industry insights

How to Find Clogs or Other Defects in a Wastewater System

Wastewater systems are crucial for maintaining public health and environmental quality by transporting sewage and other waste away from homes and businesses to treatment facilities.

If you work in the water and wastewater systems world, having a simple way to explain the pitfalls of protecting this precious resource is important. If you are someone with little to no experience in water and wastewater infrastructure management, you may be in search of basic, and easy-to-understand information. GPRS offers you the following “wiki” on the industry and the biggest problems wastewater managers face – maintenance to control inflow and infiltration and contamination.

Wastewater systems are crucial for maintaining public health and environmental quality by transporting sewage and other waste away from homes and businesses to treatment facilities.

These systems are susceptible to problems such as clogs, defects, and other obstructions, which can lead to severe issues like cross bores, inflow/infiltration (I/I), and soil contamination. Identifying and addressing these problems promptly is essential to ensuring the efficient and safe operation of wastewater infrastructure.

Understanding Common Problems in Wastewater Systems


Clogs are blockages that prevent the normal flow of wastewater through the system. They can be caused by various materials, including fats, oils, grease, sanitary products, and debris. Clogs can lead to backups, overflows, and potential health hazards.

Cross Bores

A cross bore occurs when a utility line, such as a gas or electric line, unintentionally intersects with a wastewater pipe during construction or installation. This can create a significant safety hazard, as it may lead to gas leaks or electrical faults.


Inflow and infiltration (I/I) refer to the unintended entry of stormwater or groundwater into the wastewater system. Inflow typically enters through direct connections like downspouts or drains, while infiltration seeps in through cracks, joints, or defects in pipes. Excessive I/I can overwhelm the system, causing overflows and increasing treatment costs.

Soil Contamination

Soil contamination occurs when leaks or breaks in wastewater pipes allow untreated sewage to seep into the surrounding soil. This can pose serious environmental and health risks, contaminating groundwater and harming ecosystems.

A GPRS Project Manager lowers a push-fed sewer inspection scope into a manhole.
Promptly identifying and addressing problems with your wastewater infrastructure is essential to ensuring the efficient and safe operation of wastewater infrastructure.

Techniques for Detecting Clogs and Defects

Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection

CCTV inspection is a widely used method for examining the interior of wastewater pipes. It involves sending a small camera mounted on a flexible cable through the pipeline to capture real-time video footage.

How It Works:

The camera is inserted into the pipe through an access point, such as a manhole. It is then remotely controlled to navigate the pipe, capturing high-resolution images of the interior.


  • Detailed Visualization: Provides a clear view of the pipe’s condition, allowing for precise identification of clogs, cracks, and other defects
  • Non-Destructive: Does not require excavation or disruption of the surface
  • Documentation: Creates a record of the pipe’s condition for future reference


  • Preparation: Clean the pipeline using jetting or other methods to remove debris that may obstruct the camera
  • Insertion: Introduce the camera into the pipeline and begin the inspection
  • Analysis: Review the footage to identify any abnormalities, such as clogs, cross bores, or signs of I/I

Smoke Testing

Smoke testing is used to identify sources of inflow and infiltration by introducing non-toxic smoke into the wastewater system and observing where it exits.

How It Works:

Smoke is generated and blown into the sewer lines using a smoke machine. The smoke follows the path of least resistance, escaping through defects or improper connections.


  • Effective for I/I Detection: Quickly identifies areas where stormwater or groundwater is entering the system
  • Cost-Effective: Relatively inexpensive and easy to perform
  • Visible Results: Provides immediate, visible evidence of leaks or improper connections


  • Preparation: Notify residents and businesses in the area to prevent unnecessary alarm
  • Smoke Injection: Introduce smoke into the system using access points like manholes
  • Observation: Watch for smoke emerging from the ground, manholes, or building connections, indicating a potential defect

Dye Testing

Dye testing involves adding colored dye to the system to trace the flow of water and identify leaks or improper connections.

