing above and below infrastructure upfront through our locating, scanning, and modeling services has helped teams be more successful and reduce the unknown on projects,” said Mikolajczyk.
“We have helped project sites stay safe by keeping updated and centralized subsurface as-built records of utility lines as they go in the ground using our CAD team and SiteMap® platform. We can provide exact dimensions, locations, and layout of a building, facility, or site, including walls, doors, windows, rooms, architectural and structural features, and more to allow team members to collaborate with comprehensive site data. This takes the burden off the contractor to develop their own as-builts at the start or end of a project.”

GPRS can help design teams start off on the right foot with accurate as-built data and also help maintain a single source of truth throughout the life of a project with our SiteMap® platform, as well as our mapping and modeling services.

Any step toward Lean thinking to eliminate waste, increase communication, and streamline processes will certainly help projects be completed on time, under budget, safe, and help maintain the reputation of all parties involved.

This is in complete alignment of the value proposition of GPRS and SiteMap®.

What can we help you visualize?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does lean construction work?

Lean construction is a project delivery process that uses Lean methods of maximizing stakeholder value while reducing waste by emphasizing collaboration between teams on a project. The goal of Lean construction is to increase productivity, profits, and innovation in the industry.

What is SiteMap®?

SiteMap® is an all-inclusive, cloud-based facility, construction & infrastructure management software that uses the data collected on-site by GPRS’ Project Managers to create up-to-date as-built drawings, 3D models, virtual walk-throughs, and comprehensive, layered utility maps. It can also house historical infrastructure data for construction sites, facilities, campuses, or a company’s distributed assets.

What is Target Value Delivery?

Target value delivery focuses on prioritizing customer value instead of cost, eliminating many inefficiencies that come with a siloed approach. It starts with understanding what’s most valuable to the owner and the project’s constraints. Target value delivery essentially flips the traditional design and delivery process upside down—instead of the design determining the cost, the project’s scope informs the budget, which, in turn, determines the design.

Mapping & Modeling
About GPRS

Mapping Tomorrow: Trends in Infrastructure Asset Software Development with SiteMap®

SiteMap® is more than just an infrastructure asset software, it’s a comprehensive solution to the subsurface, changing the methods and the technologies of subsurface data collection and management.

A century ago, towns were often divided into wards, and the complexities of what lay beneath were left to outdated as-built maps and exploratory methods like potholing or daylighting.

These techniques, while traditional, were inefficient and frequently hazardous, particularly in coal-rich regions. However, as times change, so do the methods and the entire field of infrastructure asset management. With the introduction of advanced management software solutions like SiteMap® (patent pending), powered by GPRS, organizations are now equipped to navigate the future of infrastructure management with enhanced efficiency and precision. Let’s delve beneath the surface to explore the transformative role that SiteMap® plays in shaping the future of the industry.

City streets illuminated at night.
With the introduction of advanced management software solutions like SiteMap®(patent pending), powered by GPRS, organizations are now equipped to navigate the future of infrastructure management with enhanced efficiency and precision.

Trends in Infrastructure Asset Software Development

Trends influence everything from what you drink and wear to what you buy and drive. Whether you engage with these trends is often a personal choice, but in fields like infrastructure management, adopting new technologies can significantly benefit your organization. Here are several key trends in infrastructure asset management:

Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML):

AI and ML are transforming infrastructure asset management by enabling predictive analytics and decision-support systems. According to a report, the AI market is projected to grow from $28.7 billion in 2022 to $96.6 billion by 2027, at a compound annual growth rate of 27.5% from 2022 to 2027. Although data on AI's efficacy in facility and infrastructure data capture and management is sparse, SiteMap® has chosen to rely on the accuracy of GPRS’ SIM-certified Project Managers over fully implementing these technologies. However, the trend towards AI and ML in infrastructure management is undeniable.

Cloud-Based Solutions:

Cloud-based infrastructure asset software offers scalability, flexibility, and accessibility, allowing organizations to access critical data and tools from anywhere, at any time. Global end-user spending on public cloud services is forecast to grow 20.4% to $678.8 billion in 2024, up from $563.6 billion in 2023, according to Gartner, Inc. All cloud market segments are expected to see growth in 2024, with Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) projected to experience the highest growth at 26.6%, followed by Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) at 21.5%. SiteMap® provides cloud-based deployment options, enabling seamless collaboration, data sharing, and integration with external systems, while ensuring data security and compliance.

Internet of Things (IoT) Integration:

IoT devices such as sensors, meters, and drones are increasingly used to collect real-time data on infrastructure assets. In 2023, $805 billion was spent on IoT technology worldwide, a figure below the forecast due to the global Coronavirus pandemic's impact. The projected worldwide spending on IoT was $1.1 trillion as estimated in 2019. While SiteMap® may not traditionally employ IoT, it utilizes similar methodologies to accurately identify utility locations and more.

Digital Twin Technology:

Digital twin technology creates virtual replicas of physical assets, enabling organizations to simulate and optimize asset performance in real-time. The global digital twin market size was estimated at $16.75 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 35.7% from 2024 to 2030. This technology is gaining traction for its ability to bridge the physical and virtual worlds. SiteMap® supports the creation of digital twins for infrastructure assets, providing a comprehensive view of asset lifecycle, performance, and maintenance requirements, facilitating informed decision-making and risk management.

Enhanced Data Visualization and Analytics:

Advanced data visualization and analytics tools help organizations derive actionable insights from vast data volumes. Studies show that 80% of organizations find decisions made using visualization tools to be more accurate, and 86% report faster decision-making. SiteMap® offers comprehensive reporting and visualization features, enabling effective analysis, interpretation, and communication of complex data, supporting informed decision-making and stakeholder communication. The Digital Plan Room is one example of how visualization aids in effectively representing subsurface data.

The Role of SiteMap® in Shaping the Future of Infrastructure Asset Management

SiteMap® stands at the forefront of innovation in infrastructure asset software development, incorporating cloud-based deployment, digital twin technology, and advanced data visualization and analytics capabilities, among others. By embracing these emerging trends, SiteMap® empowers organizations to unlock new opportunities, optimize asset performance, minimize risks, and drive sustainable growth in a rapidly evolving business landscape. With SiteMap®, organizations can confidently navigate the future of infrastructure asset management, harnessing technology to map tomorrow and beyond.

SiteMap® not only utilizes modern trends but also pioneers them. We lead the way in innovation while maintaining our commitment to accuracy and ease of use. SiteMap® acts as a multifunctional application, offering unique capabilities such as:

  • Infrastructure management
  • Infrastructure mapping
  • Utility cloud mapping
  • Utility management
  • Mapping software
  • Geospatial solution
  • GIS mapping
  • Digital map viewer
  • GPS software
  • Geospatial mapping

This study supports the fact that managing subsurface software and technology requires a multifunctional resource that demands careful planning and sensitive management, balancing utilization and preservation of subsurface functions. SiteMap® achieves this and more.

The GPRS Difference

SiteMap® is more than typical infrastructure management software; it's backed by GPRS, the nationwide leader in subsurface locating and mapping, with a 99.8% accuracy rating across 500,000 jobs.

GPRS is committed to 100% subsurface damage prevention. Our 99.8% accuracy rate reflects our consistent delivery of high-quality results nationwide, using the industry-leading Subsurface Investigation Methodology (SIM) for utility mapping, concrete scanning, sewer camera inspection, or 3D laser scanning.

Our field-to-finish process is supported by a 99.8% accuracy rate. Our skilled Project Managers use various devices like ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic induction, CCTV crawler cameras, LiDAR, and acoustic leak detectors to collect data. This data is then processed into deliverables by our in-house Mapping and Modeling Team.

These maps and models are stored within SiteMap®'s digital plan room. After completing a private utility locate service, our field data automatically creates a site map in formats such as .pdf, .kmz, and .shp. This field-to-finish solution includes a free subscription to SiteMap®.

This comprehensive collection and management service is unmatched in the market and is exclusive to GPRS and SiteMap®. Thus, SiteMap® isn’t just following trends; it’s creating new ways to see and manage the subsurface, including developing proprietary technologies that redefine utility data collection management.

SiteMap® offers organizations a complete solution for navigating infrastructure management complexities with precision and efficiency. By leveraging SiteMap® and GPRS capabilities and embracing certain trends, organizations can map tomorrow with confidence and see the subsurface in unprecedented ways. SiteMap® is more than a tool; it is a window into the world of the subsurface, providing a clear and simple view of what lies beneath.

GPRS SiteMap® team members are currently scheduling live, personal SiteMap® demos. Click below to schedule your demo today!

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling

California Water Heist Highlights Difficulties of Accounting for Non-Revenue Water Loss

The extraordinary story of a decades-long water heist has divided a California farming community, but it also highlights the difficulties in accurately accounting for one of our most important natural resources.

A discarded straw hat helped uncover a decades-long water heist in San Joaquin Valley, California.

The extraordinary story has divided the area’s farming community, and also highlights the difficulties in accurately accounting for one of our most important natural resources.

An article published recently in the Los Angeles Times details the accusations levied against 77-year-old Dennis Falaschi, the former longtime general manager of the Panoche Water District who allegedly masterminded the theft of more than $25 million worth of water out of a federal canal over the course of two decades.

A red diamond sign on a yellow gate in front of the Delta-Mendota Canal in California.
The Delta-Mendota Canal is a vital source of water for farmlands in San Joaquin Valley, California. One local water official is accused of illegally siphoning water out of the canal in a decades-long heist that only recently came to light.

The Panoche Water District is a public agency responsible for supplying irrigation for 38,000 acres of farmland in Fresno and Merced counties on the western side of the San Joaquin Valley, an area short on water but with a surplus of fertile soil.

Falaschi is accused of siphoning 130,000-acre feet of water – enough, according to the LA Times article, to supply a small city for several years – through a secret pipe. He allegedly had his employees carry out this work for him, often at night, and then sold the water to farmers and other local water districts or back to the federal government for water credits.

The illicit siphoning allegedly began in 1992 and continued until 2015 when it was discovered, in part, thanks to the work of Mark Walsh, a hydrographer employed by the water authority that oversees the federal government’s water operations in the western San Joaquin Valley.

The secret pipe Falaschi allegedly used to steal the water was an old turnout on the canal that had been abandoned and sealed with cement. According to a five-count federal indictment handed down in April 2022, the heist began in 1992 when one of Falaschi’s employees discovered that the turnout was leaking through the cement. Instead of reporting the leak, Falaschi allegedly told the employee to install a gate that could be opened and closed, to put a lock on the gate, and to conceal the setup so it could not be easily noticed.

Walsh discovered the setup when he was performing his routine work of inspecting the canal and the hundreds of pipes and irrigation ditches that it services. Walsh told the LA Times that during this process he noticed a straw hat that had fallen near the pipe and was spinning as if floating in water and caught in a strong current. This led him to investigate further, and it was then that he discovered the locked gate.

“When I saw that, I thought: Someone is stealing water,” Walsh told the Times.

News of Walsh’s discovery reached the FBI around the same time they also received a tip about the alleged scheme from a local farmer who, angry about his water rates, had been researching Panoche’s records and claimed to have evidence of the water district’s misuse of public funds. Falaschi eventually resigned from his post, but he and some of his former employees are still facing federal charges related to the allegations.