How It Works:

Dye is added to water sources suspected of contributing to inflow, such as roof drains or sump pumps. The dye’s path is then traced through the system to see where it appears.


  • Effective for Identifying Cross Connections: Useful in finding sources of inflow or cross bores
  • Visual Confirmation: Provides a clear visual indication of where water is entering or exiting the system
  • Non-Toxic: Uses harmless, biodegradable dyes


  • Dye Introduction: Add dye to suspected inflow sources
  • Observation: Monitor downstream points for the appearance of dye to identify improper connections or leaks

Acoustic Inspection

Acoustic inspection uses sound waves to detect changes in the flow or the presence of obstructions within the pipes.

How It Works:

Acoustic sensors are placed on the surface or inside access points to listen for variations in sound that indicate changes in flow or the presence of blockages.


  • Non-Invasive: No need for excavation or disruption of the pipeline
  • Real-Time Detection: Provides immediate feedback on the condition of the pipe
  • Effective for Clogs: Can detect blockages or changes in flow that suggest the presence of clogs


  • Sensor Placement: Position sensors at various points along the pipeline
  • Sound Analysis: Listen for changes in the acoustic signals that may indicate a clog or defect
  • Data Interpretation: Analyze the data to pinpoint the location and nature of the issue

Trenchless Technology

Trenchless technology encompasses various methods for inspecting and repairing pipes without extensive digging. This includes pipe bursting, sliplining, and cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) techniques.

How It Works:

These methods involve minimal excavation and use specialized equipment to repair or replace pipes from within.


  • Minimal Disruption: Reduces surface disruption and associated costs
  • Efficient Repairs: Allows for quick and effective repair of defects
  • Versatile: Applicable to various types of pipes and defects


  • Site Assessment: Evaluate the site and determine the appropriate trenchless method
  • Preparation: Set up equipment and access points for the chosen technique
  • Execution: Perform the repair or replacement using trenchless methods.

Addressing and Preventing Soil Contamination

Soil contamination from wastewater leaks can have serious environmental and health impacts. To address and prevent contamination:

  • Immediate Response: Promptly repair leaks and defective pipes to prevent further soil contamination
  • Monitoring: Regularly inspect and monitor the system for signs of leaks or defects
  • Protective Measures: Implement protective measures, such as pipe lining or coatings, to reduce the risk of leaks

GPRS Video Pipe Inspection is a sewer inspection service that uses industry-leading remote video cameras to assess conditions and prevent problems in water, sanitary and storm sewer, and lateral pipelines. Our NASSCO-certified Project Managers scope your sewers to locate clogs, identify cross bores, find structural defects & damages, and conduct lateral sewer line inspections. We provide you with comprehensive, interactive reporting that details every inch of your pipes to help you plan repairs, maintain your system integrity, and mitigate risk.

From skyscrapers to sewer lines, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize?

About GPRS
Video Pipe Inspection

How to Locate an Underground Water Leak

Water leaks, especially those underground, pose significant challenges to water utility managers and property owners alike.

Water leaks, especially those underground, pose significant challenges to water utility managers and property owners alike.

Unnoticed or unresolved, these leaks can lead to substantial water loss, structural damage, and increased operational costs. In the realm of water management, non-revenue water (NRW) loss refers to water that is produced but never reaches the end user due to leaks, theft, or metering inaccuracies. It’s vital to locate underground water leaks using advanced techniques and tools such as acoustic leak detection and leak detection correlators, to mitigate NRW loss and keep your water infrastructure working for you.

Water bursting from a unearthed pipe.
It’s vital to locate underground water leaks using advanced techniques and tools such as acoustic leak detection and leak detection correlators, to mitigate non-revenue water (NRW) loss and keep your water infrastructure working for you.

Understanding Non-Revenue Water Loss

Non-revenue water loss is a critical issue in water management. It encompasses any water that does not generate revenue, primarily due to:

  • Leaks: Unintended water escape from the distribution network, which can occur in pipes, joints, or valves
  • Theft: Unauthorized connections or tampering with the water supply
  • Metering Inaccuracies: Faulty meters that do not accurately record water usage

Leaks are the most common cause of non-revenue water loss, particularly those that are underground and hard to detect. Identifying and fixing these leaks not only conserves water but also improves the efficiency of water distribution systems.