“The [Panoche Water District’s] egregious lack of spending oversight is shocking,” California State Controller Betty T. Yee said in a press release issued along with her team’s review of the district’s administrative and accounting controls. “It is especially troubling in a region where effective water governance is so vital for the agricultural community. I am looking into what options are available to ensure small entities like Panoche Water District are kept accountable.”

Water bursting out of a leaking pipe.
Whether through theft, leaks, water main breaks, or other defects, water that does not reach the end user – also known as non-revenue water, or NRW – is one of the most important issues the U.S. faces as it looks to maintain and improve its aging infrastructure.

Mitigating Non-Revenue Water Loss

Whether through theft, leaks, water main breaks, or other defects, water that does not reach the end user – also known as non-revenue water, or NRW – is one of the most important issues the U.S. faces as it looks to maintain and improve its aging infrastructure.

If the water is stolen, both supplier and customer are being cheated. If it leaks into the ground, it could cause soil erosion and decay to surrounding infrastructure that will eventually be costly and dangerous to the community.

A water main breaks every two minutes, and an estimated 6 billion gallons of treated water are lost each day in the U.S., according to data compiled by the American Society of Civil Engineers. That’s enough water to fill over 9,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Given those statistics, it’s no surprise that the ASCE gave our country’s drinking water infrastructure a C- in its most recent Report Card for America’s Infrastructure.

It’s also no surprise that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received more than $50 billion in funding to improve the nation’s drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The funding represents the single largest investment in water ever made by the federal government.

“The nation has underinvested in water infrastructure for too long,” reads a fact sheet about the funding on the EPA’s website. “Insufficient water infrastructure threatens America’s security, and it risks people’s health, jobs, peace of mind, and future prosperity.”

While these ongoing improvement projects will vastly improve the integrity of the country’s water infrastructure when completed, it will likely take years – maybe even decades – to address the bulk of the country’s aged lines.

A GPRS Project Manager uses leak detection equipment to listen for a leak in a field.
GPRS’ water loss specialists have the equipment and expertise to locate leaks and provide insights into your water distribution system.

Routine water loss surveys are a vital tool for maintaining the water infrastructure we have until it can be replaced and ensuring that new lines have been installed correctly and without pre-existing defects that could lead to more NRW loss.

GPRS’ water loss specialists have the equipment and expertise to locate leaks and provide insights into your water distribution system. We employ a variety of industry-leading equipment and methods, including acoustic leak detectors, leak noise correlators, video pipe inspection, ground penetrating radar, and electromagnetic locating, to protect your assets and people.

From skyscrapers to sewer lines, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many miles of pipe can GPRS test in one day?

While it can vary depending on your specific situation, our professional leak detection specialists can typically test up to 10 miles of pipe a day on a metallic system (cast iron/ductile) and can test one contact point (hydrant/valve) per minute. We’re able to work so efficiently because our field team members have undergone special training to hear the specific tone produced by a leak.

Why does GPRS typically conduct leak detection services in the early hours of the morning?

Our acoustic listening equipment is highly sensitive and amplifies leaks and other noises which mask signals during the day. If we work in city environments, there is often a significant amount of ambient noise. This noise includes airplanes, traffic, mowers, machinery, and most importantly, people using water. It is up to the Project Manager performing your leak detection to determine if night work should be utilized to minimize all other noise to focus on the leak signal.

Why don’t I see any water at the location you’ve pinpointed as the leak’s location?

Water finds the path of least resistance. Water can run through cracks in subsurface rock or make its way into storm, sanitary, and conduit piping. If the subsurface contains a high volume of sand, it will naturally flow farther down. There is no water visible on the surface in more than 99% of the leaks we locate.

About GPRS
Leak Detection

New Facebook Data Center in Mesa, Arizona

The Mesa Data Center, first announced in August 2021, is a greenfield development of a five-building campus encompassing over 2.5 million square feet of data center and admin space for tech giant Meta, the parent company of Facebook.

Facebook needs no introduction.

According to, in 2023, Facebook was the largest social media platform with 3.03 billion monthly active users worldwide.

Facebook generates 4 new petabytes (1 million gigabytes) of data per day, sees 100 million hours of daily video watch time, generates 4 million likes every minute, uploads more than 250 billion photos, and ingests 500+ terabytes of data each day.

The company has a large and complex infrastructure that uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) for some of its backend servers. Plus, it maintains 18 global data centers, with 14 located in the United States, to store Facebook data.

Five-Building Campus, $800 Million Investment

According to Construction Dive, a new 960,000 square foot Facebook data center is being constructed in Mesa, Arizona worth $800 million, which will become the company’s first facility in Arizona. The project is expected to support an estimated 100 long-term operational jobs and 1,500 temporary construction jobs. At the height of construction, the number of skilled tradespeople onsite could peak at 2,000 workers.

The Mesa Data Center, first announced in August 2021, is a greenfield development of a five-building campus encompassing over 2.5 million square feet of data center and administrative space for tech giant Meta, the parent company of Facebook, founded by Mark Zuckerberg. Meta purchased the 396 acres site for $123.2 million.

The Mesa Data Center will be built on the southeast corner of Elliot and Ellsworth roads. Apple already has a massive facility located at Elliot and Signal Butte, and Google plans to build a new data center on Elliot west of Sossaman. Numerous other cloud storage firms are located in Arizona’s Elliot Road Tech Corridor.

Arizona Elliot Road Tech Corridor
A 960,000 sq. ft. Facebook data center is being constructed in Mesa, Arizona worth $800 million.

DPR Construction Selected as General Contractor

Meta selected California-based contractor DPR Construction to build this $800 million data center. “Building the campus will use 12,000 tons of steel, more than the Eiffel Tower, and will incorporate over 600 miles of framing studs and 700 acres of drywall. Roughly 2,000 people are working on the project, which is expected to be completed in 2026,” according to a social media post from Mesa’s Mayor John Giles.

DPR Construction plans to hire drywall contractors, concrete contractors, general carpenters, laborers, acoustical ceiling installers, caulking installers, waterproofing installers, steel strut installers, door, frame and hardware installers, and many other tradespeople to complete construction.

The new data center will power Facebook, making digital communication and connection possible. The facility will house routers, switches, servers, storage systems, and other equipment to keep applications running and data secure for Facebook's 3.03 billion monthly active users, allowing them to interact, exchange messages, and share photos.

Telecom data centers are going through a similar transformation to handle high data volume and low latency needs. The average full-scale data center is 100,000 square feet in size and runs around 100,000 servers, which are essentially powerful computers. Servers are often stored in racks, which is like a cabinet for multiple servers.

Data Center FB Post
Building the campus will use 12,000 tons of steel, more than the Eiffel Tower, and will incorporate over 600 miles of framing studs and 700 acres of drywall.

Prioritizing Sustainable Energy and Water Conservation

Meta is also prioritizing sustainable energy and water conservation for the Mesa data center.

Three new Arizona solar projects from the Salt River Project will deliver a combined 500 megawatts of power. The first, a 100-megawatt West Line Solar, came online in fall 2022, followed by 200-megawatt plants Randolph Solar Park and Valley Farms Solar, in 2023. All three solar plants are located in Pinal County. The new Facebook facility in Mesa expects to use about 450 megawatts of power. These solar projects will allow this data center to operate with 100% renewable energy.

Water conservation is also an important initiative because the Arizona groundwater supply can’t support the new data centers.  

According to Business Insider, “These huge data centers use incredible amounts of water because the computing gear inside gets really hot when it processes all those videos and mobile app sessions. Water is often used to cool the equipment.”

Rachel Peterson, VP of Infrastructure at Facebook said, “the Mesa facility will use 60% less water than the average data center, with water recycled several times before it's discharged for agricultural use.”

Facebooks says it will not draw water rights from the city of Mesa. It has invested in three Arizona projects that will restore over 200 million gallons of water per year in the Colorado River and Salt River basins. One project is repairing and upgrading a tribal irrigation system in northern Arizona in exchange for leaving some of the tribe's water allotment in Lake Mead. The three water conservation projects will replace more water than the data center will consume.

Peterson added, “We are thrilled to be breaking ground on our newest data center. Mesa stood out as a great location for a number of reasons. It has great access to infrastructure, opportunities for renewable energy development, strong talent for both construction and operations, and great community partners.”

Sandra Watson, President and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority said, “Arizona has become one of the leading destinations for data centers anywhere in the world, and with the addition of Facebook, we demonstrate once again our premier attractiveness for technology. We look forward to partnering with Facebook to prioritize sustainability and conservation as we add to Arizona’s already thriving technology ecosystem.”

Data Center 3D BIM Model
The facility will house routers, switches, servers, storage systems, and other equipment to keep applications running and data secure for Facebook's 3.03 billion monthly active users.

Facebook Data Center Locations

According to Data Center Frontier, Facebook has invested more than $16 billion in building and operating its data centers in the United States. The company developed a new website that maps the locations of the company's 18 data centers, (plus new data centers which broke ground recently) that will span 40 million square feet of data center space, along with 52 solar power arrays and 15 wind farms providing renewable energy to support its online operations, and 9 water conservation projects.

Facebook Data Center Locations:

  • Odense Data Center, Southern Denmark, Denmark
  • Clonee Data Center, Leinster, Ireland
  • Singapore Data Center, Tanjong Kling, Singapore
  • Luleå Data Center, Norrbotten County, Sweden
  • Huntsville Data Center, Alabama, USA
  • Montgomery Data Center, Alabama, USA (2024 break ground)
  • Mesa Data Center, Arizona, USA (2021 break ground)
  • Newton Data Center, Georgia, USA
  • Kuna Data Center, Idaho, USA (2022 break ground)
  • Jeffersonville Data Center, Indiana, USA (2024 break ground)
  • DeKalb Data Center, Illinois, USA
  • Altoona Data Center, Iowa, USA
  • Rosemount Data Center, Minnesota, USA (2024 break ground)
  • Kansas City Data Center, Missouri, USA (2022 break ground)
  • Papillion Data Center, Nebraska, USA
  • Los Luna Data Center, New Mexico, USA
  • Forest City Data Center, North Carolina, USA
  • New Albany Data Center, Ohio, USA
  • Prineville Data Center, Oregon, USA
  • Gallatin Data Center, Tennessee, USA
  • Fort Worth Data Center, Texas, USA
  • Temple Data Center, Texas, USA (2022 break ground)
  • Eagle Mountain Data Center, Utah, USA
  • Henrico Data Center, Virginia, USA

Tom Furlong, President of Infrastructure, Data Centers at Meta, says “We have 48 active buildings and another 47 buildings under construction. So, we’re going to have more than 70 buildings in the near future.”

Facebook is not alone, many companies are pouring billions of dollars into expanding their data center infrastructure to meet demand for their digital services.

Facebook maintains 18 global data centers, with 14 located in the United States.

How Can GPRS Help?

GPRS delivers a comprehensive array of services to data centers for subsurface damage prevention, existing condition documentation, and management of construction and facility projects.

Our offerings in concrete scanning, utility locating, video pipe inspection, and leak detection help prevent subsurface damage during excavation, or when drilling or slicing through concrete. Leveraging cutting-edge tools like ground penetrating radar (GPR), electromagnetic (EM) locating, and remote-operated sewer pipe inspection rovers, our SIM and NASSCO-certified Project Managers (PMs) equip you with an in-depth view of your site’s subsurface structures.