Signs of an Underground Water Leak

Before diving into detection techniques, it's essential to recognize the signs indicating a potential underground water leak:

  • Unexplained Water Bills: Sudden increases in water bills without a corresponding increase in usage
  • Wet Spots or Water Puddles: Persistent wet areas in your yard or around your property, especially during dry weather
  • Decreased Water Pressure: Noticing a drop in water pressure, indicating a possible leak in the supply line
  • Sound of Running Water: Hearing water running when all taps are closed can be a sign of a hidden leak
  • Cracks in Foundation: Structural damage like cracks in walls or floors may be due to water eroding the foundation
A GPRS Project Manager conducting leak detection services in a field.
GPRS’ water loss specialists have the equipment and expertise to locate your leak and provide insights into your water distribution system.

Techniques for Locating Underground Water Leaks

Acoustic Leak Detection

Acoustic leak detection is a popular method that involves listening for the sound of water escaping from pipes. This technique relies on specialized equipment to detect the acoustic vibrations generated by leaks.

How It Works: As water leaks from a pipe, it creates a distinct noise. Acoustic leak detection devices, such as ground microphones and listening rods, amplify these sounds, allowing technicians to pinpoint the leak’s location.

Equipment Used:

  • Ground Microphones: These are sensitive devices placed on the ground surface to listen for leak sounds
  • Listening Rods: These are used to directly contact exposed pipes and listen for leak vibrations


  • Investigate: Technicians investigate the area with ground microphones to identify the general vicinity of the leak
  • Pinpoint: Using listening rods or more focused ground microphones, they narrow down the precise location


  • Non-Invasive: Does not require digging or disruption of the surface
  • Accurate: Can pinpoint the exact location of leaks with high precision

Leak Detection Correlators

Leak detection correlators are advanced devices that use the time difference in sound waves traveling through the pipe to locate leaks.

How They Work: Two or more sensors are placed at access points along the pipeline. These sensors detect the noise from the leak and send data to a central unit. The correlator calculates the leak’s position based on the time delay of the sound waves reaching each sensor.

Equipment Used:

  • Sensors: Placed on pipe fittings or access points to capture leak noise
  • Central Unit: Analyzes data from the sensors to determine the leak location


  • Placement: Sensors are strategically placed on the pipeline at known access points
  • Data Collection: The sensors transmit noise data to the central unit
  • Correlation: The central unit processes the data to calculate the leak’s location based on the difference in sound wave arrival times


  • Highly Effective: Particularly useful for long or complex pipeline systems
  • Real-Time Data: Provides immediate feedback on the leak location

Other Methods

While acoustic leak detection and leak detection correlators are prominent techniques, other methods also play a role in locating underground water leaks:

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

How It Works: GPR sends radar pulses into the ground and measures the reflected signals to identify changes in the subsurface. This can detect buried pipelines and cavities caused by leaks.

Advantages: Useful for detecting leaks in non-metallic pipes and identifying subsurface anomalies.

Infrared Thermography

How It Works: Infrared cameras detect temperature variations on the surface caused by leaking water. Cold or warm spots can indicate the presence of water leaks.

Advantages: Non-invasive and effective for identifying leaks in heated or chilled water systems.

Locating an Underground Water Leak

Step 1: Confirm the Presence of a Leak

Before deploying advanced detection techniques, verify that a leak exists. Check your water meter for continuous movement when all water fixtures are off.

Step 2: Investigate the Area

Conduct a visual and acoustic evaluation of the suspected leak area. Look for visible signs and use ground microphones to listen for leak sounds.

Step 3: Use Advanced Detection Equipment

Deploy acoustic leak detection devices or leak detection correlators to pinpoint the leak’s location. Follow the specific procedures for each method to ensure accurate results.