For a clear depiction of above-ground conditions and to document our PMs’ findings in utility locating and concrete scanning, our 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry services deliver 2-4 mm-accurate data useful for both project design and future operation and maintenance (O&M) tasks. Furthermore, our internal Mapping & Modeling Department can tailor this data into any required format and software.

GPRS delivers accurate as-built data to the Renewable Energy sector. We have completed hundreds of wind (utility-scale) and solar projects in all stages of project development and construction. With the recent expansion of the EV-charging network, we’ve worked with major companies such as Tesla, Rivian, ChargePoint, EVgo, and Electrify America to provide above-ground architectural, structural and MEP as-builts and BIM models, plus underground utility locates using the most reliable scanning technology available. 

We deliver up-to-date and accurate construction as-builts, existing condition drawings, utility maps, 2D CAD drawings, 3D BIM models, 3D mesh models, digital twins, point clouds, updated floorplans (FLRPLN), and more for construction design, prefabrication, clash detection, facility modifications, and asset management. An accurate record of existing conditions can expedite project planning and decision making for data center construction.

All GPRS data, drawings, maps, and models are delivered via SiteMap®, our industry-leading infrastructure software platform. And the best part is you get a complimentary SiteMap® Personal Subscription with every GPRS service.

What can we help you visualize?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process of constructing a data center?

According to, the entire process, which includes engineering, materials procurement, civil works, equipment installation, and commissioning tests, often takes anywhere from 1.5 to 3 years. At the height of construction, it's not unusual for such projects to employ over 1,000 construction workers on-site temporarily.

Why put a data center in Mesa?

Sandra Watson, President and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority, said Arizona is now a leading destination for data centers. The Phoenix region is booming with data center construction due to its low natural disaster risk. Several other companies operate or are developing data centers in east Mesa including Apple, Google, EdgeCore, Cyrus One, Digital Realty, NTT/Raging Wire, and Edgeconnex, according to an article by Data Centre Dynamics, an industry publication.

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Why Do Construction Fatality Numbers Continue to Rise?

Construction fatalities increased by 7.7% in 2022, continuing an uptick in accidents, reportable incidents, and deaths. This increase follows a decade of reductions and a renewed focus on worker safety over the preceding decade. So, what’s changed?

In 2022 1,069 construction workers died on the job according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That number puts construction at the top of a disturbing chart – the same chart it has topped since record-keeping began – reflecting the most on-the-job deaths in the U.S.

A chart showing how many fatalities occur across various industries. The construction industry had the most deaths in 2022, with 1,069, followed by transportation and warehousing with 1,053, and professional and business services with 598.
Construction fatality statistics continue to top all other industries. Data credit: Construction Dive

Fatalities on construction sites increased by 7.7% in 2022. Across all industries, a worker died every 96 minutes on the job in the U.S., and there was an alarming increase in workplace suicides, which increased by 13.1%. The construction industry has a higher fatality rate overall than every other industry; this includes a larger-than-average number of substance abuse issues, overdoses, and suicides compared to other industries.

The History of Workplace Injury & Fatality Data

Prior to 1970 and the passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act that established OSHA, private construction contractors and businesses like coal mines, railroads, and oil rigs were not required to report statistics on workplace fatalities. According to one source, a leading “skyscraper construction firm” admitted that one worker perished every 33 hours on site between 1910 and 1920. That’s more than one fatality a week, approximately 65 deaths annually, and that’s just the statistic from one company.

Famous black & white photo of construction workers eating boxed lunches on a girder high above New York City, entitled “Lunch Atop A Skyscraper,” by Charles Clyde Ebbets.
The iconic “Lunch Atop A Skyscraper” image shot by Charles Clyde Ebbets in 1932 reflects how our attitudes about construction safety have changed.

When you consider the construction involved in the handful of industries listed above, and the fact that no one had to report any incidents, injuries, or deaths that occurred while workers toiled in harrowing conditions, the potentially unreported loss of life in construction, extraction, and related industries prior to 1970 is staggering.

100 years later, thankfully, the number of construction site deaths is significantly smaller; yet jobsite fatalities are still far higher than every other industry, and are rising, after staying largely “flat” since 2012.

The Fatal Four, Plus One

In mid-April of 2023, OSHA released its raw data on work-related injury and illness across all industries, but has not yet provided analysis of the millions of pieces of information. If the underlying causes of accidents, injuries, and fatalities remain consistent with prior years, the “fatal four” plus one, continue to take lives. Many of those fatalities could have been prevented or avoided if safety protocols were understood and followed by everyone on site.  

Almost everyone on a job site is familiar with OSHA’s Fatal 4, also sometimes called the Focus 4:

  • Slips, Trips & Falls
  • Struck By Accidents
  • Caught In-Between Accidents
  • Electrocutions

The data has remained consistent over the last decade for the top four causes of death on construction sites, which is why most safety training rightly focuses on them. According to analysis from The Associated General Contractors of America, falls accounted for 38% of fatalities, struck by deaths account for 8%, electrocutions, 6%, and fatalities caused by being struck, caught in-between, or crushed by materials or equipment were at 5% in 2022.

Incidences of caught in-between and struck by accidents as related to trenching activity have experienced an alarming uptick in recent years. So much so that OSHA issued an enhanced enforcement directive to address the “alarming rise” in trench related fatalities.

The “Plus 1” to OSHA’s Fatal 4 is silicosis, the incurable lung condition caused by breathing respirable crystalline silica dust (RCS), that is the byproduct of concrete, stone, and brick cutting, coring, and drilling activities. In 2019, OSHA put forth an initiative to raise awareness about silicosis and in 2022, the administration added enhanced enforcement and reporting measures for those who work with cut stone to improve PPE requirements and incidence reporting for RCS.

With so much emphasis on construction safety and saving lives, the increase in construction fatalities is troubling. Until the 2023 data is analyzed, it is difficult to come to specific conclusions, but two factors seem to be contributing to the increase in fatal construction accidents.

  1. Workforce Shortage
    Data released at the beginning of 2024 demonstrates just how tight the construction labor market is. A 500,000 skilled worker shortage is cited as one of the biggest issues in completing large-scale projects and infrastructure upgrades. That means supervisors and foremen are pushing harder than ever to get jobs done, and that stress trickles directly down to each individual contractor and tradesperson.
  2. Substance Use on the Job
    As noted at the top of this piece, the construction industry has an increasing problem with mental health and substance use/abuse on the job. Construction Safety Week began addressing this issue on a national level in 2020 and continues that focus with this year’s theme – Value Every Voice.

Memorializing the Fallen & Bringing Additional Awareness

Did you know that there is a national Workers Memorial Day in the U.S., sponsored by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration?

There is. It was established in 1970, the same year as OSHA, by the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) to commemorate those who have lost their lives at work and to draw attention to workplace accidents, fatalities, and the need for ever-increasing safety on the job. Now the event has been expanded to a week-long series of events from to provide industry and employer education on health and safety.

The event’s organizers have expanded beyond its union roots to include OSHA, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), and the U.S. Department of Labor. There is even a virtual “memorial wall,” created in conjunction with the United Support & Memorial for Workplace Fatalities (USMWF), where families can send photos of their loved ones lost to work-related accidents to be memorialized.

The goal of all of these initiatives and reports remains the same – to eliminate construction-related fatalities throughout our industry. Join us in this mission by registering for a complimentary Construction Safety Week talk, sponsored by GPRS, today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What role does safety training and education play in preventing construction accidents?

Proper safety training that includes best practices surrounding OSHA’s Fatal 4: avoidance of slips, trips & falls, caught in-between, struck-by, and electrocution accidents, plus additional training and resources for mental health awareness, heat-related illnesses, etc. have made a real impact on construction safety. Until 2021-2022, the industry had seen a marked and continual decrease in job site incidents and fatalities.

GPRS’ Construction Safety Week talks include all of the above best practices and PPE use, plus silicosis awareness, and put the focus and responsibility for safety on each individual in the workplace. Each person who attends a GPRS CSW event leaves with a personal safety plan designed to protect them and help them protect their co-workers.

What are the consequences for companies that fail to prioritize safety on their worksites?

OSHA and other state and federal regulatory agencies take workplace accidents very seriously. Fines and regulatory penalties, legal actions, and expensive insurance premiums are just some of the ramifications of failing to protect construction workers on site. Beyond that, when there is a major construction accident or a fatality, the public scrutiny and media attention can directly and negatively impact your reputation and your bottom line.

In recent years, OSHA has issued enhanced enforcement initiatives and investigations that have even called for state agencies to criminally prosecute construction companies whose non-compliance issues have led to fatalities.

Are there any emerging trends or technologies that could help reduce construction fatalities in the future?

Striking utilities like gas or electrical lines underground, or hitting a post tension cable or conduit inside a concrete slab are major factors that contribute to workplace accidents, injuries, damages, and fatalities.

GPRS is pursuing 100% subsurface damage prevention and currently maintains a 99.8%+ accuracy rate in subsurface utility locating and mapping, and concrete scanning and imaging. When you know what’s underground and inside before you cut, core, dig, or drill, your chances of a mishap fall dramatically.

While the tools of our damage prevention trade – ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic locators, and other equipment – help you see what is underneath the surface, the new technology we’ve created to help you visualize your existing conditions and infrastructure may be the most effective safety tool we can provide. SiteMap®, powered by GPRS, is our new digital utility and infrastructure mapping and data management tool, and all GPRS customers receive a complimentary SiteMap® Personal subscription to help them Intelligently Visualize The Built World® to dig, collaborate, manage, and build better.

About GPRS
Ground Penetrating Radar
Utility Locating
Concrete Scanning

Why Substance Abuse is the Biggest Safety Issue in Construction

It’s hard to talk about substance use on a construction site. When taking your eye off the ball for a second can cause a fatal accident, working while high puts everyone at risk.

When we talk about construction safety, it’s easy to stick to what we know: proper PPE, harnesses and lifelines, trench shields, etc. Every safety director on a job site reminds construction crews daily about the potential hazards they face.

However, when it comes to talking about arguably the biggest safety problem on any project – one that takes the lives of 131 out of every 100,000 construction workers – there is often silence.

Because it’s hard to talk about substance abuse and addiction in the middle of a hard-driving construction site. When you’re on the job, the schedule is everything; the pressure to just “suck it up” and perform is intense. And in an industry where taking your eye off the ball for a second can cause a fatal accident, working while high puts everyone at risk.

Josh Vitale, a construction supervisor with Hoffman Construction Company, one of the founders of the GUTS project/Tough Enough To Talk, and Vice Chair of Construction Suicide Prevention Week shared some sobering statistics:

Construction Workers:

  • Are seven times more likely to die of an opioid overdose than workers in other industries
  • Have the highest proportion of heroin-related overdose deaths
  • Represent about 25% of fatal opioid overdoses among all workers

The National Survey on Drug Use, administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, reports that construction workers deal with substance and alcohol disorders at nearly double the rate of any other industry. The national average for an “alcohol use disorder” is 7.5%; that rate skyrockets to 12% among construction workers, and they are 150% more likely to be diagnosed with a substance use disorder than other full-time workers.  

Construction workers are a statistically outsized group who struggle with substance use disorders, overdoses, and suicide.

Vitale shared harrowing stories of drug and alcohol-related accidents, injuries, and overdose deaths he’s dealt with personally on sites he has supervised.