Step 4: Validate and Repair

Once the leak is located, verify its position by minimal excavation or exposing the pipe. Proceed with the necessary repairs to fix the leak and restore the integrity of the water system.

Preventing Future Leaks

To minimize non-revenue water loss and prevent future leaks:

  • Regular Inspections: Schedule routine inspections and maintenance of your water distribution system
  • Pressure Management: Maintain optimal water pressure to reduce stress on pipes and fittings
  • Pipeline Monitoring: Use remote monitoring systems to detect early signs of leaks or pressure drops

GPRS’ water loss specialists have the equipment and expertise to locate your leak and provide insights into your water distribution system. We utilize a variety of industry-leading equipment and methods, including acoustic leak detectors, leak noise correlators, video pipe inspection, ground penetrating radar, and electromagnetic (EM) locating.

From skyscrapers to sewer lines, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize?

About GPRS
Leak Detection

The Benefits of Utility As-Built Creation

Accurate existing conditions documents streamline many important processes, both in construction and operations & maintenance (O&M).

Imagine attempting to build a house without a detailed plan.

It's nearly impossible, right? Unlike traditional blueprints, as-builts provide an accurate depiction of what exists rather than what was merely intended. These precise records of existing conditions streamline many critical processes in both construction and operations and maintenance.

In numerous fields, creating accurate utility as-builts is indispensable. These documents meticulously outline the exact locations and specifications of utilities such as electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications in a specific area. Whether you're involved in design-build construction, urban planning, or infrastructure management, utility as-builts are essential.

Utility lines being buried underground.
Creating accurate utility as-builts can help keep track of the complicated web of utilities buried throughout the country.

What Accurate Utility As-Builts Do For You

Accurate Documentation for Future Reference

Utility as-builts serve as invaluable references for future projects. Construction spans long periods, and having precise records ensures that maintenance, repairs, or expansions can be done efficiently. Engineers, architects, and planners rely on these as-builts to understand existing layouts, bypassing outdated or incomplete blueprints. GPRS excels in this, with a 99.8%+ accuracy rate in utility locating and mapping, offering CAD overlays and 3D models as needed.

Enhanced Safety Protocols

Safety in utility maintenance and construction is paramount. Detailed utility as-builts enhance safety by providing critical information about underground utilities, helping prevent accidental damage during excavation or construction. This minimizes risks to both workers and the public, especially with hazards like gas pipes or high-voltage lines.

Cost Efficiency

Accurate utility mapping helps avoid delays and expenses from accidental damage. It reduces errors, miscommunications, and accidents, which are costly. As-builts provide a single source of truth, reducing project interruptions and associated costs, including fines and legal liabilities. They also enable optimized resource allocation and scheduling.

Streamlined Project Management

Project managers depend on accurate data from utility as-builts for effective project planning and management. These documents help coordinate timelines and resolve conflicts with existing infrastructure early on, leading to smoother execution and fewer delays. Accurate measurements mean precise planning, material orders, and workflows.

Regulatory Compliance

Many regions require strict adherence to regulations for utility documentation and protection during construction. Utility as-builts serve as proof of compliance, ensuring projects respect existing infrastructure and meet legal standards.

Eliminate Miscommunications

When everyone on your team has access to the same accurate information, it creates a more cohesive work environment. Precise as-builts reduce the need for constant communication and site visits by providing a unified source of truth. GPRS’s SiteMap® platform makes it easy to share and access these documents, enhancing team collaboration.

Support for Asset Management

Utility providers and asset managers benefit from detailed as-builts that document the lifespan and condition of infrastructure assets. This facilitates proactive maintenance and asset management, helping to optimize schedules and extend the life of utilities.

Integration with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Modern as-builts often integrate with GIS platforms, allowing for spatial analysis, visualization, and seamless data sharing. This improves decision-making related to infrastructure planning and emergency response. GPRS provides a complimentary SiteMap® subscription with GIS integration, enhancing data accessibility and usability.