“Construction requires workers to sacrifice their bodies for decades. It’s no wonder they’re self-medicating for chronic pain. It’s not uncommon to see multiple overdoses per project. It has become commonplace, and that fact is tragic.”

Construction Dive reported that at the micro level, the overdose rates were highest among roofers (177.4 per 100,000), drywall installers & tapers (175.1 per 100,000), and painters (162.1 per 100,000). The stressors that accompany construction work, seasonal employment, downtime between jobs, and the physical strain of performing the work are all contributing factors that lead to substance use and abuse.

And as part of a 2022 round table on mental health in construction, Cindy DePrater said, “Research shows when employers initiate and support treatment for mental health disorders and substance misuse, it is more effective in the long term than at the urging of family or friends. When we take care of ourselves, we feel safer. When we take care of ourselves, it also becomes easier to support others.”

Part of the issue with overdose and suicide deaths in construction is gender specific. Construction is still a heavily male industry, and the suicide rate for workers is four times higher than the general population, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. That may also play a part in why it is so difficult for construction workers to seek out help.

As DePrater pointed out, and Vitale agrees, one solution is to bring the help directly to those who need it. That is how the Get Us There Safely (GUTS) Project was born.

Hoffman Construction Company graphic: White and yellow on a black background, with the words “Depression is everywhere. So is help.” and the Tough Enough To Talk/GUTS logo.
Hoffman Construction Company is centering mental health and substance use issues
with the GUTS initiative.

GUTS’ goal is to provide a decompression space on site for construction workers. They’ve placed 10 trailers on jobsites throughout the U.S., and one in Israel, that contain private rooms for telehealth & teletherapy appointments, a lounge area to allow for a quiet moment, and some entertainment like foosball tables and dart boards. Vitale characterizes a GUTS trailer as having all the characteristics of a bar, without any of the damaging substances.

GUTS and Tough Enough To Talk aim to provide anyone in need a space to de-stress, breathe, and maybe to talk before making an unfortunate choice. And as anyone on a job site knows, getting a construction worker to open up about anything is a very tall order. That’s why Construction Safety Week (CSW) began to feature mental health and substance abuse materials in their safety talks in 2020 and have continued to center mental health and physical health concerns in this year’s theme – Value Every Voice.

Just like knowing the best practices to avoid slips, trips, and falls, your mental health and wellbeing are crucial to your ability to perform at your peak and stay safe. So let’s value every voice by listening, even when it’s tough to talk about it.

Construction Safety Week is May 6-10, 2024. GPRS offers complimentary CSW talks on job sites throughout the nation. Schedule yours today.

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Mapping America's Infrastructure Renaissance: The Role of Accurate Infrastructure Mapping in Ongoing Revitalization Efforts

As construction cranes dot the skyline and bulldozers break ground on transformative projects, the importance of accurate infrastructure mapping cannot be overstated.

America’s infrastructure is receiving some much-needed TLC, in large part due to the influx of funding courtesy of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act.

As construction cranes dot the skyline and bulldozers break ground on transformative projects, the importance of accurate infrastructure mapping cannot be overstated. In a world where time, budget, and safety are paramount concerns, precise mapping powered by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, utility locating, ground-penetrating radar (GPR), and electromagnetic locating emerges as the linchpin for keeping these endeavors on track.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Act: A Catalyst for Change

With over $1 trillion allocated to a diverse array of projects spanning transportation, water systems, broadband expansion, and energy infrastructure, this legislation represents a seismic shift in how America approaches infrastructure investment. From repairing crumbling roads and bridges to expanding high-speed internet access in underserved communities, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act heralds a new era of progress and opportunity for communities across the United States.

Three construction workers stand in the middle of a job site looking at a tablet.
As construction cranes dot the skyline and bulldozers break ground on transformative projects, the importance of accurate infrastructure mapping cannot be overstated.

The Critical Role of Accurate Infrastructure Mapping

At the heart of any successful infrastructure project lies accurate mapping—a comprehensive understanding of the existing physical and spatial landscape upon which new developments will be built. Infrastructure mapping, facilitated by advanced GIS technology, enables project planners and engineers to visualize, analyze, and manage complex data sets related to land use, topography, utilities, and infrastructure assets. By harnessing the power of GIS, stakeholders can make informed decisions, optimize project designs, and mitigate risks before construction begins.

Utility Locating: Unveiling the Hidden Infrastructure

One of the primary challenges in infrastructure development is navigating the labyrinth of underground utilities that crisscross beneath our feet. From water and sewer lines to electrical cables and telecommunications infrastructure, accurately locating buried utilities is essential to avoid costly and potentially dangerous conflicts during construction. GPR and electromagnetic locating techniques offer invaluable tools for non-destructive utility mapping, enabling project teams to identify and map underground assets with precision. By integrating utility locating into the mapping process, project planners can proactively address potential conflicts, minimize disruptions, and ensure the safety of workers and the public.

Enhancing Safety Through Comprehensive Mapping

Safety is paramount on any construction site, and accurate infrastructure mapping plays a pivotal role in safeguarding workers and the surrounding community. By mapping potential hazards such as underground utilities, unstable terrain, and environmental risks, project teams can develop comprehensive safety plans and protocols to mitigate risks and prevent accidents. GIS technology enables real-time monitoring and analysis of safety-related data, empowering project managers to identify emerging risks and implement proactive measures to ensure a safe working environment.

Keeping Projects on Time and on Budget

In the fast-paced world of construction, time is money, and delays can have significant financial implications. Accurate infrastructure mapping enables project teams to optimize project schedules, streamline workflows, and identify potential bottlenecks before they occur. By integrating GIS data with project management tools, stakeholders can track progress, manage resources, and anticipate challenges, keeping projects on track and within budget.

GPRS Project Managers using electromagnetic locators and ground penetrating radar scanners.
By harnessing the power of GIS technology, utility locating, and advanced mapping techniques, GPRS allows stakeholders in the construction industry to navigate the complexities of infrastructure development with confidence.

GPRS: Mapping the Path to a Brighter Future

As America embarks on a historic infrastructure renaissance, accurate mapping emerges as the cornerstone of success. From the halls of Congress to construction sites across the country, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act is paving the way for transformative change.

By harnessing the power of GIS technology, utility locating, and advanced mapping techniques, GPRS allows stakeholders in the construction industry to navigate the complexities of infrastructure development with confidence, ensuring that projects are completed safely, efficiently, and with lasting impact.

From skyscrapers to sewer lines, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Benefits of Underground Utility Mapping?

Having an updated and accurate map of your subsurface infrastructure reduces accidents, budget overruns, change orders, and project downtime caused by dangerous and costly subsurface damage.

How does SiteMap® assist with Utility Mapping?

SiteMap®, powered by GPRS, is the industry-leading infrastructure management program. It is a single source of truth, housing the 99.8%+ accurate utility locating, concrete scanning, video pipe inspection, leak detection, and 3D laser scanning data our Project Managers collect on your job site. And the best part is you get a complimentary SiteMap® Personal Subscription when GPRS performs a utility locate for you.

Click here to learn more.

Does SiteMap® Work with my Existing GIS Platform?

SiteMap® allows for exporting of data to SHP, GeoJSON, GeoPackage, and DXF directly from any user’s account that either owns or has a job shared to their account. All these file formats can be imported and utilized by other GIS packages if manually imported by the user. More information can be found at

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling

How Building Information Modeling (BIM) Improves Construction Safety

Building Information Modeling (BIM) not only revolutionizes project visualization and coordination but also serves as a powerful ally in enhancing safety protocols and mitigating risks across construction projects of all scales.

Safety is one of the primary concerns of every construction professional. It shapes every facet of project planning, execution, and management.

As technology continues to revolutionize the industry, one innovation has emerged as a game-changer in the quest for safer worksites: Building Information Modeling (BIM). This sophisticated digital toolset not only revolutionizes project visualization and coordination but also serves as a powerful ally in enhancing safety protocols and mitigating risks across construction projects of all scales.

Understanding Building Information Modeling (BIM)

At its core, BIM is a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building or infrastructure project. Unlike traditional two-dimensional drawings or blueprints, BIM encompasses a comprehensive database of information, including geometric data, spatial relationships, materials specifications, and performance attributes. This multidimensional approach enables stakeholders to visualize, simulate, and analyze various aspects of a project before construction begins, fostering greater collaboration, efficiency, and insight throughout the project lifecycle.

Building information modeling of the exterior of an industrial facility.
BIM fosters collaborative decision-making among project stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and subcontractors.

The Role of BIM in Safety Enhancement

While BIM offers a myriad of benefits across the construction spectrum, its impact on safety is particularly profound. By leveraging advanced visualization, simulation, and analysis capabilities, BIM empowers project teams to identify and address safety hazards proactively, resulting in safer worksites and reduced incidents of accidents or injuries.

Enhanced Planning and Design

BIM enables designers and engineers to create detailed digital prototypes of structures, allowing for early identification and mitigation of safety risks during the planning and design phases. By simulating various construction scenarios and analyzing potential hazards, such as clashes between building components or accessibility challenges, designers can make informed decisions to optimize safety without compromising project objectives.

Clash Detection and Coordination

One of the hallmark features of BIM is its ability to facilitate clash detection and coordination among various building systems and components. By integrating architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) models into a single, unified platform, BIM allows project teams to identify and resolve clashes or conflicts before they manifest in the field. This preemptive approach not only streamlines construction workflows but also minimizes the likelihood of on-site accidents resulting from clashes or interferences.

Virtual Construction and Simulation

BIM enables virtual construction and simulation, providing stakeholders with a realistic, immersive preview of the project before construction commences. Through virtual walkthroughs, simulations, and 4D scheduling, project teams can visualize the construction process in detail, identifying potential safety hazards, logistical challenges, and workflow optimizations. This proactive approach empowers teams to implement safety measures and protocols early in the project lifecycle, reducing the risk of accidents or delays during actual construction.

Site Safety Planning and Analysis

BIM supports site safety planning and analysis by providing tools for hazard identification, risk assessment, and safety simulation. Project teams can utilize BIM to conduct virtual safety audits, assess site logistics, and evaluate the effectiveness of safety measures such as fall protection systems, signage, and emergency egress routes. By simulating various scenarios and analyzing their potential impact on safety, teams can develop comprehensive safety plans that prioritize the well-being of workers and mitigate project risks.

Collaborative Decision-Making

BIM fosters collaborative decision-making among project stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and subcontractors. By sharing a common data environment and real-time project information, teams can communicate effectively, coordinate activities, and address safety concerns in a timely manner. This collaborative approach promotes transparency, accountability, and shared responsibility for safety across the project team, ultimately leading to safer worksites and better project outcomes.

The Role of BIM Services in Safety Enhancement

To harness the full potential of BIM in enhancing safety, many construction firms rely on specialized BIM services and BIM modeling services. These professional providers offer expertise in BIM implementation, training, support, and project management, helping organizations leverage BIM to its fullest extent for safety improvement. From initial project planning to construction execution and facility management, BIM services play a crucial role in integrating safety considerations into every phase of the project lifecycle.

In an industry where safety is non-negotiable, BIM has emerged as a transformative force, empowering project teams to proactively identify, assess, and mitigate safety risks across all stages of construction. By leveraging advanced visualization, simulation, and analysis capabilities, BIM enables enhanced planning, coordination, and decision-making, leading to safer worksites, reduced accidents, and improved project outcomes.