Environmental and Social Impact

Accurate utility as-builts reduce environmental impacts by minimizing accidental damage to underground utilities. This conserves resources and reduces waste from repairs or replacements. Reliable utility data also minimizes community disruptions and enhances social sustainability by preventing issues like contamination from utility strikes.

A 3D laser scanner sitting in a concrete slab pre-pour.
GPRS offers highly accurate as-builts, often within 2-4mm, delivered in various formats.

GPRS As a Solution

Traditional as-builts are often only "as-intended," not reflecting every change or update. GPRS, however, offers highly accurate as-builts, often within 2-4mm, delivered in various formats. Whether you need utility locates or a comprehensive mapping solution, GPRS provides services to keep your project safe, on time, and on budget. Our offerings include WalkThru 3D Virtual Tours, ProCap Progressive Capture, FLRPLN, and TruBuilt Existing Condition As Builts.

Our services cover:

  • Subsurface Damage Prevention: Concrete scanning, utility locating, pipe inspection, and leak detection
  • Existing Conditions Documentation: Reality capture, as-built drawings, utility maps, and BIM models
  • Construction and Facility Project Management: GIS software, virtual tours, floorplans, and progress documentation

Accurate utility as-builts are crucial across construction, urban planning, and infrastructure management. They enhance safety, efficiency, and cost management, ensuring projects stay on track and comply with regulations. GPRS helps navigate these complexities with precise mapping and documentation services. With a 99.8% accuracy rate, partnering with GPRS means you’re set for success from the start. Contact us today to learn how we can help you map the future.

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling
3D Laser Scanning

How to Get Your Plan View of Your Facility or Project

A plan view is an invaluable asset to have in various stages of construction, maintenance, and operation.

A plan view is an invaluable asset to have in various stages of construction, maintenance, and operation.

Also known as a top view, floor plan, or bird’s-eye view, it represents a facility or project as if viewed from above, offering a comprehensive layout of its spatial arrangements. This perspective is invaluable in various stages of construction, maintenance, and operation.

To obtain an accurate plan view of a facility or project, it’s vital to incorporate key methodologies and technologies such as 3D laser scanning, 3D photogrammetry, and utility locating.

Floor plans of a multi-floor building.
A plan view is an invaluable asset to have in various stages of construction, maintenance, and operation.

Understanding the Importance of Plan Views

Plan views are integral to infrastructure mapping because they provide a clear, detailed representation of a site’s layout. This visual aid is essential for:

  • Design and Planning: Helping architects and engineers visualize spatial relationships and align new construction with existing structures
  • As-Built Documentation: Ensuring accurate records of the completed project for future reference and maintenance
  • Existing Conditions Documentation: Capturing the current state of a facility for renovations or expansions
  • Utility Locating: Identifying underground utilities to prevent damage during excavation and construction

How to Obtain a Plan View

Initial Site Assessment

The first step in obtaining a plan view is a thorough site assessment. This involves:

  • Site Visits: Conducting physical inspections to understand the site's layout, topography, and key features
  • Document Review: Examining existing documentation, such as blueprints and previous surveys, to gather preliminary information

Choosing the Right Technology

Different technologies are available to create detailed and accurate plan views. Selecting the right one depends on the project’s complexity, size, and specific requirements.

3D Laser Scanning

3D laser scanning is a highly accurate method for capturing the geometry of a site. It uses laser beams to measure distances between the scanner and the surfaces of objects, generating a precise 3D model.

Advantages: Provides high-resolution data, captures intricate details, and is efficient for large or complex facilities.

Process: Set up the scanner at multiple locations around the site to cover all angles. The scanner emits laser pulses, which bounce back from surfaces to create a dense point cloud representing the site’s geometry.

Drone Photogrammetry

Drones equipped with cameras can capture aerial images of a site, which are then processed to create a detailed map.

Advantages: Ideal for large outdoor sites, provides a comprehensive overview quickly, and can cover inaccessible areas.

Process: Plan the drone’s flight path to ensure complete coverage. After the flight, use photogrammetry software to stitch the images together and generate a 3D model or orthomosaic map.