As the construction industry continues to embrace digital innovation, the role of BIM in safety enhancement is poised to become even more indispensable, driving a culture of safety excellence and innovation for years to come.

A GPRS Project Manager uses a 3D laser scanner while holding a tablet.
As the foremost provider of 3D laser scanning and BIM modeling services, GPRS is reshaping the landscape of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) design processes.

GPRS Provides Industry-Leading 3D Laser Scanning, BIM Services

As the foremost provider of 3D laser scanning and BIM modeling services, GPRS is reshaping the landscape of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) design processes. Our cutting-edge laser scanning technology captures precise measurements of existing structures, while our BIM modeling seamlessly integrates this data to ensure accurate visualization and coordination of MEP elements. This meticulous approach not only optimizes spatial layouts but also enhances efficiency and drastically reduces errors and rework, culminating in unparalleled results for our clients' projects.

GPRS leads the charge in supporting MEP installation projects nationwide, boasting extensive expertise in 3D laser scanning and utility locating.

Our SIM-certified Project Managers leverage state-of-the-art Leica laser scanners, ground-penetrating radar, and electromagnetic locators to meticulously gather as-built site conditions. And our in-house Mapping and Modeling Team compiles this data into bespoke utility maps, 2D CAD drawings, and immersive 3D BIM models.

This comprehensive suite of deliverables is seamlessly integrated into SiteMap®, our proprietary cloud-based infrastructure mapping software solution. SiteMap® offers a user-friendly interface that provides access to georeferenced utility data, CAD files, and BIM models, all within a single platform, ensuring streamlined collaboration and informed decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.

What can GPRS help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does 3D laser scanning take?

An individual scan usually takes between 1-2 minutes. Your GPRS Project Manager will set up the scanner in multiple positions around your building or site. Most building scanning projects can be laser scanned in as little as a couple of hours, but larger sites may take a few days. Entire facilities or campuses can take several weeks to capture.

How much does 3D laser scanning cost?

The cost of 3D laser scanning a building or site depends on the size and complexity of what is being scanned. 3D building information modeling (BIM) costs are based on the size of the area being modeled, level of detail (LoD), and features needing to be included. 3D laser scanning can bring tremendous cost savings to a project. Quality data can lead to a faster design process and fewer change orders, ultimately saving time and money.

Is BIM only suitable for large projects?

No. Building information modeling (BIM) provides comprehensive site information that brings value to projects of all shapes and sizes. BIM management will expedite planning, improve workflows, and increase collaboration – which means that implementing BIM laser scanning will lead to cost and time savings, regardless of the project scale and complexity.

3D Laser Scanning
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Mapping & Modeling

The Vital Role of Grounding Grids in Power Infrastructure

In the intricate web of power infrastructure, grounding grids stand as silent guardians, ensuring the safety and integrity of electrical systems. While they may not garner the spotlight like towering transmission lines or imposing substations, grounding grids play a pivotal role in protecting personnel, equipment, and the surrounding environment from the perils of electrical faults and surges.

An electrical substation at night.
At the heart of every electrical substation lies a grounding grid, a network of conductive materials strategically buried beneath the earth’s surface to serve as a low-impedance path for fault currents during a fault or lightning strike. It’s important to protect these systems when excavating at or near a substation.

Understanding Grounding Grids

At the heart of every electrical substation lies a grounding grid, a network of conductive materials strategically buried beneath the earth's surface. This grid serves as a low-impedance path for fault currents, diverting them away from sensitive equipment and structures. By providing a stable reference point for electrical potential, grounding grids mitigate the risk of equipment damage, electrical fires, and personnel injury in the event of a fault or lightning strike.

Ensuring Continuity and Integrity

Maintaining the continuity and integrity of the grounding grid is paramount for its effectiveness. Any discontinuities or degradation in the grid's conductive elements can compromise its ability to safely dissipate fault currents. Periodic testing and maintenance are essential to identify potential issues such as corrosion, loose connections, or inadequate soil resistivity, ensuring that the grounding system remains robust and reliable.

A GPRS Project Manager runs a ground penetrating radar scanner across a job site while marking findings with spray paint.
Professional private utility locating services, such as the ones offered by GPRS, can help prevent damage to grounding grids when excavating at or near a substation.

The Importance of Locating and Mapping Grounding Grids

Given the critical role of grounding grids in safeguarding power infrastructure, it's imperative to accurately locate and map these systems before undertaking any excavation or trenching activities in their vicinity. Failure to do so can have dire consequences, ranging from equipment damage to severe injury or even loss of life.

Excavation work near grounding grids poses a significant risk of inadvertent contact with energized conductors. Without precise knowledge of the grid's location, workers may unknowingly breach its protective perimeter, exposing themselves to the danger of electric shock or electrocution.

Grounding grids are designed to divert fault currents away from critical equipment and structures. Any disruption to the grid's integrity due to excavation-related damage can compromise its ability to fulfill this crucial function, potentially leading to costly equipment failures or service disruptions.

Excavation activities conducted without proper consideration for grounding grids can result in environmental damage, such as soil contamination or disruption of natural habitats. By accurately locating and mapping these systems beforehand, environmental impacts can be minimized, ensuring responsible stewardship of the surrounding ecosystem.

Mitigating Risks Through Proactive Measures

To mitigate the risks associated with excavating near grounding grids, it's essential to adopt a proactive approach that prioritizes safety and adherence to best practices:

Utility Locate Services: Engage the services of professional utility locating companies equipped with specialized tools and expertise to accurately identify the location of grounding grids and other buried utilities. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic (EM) locating can be invaluable in this regard, providing precise mapping of subsurface infrastructure.

Communication and Coordination: Establish clear communication channels between project stakeholders, including utility owners, excavators, and construction crews. Develop a comprehensive excavation plan that incorporates the identified locations of grounding grids and outlines measures to avoid interference or damage during the excavation process.

Safety Training and Awareness: Provide comprehensive safety training to all personnel involved in excavation activities, emphasizing the importance of identifying and respecting the presence of grounding grids and other electrical infrastructure. Promote a culture of safety awareness and accountability to minimize the risk of accidents or incidents.

GPRS Helps Safeguard Power Infrastructure

Grounding grids are an indispensable element of power infrastructure, providing a vital layer of protection against electrical hazards. By accurately locating and mapping these systems before excavating or trenching near them, we can mitigate risks, protect personnel and equipment, and ensure the continued reliability and resilience of our electrical networks.

GPRS offers 99.8%+ accurate utility locating services designed to mitigate the risk of subsurface damage by providing you with the information you need to break ground safely. Using ground penetrating radar scanners and electromagnetic locating, our SIM-certified Project Managers create comprehensive infrastructure maps to keep you on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are grounding grids important?

Grounding grids play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and integrity of electrical systems. By providing a stable reference point for electrical potential, they mitigate the risk of equipment damage, electrical fires, and personnel injury in the event of a fault or lightning strike.

How does a grounding grid work?

During normal operation, a grounding grid remains dormant, with little to no current flowing through it. However, in the event of a fault or lightning strike, the grid provides a low-resistance path for fault currents to dissipate harmlessly into the earth, diverting them away from sensitive equipment and structures.

What are the risks associated with excavating near grounding grids?

Excavation activities conducted near grounding grids pose significant risks, including the potential for inadvertent contact with energized conductors, damage to the grid's integrity, and environmental impact. Without proper precautions and awareness, excavation-related incidents can result in equipment failures, service disruptions, or even injury or loss of life.

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling

Uncovering the Veiled: The Intricacies of Locating Buried Utilities

When it comes to construction or excavation projects, you need to know what lies below. Professional utility locating services like those offered by GPRS can keep your project on time, on budget, and safe.

Beneath our feet lies a labyrinth of essential infrastructure, a network of buried utilities that powers our modern world.

From electrical cables to water pipes, these lifelines remain unseen, hidden from view, yet vital for our daily lives. However, when it comes to construction or excavation projects, ignorance of these underground assets can lead to costly damages, service disruptions, or even dangerous accidents.

The solution? A meticulous process of utility locating, employing advanced technologies and professional expertise to unveil the secrets hidden beneath the earth's surface.

A GPRS Project Manager runs a ground penetrating radar scanner across a job site.
When it comes to construction or excavation projects, you need to know what lies below. Professional utility locating services like those offered by GPRS can keep your project on time, on budget, and safe.

Federal law requires that before you dig you must call your state’s 811 one-call service to provide you with the approximate location of all buried public utilities on your job site.

But it’s important to remember that 811 contractors do not locate private utilities, which make up 60% of all buried infrastructure in the U.S. This means that to ensure you won’t hit anything when you break ground, you need to hire a private utility locating company in addition to contacting 811.

Understanding the Need for Utility Locating

Before delving into the intricacies of utility locating, it's crucial to grasp why it's indispensable.

Picture a construction crew breaking ground for a new building or a homeowner digging to plant trees in their backyard. Without prior knowledge of buried utilities, they run the risk of inadvertently severing power lines, puncturing water mains, or damaging telecommunication cables. Beyond the inconvenience and expense, such mishaps can pose serious safety hazards and lead to service outages.

A GPRS Project Manager holds an electromagnetic locator and a spray paint wand.
Utility locating specialists like GPRS’ SIM-certified Project Managers are equipped with the tools and expertise to mitigate the risk of subsurface damage on your job sites.

The Role of Professional Utility Locating Services

Enter the professionals: utility locating specialists equipped with the tools and expertise to mitigate these risks. A professional utility locating company offers a comprehensive array of services tailored to identify and map the underground infrastructure accurately. These services are not limited to public utilities but also extend to private facilities, such as underground storage tanks, septic systems, and irrigation lines.

Tools of the Trade: Ground Penetrating Radar and Electromagnetic Locating

At the heart of utility locating are two primary technologies: Ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic (EM) locating. GPR works by emitting high-frequency radio waves into the ground and analyzing the reflected signals to detect subsurface anomalies. This non-destructive method is particularly effective for locating non-metallic utilities like plastic pipes and concrete structures.

A ground penetrating radar scanner provides real-time data, allowing technicians to visualize the underground environment accurately.

On the other hand, Electromagnetic locating relies on electromagnetic fields to identify buried metallic objects. By transmitting signals through a transmitter coil and detecting them with a receiver coil, technicians can pinpoint the location and depth of metallic utilities such as power lines and metallic pipes. While electromagnetic locating is proficient in detecting metallic objects, it may encounter challenges with non-conductive materials.

Integration of GPS for Precision Mapping

In conjunction with GPR and electromagnetic locating, Global Positioning System (GPS) technology plays a pivotal role in utility locating. GPS enables technicians to geo-reference the detected utilities accurately, creating detailed maps of underground assets. These maps serve as invaluable resources for construction planning, excavation projects, and infrastructure maintenance, enhancing efficiency and minimizing risks.

The Utility Locate Process: Methodical and Precise

The utility locate process follows a systematic approach, combining advanced technologies with meticulous fieldwork. It typically begins with thorough research, including reviewing existing utility records, as-built drawings, and historical documentation. This preliminary phase provides valuable insights into the location and type of buried utilities present in the area.

With a comprehensive understanding of the site's underground landscape, technicians deploy a combination of GPR and electromagnetic locating equipment to conduct on-site surveys. They traverse the area methodically, scanning the ground surface and marking the detected utilities with paint or flags. Throughout this process, GPS technology ensures the accurate recording of each utility's location and attributes.