Data Collection

Using the chosen technology, collect the necessary data:

  • For 3D Laser Scanning: Position the scanner at various points around the site. Ensure that overlapping scans are taken to cover all areas and eliminate blind spots. The result is a point cloud data set
  • For Drone Photogrammetry: Conduct the drone flight as per the planned path, ensuring that the camera captures overlapping images. Post-processing these images will yield a detailed 3D model

Data Processing and Analysis

Once data collection is complete, the next step is processing and analyzing the data to create a plan view.

  • Point Cloud Processing: For 3D laser scanning, use software to convert the point cloud into a usable format, such as a 2D floor plan or a 3D model. Tools like AutoCAD or Revit can be employed to extract specific views and dimensions
  • Image Stitching: For 3D and drone photogrammetry, employ photogrammetry software to combine images into a coherent map. This involves registration: the process of aligning and merging the images based on their GPS coordinates and visual overlap

Creating the Plan View

With the processed data, you can now create the plan view:

  • 2D Drawings: Convert the 3D data into 2D plan views using CAD software. This involves drawing lines and shapes to represent walls, windows, doors, and other features from the top-down perspective
  • Overlaying Utility Data: If utility locating is part of the project, integrate the data from ground-penetrating radar (GPR) or electromagnetic (EM) locating tools. This will highlight the position of underground utilities like pipes and cables

Verification and Validation

Before finalizing the plan view, it’s crucial to verify and validate the accuracy of the data:

- **Field Verification**: Conduct on-site checks to ensure that the plan view matches the actual conditions. This may involve measuring distances and comparing them with the data.

- **Client Review**: Share the plan view with stakeholders or clients for feedback and approval. Incorporate any necessary adjustments to meet their requirements.

Final Documentation

Once the plan view is verified and validated, compile the final documentation:

  • As-Built Documentation: Prepare detailed drawings and records that accurately represent the completed facility. This documentation is essential for future maintenance, renovations, and compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Existing Conditions Documentation: For projects focusing on renovations or expansions, ensure that the plan view accurately reflects the current state of the facility

Applications of Plan Views

Plan views have wide-ranging applications across various industries, including:

  • Construction: Facilitating the design and coordination of new buildings and infrastructure
  • Utilities and Infrastructure: Mapping underground utilities and ensuring safe excavation practices
  • Facility Management: Assisting in the maintenance and operational planning of large facilities
  • Historic Preservation: Documenting heritage sites and ensuring their accurate restoration
  • Emergency Response Planning: Plan views are invaluable in emergency response planning as they provide detailed, overhead representations of buildings and areas, enabling responders to quickly understand layouts, identify critical access points, and strategize efficient evacuation and intervention routes
  • Real Estate Leasing and Sales: Plan views play a crucial role in real estate leasing and sales by offering clear, bird’s-eye illustrations of property layouts, which help potential tenants and buyers visualize space utilization, assess room dimensions, and make informed decisions about the functionality and suitability of the property for their needs
A GPRS FLRPLN floor plan.
FLRPLN provides fast 2D CAD plan views of buildings, facilities, and sites, documenting existing conditions to expedite planning and improve communication with clients and contractors.

GPRS FLRPLN: Accurate Existing Condition Documentation

Through our FLRPLN service, GPRS converts photogrammetry into 2D floorplan views, delivered digitally and shareable via SiteMap® (patent pending) so that they can be downloaded, saved, and shared to any laptop, tablet, or smartphone and are accessible 24/7.

FLRPLN provides fast 2D CAD plan views of buildings, facilities, and sites, documenting existing conditions to expedite planning and improve communication with clients and contractors. Reference valuable property information, such as layout, dimensions, and details of rooms, walls, doors, windows, architectural, structural, and MEP features to communicate design intent, coordinate construction activities, mitigate risk, develop emergency plans and safety procedures, and more.

From skyscrapers to sewer lines, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling
3D Laser Scanning

How Different Soil Types Impact Excavation Projects

From the ease of digging in sandy soil to the challenges posed by dense clay, each soil type requires specific strategies and equipment to ensure a successful excavation.