Challenges and Limitations

While utility locating technologies have advanced significantly in recent years, challenges and limitations persist. Factors such as soil composition, depth of burial, and interference from nearby structures can impact the accuracy of detection. Additionally, non-metallic utilities pose a unique challenge, as they may not produce strong electromagnetic signals and can be more challenging to detect with GPR alone. Consequently, a multi-faceted approach that combines various technologies and field expertise is often necessary to overcome these obstacles.

Through the integration of advanced technologies such as GPR, EM locating, and GPS, coupled with the expertise of our SIM-certified Project Managers, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep you on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does GPRS offer same-day private utility locating?

Yes, our professional Project Managers can respond rapidly to emergency same-day private utility locating service calls on your job site.

Will I need to mark out the utilities GPRS locates?

No, GPRS will locate and mark all utilities for you. We have a variety of tools and markers we can use to highlight the locations of utilities, underground storage tanks and whatever else may be hiding.

Can GPR be used to verify known measurements?

We can use GPR to cross-check the measured depth and location of a located utility with existing as-built plans to verify the accuracy of plans.

About GPRS
Ground Penetrating Radar
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Utility Locating

GPRS Conducts Utility Locating Services on Private Property in Maine

GPRS recently provided private utility locating services to ensure safe trenching and excavation on a private residence in Maine.

GPRS recently provided utility locating services to ensure safe trenching and excavation at a private residence in Maine.

GPRS helps commercial construction, AEC, and facility management customers Intelligently Visualize The Built World® to mitigate subsurface damage and create existing condition documentation on commercial projects.

However, the general contractor for this project had worked with GPRS on several large-scale projects across the United States and contacted us to locate and map buried utilities on the quarter-acre private property after discovering that existing as-built documentation was out of date and likely inaccurate.

While federal law requires that you contact your state’s 811 one-call service prior to excavating to obtain the estimated location of all public utilities on your job site, it’s important to remember that 811 contractors do not locate private utilities – which make up roughly 60% of all subsurface infrastructure in the U.S.

A GPRS Project Manager marks out utilities on grass using spray paint.
GPRS utility locating services mitigate subsurface damage by telling you where it’s safe to dig.

To ensure that you are safe to dig, it’s vital to hire a professional private utility locating company like GPRS in addition to calling 811.

In Maine, Senior Project Manager Peter Kessinger utilized ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic (EM) locating to locate and map all utilities on the property.

A GPRS Project Manager moves a ground penetrating radar scanner over grass.
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is one of GPRS’ primary tools for conducting utility locates.

GPR scanners emit radio waves into the ground or a concrete slab, and those waves interact with any buried objects hidden within. The scanner detects these interactions and displays them in a readout as a series of hyperbolas that vary in size and shape depending on the type of material located. GPRS Project Managers are specially trained to interpret these readouts to tell you the precise location of the buried objects and provide their depth within the ground or concrete.

EM locators detect the electromagnetic signals radiating from metallic pipes and cables. These signals can emanate from current flow in a live electrical cable, or a conductive pipe acting as an antenna and re-radiating signals from stray electrical fields and communications transmissions. Your Project Manager can also create a signal by applying current to a known pipe, allowing them to map that utility’s path through your property.

GPRS Project Managers typically use both GPR scanners and EM locators when mapping underground utilities. The technologies compensate for each other’s limitations and create a redundant confirmation when designating subsurface elements – a key component of Subsurface Investigation Methodology (SIM), the industry-leading training program that we use to educate our field team members.

Kessinger located and annotated the depth of multiple previously unknown buried utilities, and he also identified the location and depth of an existing septic leach field on the property.

A septic leach field being installed on a property.
Septic leach fields are a vital component of a residence’s septic system. Damaging any part of this system during excavation or trenching could result in costly damage and even soil contamination.

Also known as a septic tank drain field or a leach drain, this component of a septic system acts as a disposal filter for organic material and consists of an underground system of perforated pipes adjacent to the septic tank. After contaminants and liquid waste have been broken down by bacteria in the tank, the material then flows into the leach field through underground pipes. As liquid travels through the leach field pipes, it will seep into the ground below and be naturally filtered by the soil.

Had the contractor struck a component of the leach field during excavation, they could have caused costly damage and contaminated the property’s soil with untreated wastewater. Fortunately, the accurate utility maps created using Kessinger’s field-verified data prevented this from happening.

All utilities on the property were marked with paint and flags on the ground so that the contractor had a visual guide to reference while excavating. Additionally, our PMs use a global positioning system (GPS) to collect data points of findings that are used to generate a plan, KMZ file, satellite overlay, or CAD file to permanently preserve results for future use.

All this data is at your fingertips 24/7 courtesy of SiteMap® (patent pending), GPRS’ cloud-based infrastructure mapping software solution that provides accurate existing condition documentation to protect your assets & people.

You receive a complimentary SiteMap® Personal subscription whenever you hire GPRS to conduct a utility locate, allowing you to securely review that data whenever and wherever you need it.

From skyscrapers to sewer lines, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

GPRS’ SiteMap® team members are currently scheduling live, personal SiteMap® demos. Click below to schedule your demo and see how SiteMap® can help you plan, design, manage, dig, and build better today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can GPRS find PVC piping and other non-conductive utilities?

GPRS scanning is exceptionally effective at locating all types of subsurface materials. There are times when PVC pipes do not provide an adequate signal to ground penetrating radar equipment and can’t be properly located by traditional methods. However, GPRS Project Managers are expertly trained at multiple methods of utility locating and can easily find PVC.

Can GPR be used to verify known measurements?

We can use ground penetrating radar (GPR) to cross-check the measured depth and location of a buried utility with existing as-built plans to verify the accuracy of plans.

Is GPRS able to distinguish between each type of underground utility that’s located?

In most situations, we can identify the utility in question without any problems, although it is not always possible to determine what type of utility is present. When this happens, we attempt to trace the utility to a valve, meter, control box, or other signifying markers to determine the type of utility buried.

About GPRS
Ground Penetrating Radar
Mapping & Modeling
Utility Locating

Department of Energy Announces Rule Designed to Expedite Transmission Permitting

The Biden-Harris Administration, through the Department of Energy (DOE) issued a final rule to establish the Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorizations and Permits (CITAP) Program, which, according to an article on the DOE’s website, “aims to significantly improve Federal environmental reviews and permitting processes for qualifying transmission projects.”

In what’s being touted as a part of the federal government’s continued commitment to bolster the U.S. power grid, the Biden-Harris Administration has announced a final transmission permitting reform rule and a new commitment for up to $331 million aimed at adding more than 2,000 megawatts (MW) of additional grid capacity throughout the Western United States.

The administration, through the Department of Energy (DOE) issued a final rule to establish the Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorizations and Permits (CITAP) Program, which, according to an article on the DOE’s website, “aims to significantly improve Federal environmental reviews and permitting processes for qualifying transmission projects.”

“Under the CITAP Program, DOE will coordinate a Federal integrated interagency process to consolidate Federal environmental reviews and authorizations within a standard two-year schedule while ensuring meaningful engagement with Tribes, local communities, and other stakeholders,” the article continued.

The new rule expedites the siting, permitting, and construction of electric transmission infrastructure in the United States.

Resources provided by the CITAP Program include:

Improved Permitting Review with Two-Year Timelines: DOE will serve as the lead coordinator for environmental review and permitting activities between all participating federal agencies and project developers. DOE will lead an interagency pre-application process designed to ensure that developer submissions for federal authorizations are ready for review on binding two-year timelines, without compromising critical National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements.

Sustained Integrity in Environmental Review Process: DOE will work with the relevant agencies to prepare a single NEPA environmental review document to support each relevant federal agency’s permit decision making, with the goal of reducing duplication of work. State siting authorities may participate in the CITAP Program alongside federal agencies and take advantage of the resources DOE is offering through the program.

Transparent Transmission Permitting: The CITAP Program will require a comprehensive public participation plan that helps project developers identify community impacts from proposed lines at the outset of the project and encourages early engagement by potential applicants with communities and tribes. The CITAP Program will allow potential applicants and agencies to coordinate via an online portal, which will allow project developers to directly upload relevant information and necessary documentation and will offer a one-stop-shop for their federal permitting communications. Through this online portal, participating federal agencies can also view and provide input during the initial document collection process and during federal environmental reviews.

“The Permitting Council is excited to have CITAP as a partner as we work together to bring clarity, transparency, and efficiency to the federal permitting process for crucial transmission projects,” said Permitting Council Executive Director, Eric Beightel. “The ambitious clean energy goals of the Biden-Harris administration cannot be achieved without the transmission infrastructure needed to deliver renewable energy to consumers. This rule is a significant step forward in bringing coordination and accountability into the permitting review of these vital projects, and a perfect complement to our FAST-41 permitting assistant program, enabling us to deliver clean and affordable energy to homes across the nation.”

The newly announced $331-million funding commitment will add grid capacity equivalent to powering 2.5 million homes and create more than 300 new, high quality and union construction jobs, DOE said. The funding comes courtesy of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and will support a new transmission line from Idaho to Nevada that will be built with union labor.

“…We are acting with the urgency the American people deserve to realize a historic rework of the permitting process that slashes times for new transmission lines, puts more Americans to work and meets the energy needs of today and the future,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer M. Granholm.

“In order to reach our clean energy and climate goals, we’ve got to build out transmission as fast as possible to get clean power from where it’s produced to where it’s needed,” added John Podesta, Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy. “As today’s announcements demonstrate, the Biden-Harris administration is committed to using every tool at our disposal to accelerate progress on transmission permitting and financing and build a clean energy future.”

A downed power pole laying over a wet roadway.
Experts say that undergrounding existing utilities to protect them from severe weather, building additional transmission and distribution infrastructure, and smart planning are just some of the improvements necessary to future-proof America’s power infrastructure.

A Grid on the Brink

Federal, state, and even local government agencies are racing to solve the country’s current energy problems and prepare for those on the horizon.

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave the United States’ energy infrastructure a C- in its most recent Infrastructure Report Card.

“…Distribution infrastructure struggles with reliability, with 92% of all outages occurring along these segments,” the ASCE wrote. “In the coming years, additional transmission and distribution infrastructure, smart planning, and improved reliability are needed to accommodate the changing energy landscape, as delivery becomes distributed, and renewables grow.”

The U.S., like the rest of the world, needs to generate more power, and it needs to do it more efficiently.

In the International Energy Agency’s recently released 2024 Electricity Report, which analyzes and forecasts the world’s electricity needs through 2026, the organization said that power generation is currently the largest source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the world, but it is also the sector leading the transition to net zero emissions through the rapid expansion of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

“Ensuring consumers have secure and affordable access to electricity while also reducing global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is one of the core challenges of the energy transition,” the IEA wrote.

Per the IEA’s report, global electricity demand rose moderately in 2023 but is set to grow faster through 2026 as electricity consumption from data centers, artificial intelligence (AI), and the cryptocurrency sector is projected to double by then.

“After globally consuming an estimated 460 terawatt-hours (TWh) in 2022, data centres’ total electricity consumption could reach more than 1,000 TWh in 2026,” the IEA added. “This demand is roughly equivalent to the electricity consumption of Japan. Updated regulations and technological improvements, including on efficiency, will be crucial to moderate the surge in energy consumption from data centres.”

GPRS Services Support Grid Expansion & Maintenance Projects

As the country continues looking for new ways to optimize and expand our power infrastructure, proper planning will be the first step in ensuring these projects can be completed on time, on budget, and – most important – safe.

GPRS offers a suite of subsurface damage prevention, existing condition documentation, and construction & facilities project management products and services to ensure the success of your next project.

Through concrete scanning, utility locating, video pipe inspection and leak detection, we mitigate the risks of subsurface damage – both financial and to your team’s health & safety.

As you start to build, our 3D laser scanning, and photogrammetry capabilities give you the accurate as-built drawings, and building information modeling (BIM) you need to plan with precision.  And all the field-verified data collected by our SIM and NASSCO-certified Project Managers, and modeled by our in-house Mapping & Modeling Team, is available to you 24/7, from any computer, tablet, or smartphone courtesy of SiteMap® (patent pending), GPRS’ cloud-based infrastructure mapping software solution.

We’re here to help you Intelligently Visualize The Built World®. Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the components of the U.S. power grid?

The U.S. power grid is a complex network of electricity production, transmission, and distribution systems that spans the entire country. It consists of three major interconnections: the Eastern Interconnection, the Western Interconnection, and the Texas (ERCOT) Interconnection. These systems work together to deliver electricity from producers to consumers across states and regions.

How is the power grid managed?

The U.S. power grid is managed by various organizations, including regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs). These entities coordinate, control, and monitor the grid's operation to ensure a stable and continuous supply of electricity. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) oversees the rules and regulations that these organizations must follow.

What are the main sources of power in the U.S. power grid?

The U.S. power grid utilizes a diverse mix of energy sources to generate electricity. These include fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil; nuclear power; and renewable sources such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy. The mix can vary greatly depending on the region and its available resources.

How does the power grid handle peak demand?

To handle peak demand periods, grid operators use a combination of demand-response programs, where consumers are incentivized to reduce their usage during peak times, and peaking power plants that can be quickly ramped up to provide additional power. Advanced technologies such as grid energy storage and smart grid capabilities also play crucial roles in managing load and enhancing the grid's responsiveness.

What are smart grids?

Smart grids are an evolution of the traditional power grid, incorporating advanced technologies and communication systems to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of electricity services. They include features like automated control systems, real-time energy management, and integrated renewable energy sources. Smart grids can predict and respond to changes in electricity demand and supply more dynamically and efficiently.

What challenges does the U.S. power grid face?

The U.S. power grid faces several challenges, including aging infrastructure, cyber threats, and the need for modernization to integrate more renewable energy sources. Additionally, extreme weather events driven by climate change pose significant risks to the grid's stability and reliability.

How is the power grid being modernized?

Modernization efforts for the U.S. power grid include upgrading old infrastructure, incorporating more renewable energy sources, enhancing grid security against physical and cyber threats, and implementing smart grid technologies. These initiatives aim to improve the grid's resilience, reduce carbon emissions, and accommodate future energy needs more effectively.

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling
Utility Locating

What Causes Leaning Towers?

Whether you’re building a tower or a rehabbing a bridge, GPRS offers a suite of subsurface damage prevention, existing condition documentation, and construction & facilities project management services designed to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

You’ve heard of the Leaning Tower of Pisa – but what about the Leaning Tower of South Dakota?

In late 2023, a construction site in Rapid City, South Dakota, had to be evacuated when an elevator shaft for the 10-story, mixed-use structure began to tilt. According to local news outlet KELO, surrounding buildings and a section of a nearby street also had to be evacuated until repairs could begin.

Luke Jessen, Vice President of Development for Lloyd Construction, which is overseeing the project, said in a statement to Construction Dive that a product failed at the corner of one of the elevator shafts, causing the tower to shift one inch at its base.

A crane supporting a leaning elevator shaft.
(Photo courtesy of Rapid City Police Department via Construction Dive) A leaning elevator shaft on a mixed-use tower construction project in Rapid City, South Dakota forced the evacuation of not only the site, but the surrounding area.

“This is an isolated product and sequencing issue, which will be safely rectified by an erection subcontractor in the days to come by deconstructing the shaft.” Jessen’s statement said.

The incident in Rapid City is just the latest example of a leaning structure making the news.

The most famous is the aforementioned Leaning Tower of Pisa, the 60-meter medieval tower in Italy which stands about 17 feet off the vertical. That tower, however, is just one of several leaning structures in Pisa alone.

There are thousands of unintentionally tilted towers scattered throughout the world – and they’re not all historic structures. San Francisco’s Millennium Tower luxury condo required a $100-million foundation retrofit because it had been sinking since it opened to residents in 2009 and was tilting an estimated 14 inches by 2019.

The situation became more serious when the curtain wall – an exterior element of a building designed to protect it from the elements – had pulled away from the tower and created a gap that could have served as a funnel for flames in the event of a fire.

Determining the causes, consequences, and solutions for leaning buildings falls under a branch of civil engineering known as geotechnical engineering – also known as geotechnics – which focuses on the engineering behavior of earth materials.

In an article published in February 2020 on CNN Style, leading civil engineer John Burland – who designed the solutions that stabilized both the Tower of Pisa and Britain’s Big Ben – explained that the Earth itself is the most frequent culprit behind modern leaning towers.

“We are very sophisticated in our analysis now, but we still have to understand how mother nature works,” Burland said. “Mother nature lays down ground in all sorts of variable ways and unless you actually spend the money and the time investigating the ground properly – and employ people with good knowledge and experience – then you can run into big problems… If it’s mother nature then it’s human error because they haven’t investigated it properly.”

In addition to faulty construction materials – as was the case with the elevator shaft in South Dakota – soft or weak spots in the ground, unexpected geological faults, and incomplete ground investigations can also cause structures to lean.

Burland added that most of the leaning buildings he’s worked with are “not unsafe,” but that “selling space in a building that has been known to be leaning is very difficult because often the leaning is caused by some defect in construction or design.”

“The trouble with a tall building is that you can see it leaning, which people don’t like,” he added. “It might be safe, but the owners of the building are not going to be at all happy.”

Four GPRS Project Managers conducting utility locating services on a job site.
GPRS’ subsurface damage prevention services keep you on time, on budget, and safe whether you’re building a multi-use tower or rehabbing a bridge.

GPRS Helps Ensure Project Success

Whether you’re building a tower or a rehabbing a bridge, GPRS offers a suite of subsurface damage prevention, existing condition documentation, and construction & facility project management services designed to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

Our concrete scanning, utility locating, video pipe inspection, and leak detection services help maintain the integrity of existing infrastructure and protect it from damage during groundbreaking activities. Using a blend of technologies including ground penetrating radar (GPR) scanners, electromagnetic (EM) locating, CCTV camera-equipped sewer inspection rovers, acoustic leak detection and leak detection correlators, our SIM and NASSCO-certified Project Managers (PMs) provide you accurate, highly detailed information about where your infrastructure is located and its condition.

Accurate measurements help you avoid expensive mistakes, rewords, and change orders. GPRS 3D Laser Scanning services provide 2-4mm accuracy by capturing 2 million data points per second, for efficient planning, design, and construction. And our in-house Mapping & Modeling Team can export your GPR utility locates & concrete scans, 3D laser & photogrammetry data, and video pipe inspection reports to create accurate existing condition as-builts – above and below ground – to give you the accurate information you need in a format you can easily work with and share to keep your project on track.

All this field-verified data is available to you 24/7, from any computer, tablet, or smartphone, courtesy of SiteMap® (patent pending), GPRS’ cloud-based infrastructure mapping software solution which allows you and your team to plan, design, manage, dig, and ultimately build better.

From skyscrapers to sewer lines, GPRS is ready to help you Intelligently Visualize The Built World®.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

*Please note that GPRS does not investigate, analyze, or interpret soil composition, soil conditions, or geological or geophysical information. GPRS reports retrieved data and does not provide geophysical, geological, engineering, or land surveying services. Please contact a professional in those fields if such services are needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does GPRS Perform S.U.E. Work?

Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) reduces the risk and improves the accuracy of subsurface utility readings. It is broken down into four levels of quality, governed by ASCE Standard 38-02. GPRS provides private utility locating services but does not currently provide a fully comprehensive in-house SUE service. GPRS does not provide engineering services. If you need professional engineering services, please contact a professional engineer.

How Quickly Can GPRS Respond to an Emergency Need?

In most circumstances, we can have a Project Manager on your site within 24 hours of contact. Click here to schedule a service or request a quote today.

What is the Farthest GPRS Will Travel to Reach a Site?

Our nationwide team of SIM-certified Project Managers is strategically placed in every major market across the country, so you always have precision concrete scanning & imaging, utility locating, 3D laser scanning, video pipe inspection, leak detection, and mapping & modeling services near you.

About GPRS

CoStar Group Buys Matterport 3D Reality Capture and Digital Twin AI Technology

The firm is acquiring Matterport’s equipment, reality capture and AI digital twin tools, and “38 billion square feet” of aggregated data for $1.6 billion in cash and stocks.

On April 22, 2024, CoStar Group, Inc. announced its plans to purchase construction tech company Matterport for an estimated $1.6 billion in “enterprise value,” according to its press release.  

As one of the self-described “first adopters” of Matterport’s technology, CoStar references the wide swath of data the 3D capture technology company has amassed; “Over 12 million spaces captured in over 177 countries, and representing more than 38 billion square feet of digital property.”

It appears that another substantial reason for CoStar’s acquisition is the artificial intelligence software, Cortex, that Matterport is touting as an AI engine for digital twin generation, virtual tours, and measurements. Matterport recently added a suite of “Property Intelligence” AI features and plug-ins to aid AEC contractors working in large spaces.

However, there seems to be some question as to the accuracy rate of the AI-generated images, specifically those 2D images taken with cameras other than Matterport. An article from Geo Week News quotes Matterport business development manager Tomer Poran as saying that the AI accuracy rate for those kinds of images have up to an 8% error rate.  

Matterport maintains that its accuracy rate when using their own technology is still 1% or less.

A GPRS Project Manager utilizing a Matterport camera in a facility.
GPRS Project Managers use Matterport technology for a variety of reality capture products & services

GPRS utilizes Matterport technology as part of our reality capture services, and our WalkThru 3D, FLRPLN, and ProCap products. It has tremendous value in its ability to capture our 99.8% accurate field markings to allow our Mapping & Modeling Team to create integrated digital twins that incorporate above and below-ground infrastructure to provide a 360-view of any site or facility.

These integrated 3D BIM models and 2D CAD drawings can even incorporate proposed design and renovation plans to avoid or eliminate clashes, utility strikes, or strikes to concrete reinforcements before they happen.

Historic medical center in Ohio
GPRS created a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive visualization of a historic medical center in Ohio

All GPRS drawings, maps, and models are delivered via our proprietary infrastructure data, facility and project management software, SiteMap® (patent pending). Every GPRS customer receives a complimentary SiteMap® Personal subscription as part of our service.

For a greater level of detail (LoD) for your existing conditions, GPRS provides complete 3D laser scanning (LiDAR) services with 2-4mm accuracy.

More on Matterport’s Sale

CoStar Group, the multinational corporation dedicated to “digitizing the world’s real state,” was founded in 1987 and has been on a buying spree the last few years, having previously acquired OnTheMarket,,, Off Campus Partners, Move, Fairmas, and RealBase, among others.

The specifics of the Matterport acquisition include a $5.50 per share purchase price. Matterport shareholders will receive a $2.75 cash pay-out and $2.75 in CoStar shares for every Matterport stock currently held.  

The $1.6 billion valuation may seem generous. However, the Costar purchase price reflects a steep downward valuation from the $9.8 billion market cap (a 480% annual valuation and 88.5 times its 2021 revenue) it boasted after its initial public offering (IPO) in 2022.

Some construction and infrastructure watchers cite Matterport’s decision to shift into a recurring revenue/subscription model as the cause of its slide. But its vast trove of aggregated data, and expanding pipeline to grow it, may be exactly what enticed CoStar to purchase them – to bolster their own data network while also wiping out potential competition.  

Or, perhaps it is as Andy Florance, CoStar Group CEO put it in the press release announcing the acquisition, “People now select their next home, apartment, office, store, hotel or warehouse on their mobile devices, often without ever visiting the property. There is no better way to remotely experience space than via Matterport.”

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Matterport work?

Matterport cameras provide 3D photogrammetry, which means they allow you to capture a 360-degree, 3D view of your space via individual images that can be carefully stitched together, AKA rectified, to provide accurate spatial and geographical documentation. Read more about 3D photogrammetry, here.

How do I get a 3D walkthrough or BIM model of my site or facility?

GPRS offers full site visualization via our 3D photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning services. A Project Manager can usually scan a site or facility in a matter of hours or days, although large sites may require weeks to fully capture.

If we have provided utility locating or concrete scanning at the site, 3D photogrammetry can capture those field markings and allow our in-house Mapping & Modeling Team to assemble an accurate Walkthru 3D virtual tour. If 3D laser scanning is also employed on site, GPRS can create a fully integrated above and below-ground BIM model that is accurate to 6mm for existing condition documentation, planning, and design purposes. Learn more about 3D scanning here.

3D Laser Scanning

From Data to Action: SiteMap®’s Impact on Infrastructure Mapping for Utilities

SiteMap® is a comprehensive infrastructure mapping solution changing the way infrastructure data is seen and used, learn more about the transformative power of SiteMap®.

In an era dominated by digital necessities and advancements, our reliance on technology grows ever stronger.

This digital transformation permeates every aspect of our lives, extending even into the very soil beneath our feet—mapping and shaping the world around us in ways previously unimaginable. In this increasingly digital landscape, efficient management of infrastructure assets emerges as a linchpin for ensuring the reliability, safety, and sustainability of urban environments.

Utility managers face a unique set of challenges in managing their intricate networks of underground infrastructure, including water and sewer lines, electrical cables, and telecommunications networks. To confront these challenges head-on, utilities are embracing advanced solutions like SiteMap® (patent pending), powered by GPRS, to revolutionize the way they map, monitor, and manage their infrastructure assets. Let's delve into how SiteMap® transforms data into actionable insights.

The Evolution of Infrastructure Mapping

Traditionally, infrastructure mapping relied on manual surveys, paper records, and outdated mapping tools, leading to inaccuracies, inefficiencies, and limited visibility into underground assets. However, visionary pioneers like Roger Tomlinson, often hailed as the father of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), paved the way for a deeper understanding of the subsurface. Tomlinson's innovative spirit was born out of necessity during his work as a photo interpreter for Spartan Air Services in Canada in the early 1960s.

Tasked with finding a new methodology to solve a complex problem—identifying the optimal location for a tree plantation in Kenya—Tomlinson turned to a revolutionary solution: the computer. By harnessing GIS technology, Tomlinson reduced a three-year, $8 million project to just several weeks and $2 million, catalyzing a seismic shift in infrastructure mapping from rudimentary ink pen drawings to the detailed, three-dimensional mapping we rely on today.

A GPRS Project Manager holding a tablet.
SiteMap® revolutionizes the way we map, monitor, and manage infrastructure assets.

Empowering Utilities with SiteMap®

Today, utilities have access to powerful tools for digitizing and visualizing their infrastructure assets, with SiteMap® representing the pinnacle of this evolution. SiteMap® offers utilities a comprehensive solution for storing, visualizing, and analyzing infrastructure data, transforming how they manage their assets in the digital age.

Key Components of SiteMap®'s Impact:

1. Data Collection and Integration: SiteMap® streamlines data collection by integrating 99.8% accurate data from GPRS locate orders, providing utilities with a unified view of their infrastructure assets. The data is meticulously collected, visualized, aggregated, and tagged to facilitate navigation through the subsurface landscape.

2. High-Resolution Mapping: SiteMap® generates high-resolution, easy-to-understand maps of underground infrastructure, enabling utilities to visualize the precise location, depth, and condition of their assets. This level of detail is crucial for identifying conflicts, planning excavation activities, and minimizing the risk of damage to underground utilities.

3. Anywhere Monitoring: SiteMap® empowers managers to monitor infrastructure assets from any device, anywhere and anytime, providing real-time updates on assets and potential hazards.

4. Data Portability with External Systems: SiteMap® offers seamless data portability with external systems and tools, allowing utility managers to leverage existing investments and maximize the value of their infrastructure data.

The Safety of SiteMap®

SiteMap® is unique in its backing by the remarkable power and accuracy of GPRS. Safety and accident prevention are top priorities at Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, ingrained in the company's core values and culture. GPRS prioritizes continuous safety education for all employees, ensuring compliance with rigorous construction standards and industry-leading safety practices.

Connecting & Communicating

Effective communication is paramount, particularly in preventing utility strikes—a common and serious hazard in the industry. SiteMap® breaks down communication barriers by providing easy-to-understand maps and information accessible to all team members, regardless of their level of expertise. With features like the Digital Plan Room and Map Viewer, SiteMap® fosters collaboration, eliminates confusion, and creates a single source of truth for all stakeholders.

Navigating the Future of Infrastructure Mapping

As project managers grapple with challenges posed by aging infrastructure, climate change, and rapid urbanization, SiteMap® emerges as a beacon of innovation and safety. By streamlining data collection, providing high-resolution mapping, and fostering communication and collaboration, SiteMap® is revolutionizing the way utilities map, monitor, and manage their infrastructure assets. Much like Tomlinson's pioneering spirit, SiteMap® is solving common problems in smart, forward-thinking ways, guiding utilities toward a safer, more resilient future.

GPRS SiteMap® team members are currently scheduling live, personal SiteMap® demonstrations. Click below to schedule yours today!

About GPRS

Efficient Operations: SiteMap® and the Role of Infrastructure Asset Management in Modern Business

The United States is falling behind, with crumbling infrastructure. SiteMap® seeks to change the way we manage the subsurface, boosting our infrastructure stability and the economy in turn. Learn more about this effort and the current state of subsurface asset management.

In today's fast-paced world, the relentless pace demands efficient operations for organizations striving to remain competitive and adaptable.

At the core of this efficiency lies the effective management of infrastructure assets, including vital utilities such as water, sewer, electricity, and telecommunications networks. SiteMap® (patent pending), powered by GPRS, emerges as a comprehensive solution to the pressing question of digital utility mapping. Let's delve into the significance of infrastructure asset management and how SiteMap® is revolutionizing the way businesses map, monitor, and manage their utility infrastructure.

The Significance of Infrastructure Asset Management

Infrastructure assets serve as the lifeblood of modern society, providing essential services that fuel business operations, support thriving communities, and drive economic growth. Effective management of these assets is paramount for ensuring reliability, sustainability, and resilience in the face of evolving challenges such as aging infrastructure, population growth, and climate change.

Meeting the Energy Challenges

The sprawling cities aboveground are mirrored by a complex network of utilities below, forming the arteries and veins that sustain life above. Subsurface assets constitute the source of over 80% of the energy in the U.S. today. This underscores the critical importance of proper management. The Subsurface Science, Technology and Engineering Research, and Development (SubTER) Crosscut, a collaboration across Department of Energy (DOE) offices, aims to address subsurface challenges and advance solutions, ensuring access to vital subsurface resources.

Infrastructure's Role in the Economy

Investment in infrastructure has historically laid the foundation for economic growth. Analysts emphasize the multiplier effect of infrastructure spending, with every public dollar invested yielding $1.50 in economic activity, according to a 2022 World Bank analysis. Neglecting infrastructure could have dire consequences, with estimates indicating a potential infrastructure investment gap of nearly $2.6 trillion by the end of the decade, resulting in substantial losses to GDP.

A GPRS Project Manager holding a tablet.
SiteMap® (patent pending), powered by GPRS, emerges as a comprehensive solution to the pressing question of digital utility mapping.

Transportation Troubles

The transportation sector faces significant challenges, with one in three bridges in need of repair or replacement. Furthermore, aviation infrastructure struggles with delays, costing the economy billions annually. The rail system, crucial for freight movement, faces challenges, with Amtrak grappling with a repair backlog exceeding $45 billion. These issues underscore the interconnectedness of subsurface infrastructure with aboveground resources and the importance of proper management.

Current Utility Infrastructure Stability

Utility infrastructure, including water and electrical grids, faces urgent needs for investment. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates a required investment of over $744 billion in drinking water and wastewater systems over the next decade. The Flint Water Crisis serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of neglecting subsurface utility management, highlighting the critical need for proactive measures.

The Role of SiteMap® in Infrastructure Asset Management

SiteMap® offers a comprehensive suite of digital utility mapping solutions designed to streamline infrastructure asset management. Leveraging advanced technologies, SiteMap® enables accurate mapping, monitoring, and management of utility infrastructure with precision and efficiency. By integrating 99.8% accurate data from GPRS, SiteMap® creates a centralized repository of infrastructure asset information, facilitating informed decision-making and proactive action to prevent downtime and service disruptions.

The Greater Importance

Effective utility infrastructure management is vital for ensuring the smooth functioning of modern societies. The urgent need for efficient management practices to maximize the lifespan and performance of existing infrastructure assets cannot be overstated. Utility failures can have significant economic consequences, with inadequate infrastructure costing families thousands annually and posing risks to public safety and health.

The Benefits for Business

SiteMap®'s remarkable 99.8% accuracy rating for utility and concrete infrastructure mapping provides unparalleled precision, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and minimize risks associated with underground infrastructure. By confidently planning construction projects, avoiding utility strikes, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, businesses can achieve greater reliability, resilience, and success in their operations.

Efficient operations are essential for businesses seeking to thrive in today's competitive marketplace, with effective management of infrastructure assets being central to achieving this efficiency.

SiteMap® plays a crucial role in streamlining infrastructure asset management, providing visibility, high-resolution mapping, and advanced technologies to optimize utility infrastructure, reduce downtime, and enhance operational efficiencies. As we navigate the complexities of the modern infrastructure landscape, SiteMap® emerges as a beacon of innovation, guiding businesses toward success and growth in a rapidly evolving world.

GPRS’ SiteMap® team members are currently scheduling live, personal SiteMap® demos. Click below to schedule your demo today!

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling

training manuals

Utility Locating: Electromagnetic Locating
View Manual
Ground Penetrating Radar: Rebar Slabs
View Manual
Ground Penetrating Radar: Dielectrics
View Manual
Concrete Scanning – Slab-On-Grade
View Manual
Ribbed Slab Construction: Slab Type – Ribbed and Waffle
View Manual
Understanding Decking from a Concrete Scanning Perspective
View Manual
Understanding Decking from a Concrete Scanning Perspective - Hollow Core
View Manual