Understanding soil conditions is crucial for any excavation project.

The type of soil you encounter can significantly influence your project's timeline, cost, and safety. From the ease of digging in sandy soil to the challenges posed by dense clay, each soil type requires specific strategies and equipment to ensure a successful excavation. This article explores how different soil types impact excavation projects and offers insights on how to manage them effectively.

Sandy soil.
Understanding soil conditions is crucial for any excavation project.

The Big Three: Sand, Silt, and Clay

Soil is typically composed of a mix of sand, silt, and clay. Each of these soil types has unique characteristics that affect how they respond to excavation efforts.

Sand: The Easy Digger

Sand is composed of large, loose particles that create a soil type known for its excellent drainage and ease of excavation. This makes sand an ideal material for projects requiring quick and straightforward digging. Its properties allow for efficient drainage, which is beneficial for structures like basements and footings where water needs to move away from the foundation.


- Fast Drainage: Sand allows water to pass through quickly, reducing the risk of waterlogging and making it suitable for areas that need to stay dry.

- Ease of Digging: The loose particles of sand make it easy to excavate, often requiring less power and effort compared to other soil types.

- Reduced Equipment Wear: Since sand is less compact, it causes less wear and tear on excavation equipment.


- Stability Concerns: While easy to dig, sandy soil can be unstable, especially when dry. This can lead to cave-ins if proper shoring and support are not used.

- Erosion Risk: Sand can shift and erode easily under certain conditions, which might require additional stabilization measures.

Best Uses:

- Projects requiring quick excavation.

- Areas needing good drainage, such as basements and foundations.

- Applications where minimal erosion is a concern.

Silt: The Balancer

Silt is finer than sand but coarser than clay, and it can retain some moisture while providing moderate drainage. This soil type is often used in trench work and projects where a balance between stability and drainage is needed. Silt can hold water but also allows for gradual drainage, making it a versatile choice for many excavation projects.


- Moderate Stability: Silt is more stable than sand, providing a solid base for projects that require a reliable foundation.

- Good for Trenching: Its ability to retain moisture while draining gradually makes it suitable for laying pipes or electrical conduit.

- Adaptable for Various Projects: Silt’s properties allow it to be used in a variety of applications, from residential construction to utility work.


- Moisture Retention: Silt can become compacted and hold moisture, which may require special handling to avoid issues during excavation.

- Erosion Potential: While not as prone to erosion as sand, silt can still shift under certain conditions, requiring careful planning and management.

Best Uses:

- Projects that need moderate drainage and stability, such as trenches.

- Laying utility lines where a balance between stability and drainage is necessary.

- Areas where soil needs to be relatively stable yet adaptable.

Clay: The Tough Challenger

Clay consists of very fine particles that stick together, creating a dense and heavy soil type. Excavating clay is often challenging due to its stickiness and resistance. However, clay’s properties can be advantageous in projects that require a watertight seal, such as landfills or containment areas for hazardous materials.


- High Plasticity: Clay can be molded and shaped, making it useful for creating barriers and seals.

- Low Permeability: Its dense structure prevents water from passing through, ideal for projects requiring water containment.

- Durability: Clay provides a solid foundation for structures needing high stability and longevity.


- Difficult Excavation: The dense, sticky nature of clay makes it harder to dig through, often requiring more powerful equipment and longer project timelines.

- Expansion and Contraction: Clay can expand when wet and contract when dry, potentially leading to structural issues if not managed properly.

- Heavy Equipment Wear: The density of clay can cause significant wear on excavation tools and machinery.

Best Uses:

- Projects requiring a watertight seal, such as landfills or hazardous waste containment.

- Foundations where high stability is essential.

- Areas where soil movement needs to be minimized.

Managing Mixed Soils

Most excavation sites will encounter a mix of these soil types rather than pure sand, silt, or clay. Understanding the dominant soil type and its properties is key to planning and executing a successful excavation project. Here are some strategies to manage mixed soils effectively:

Soil Testing

Before starting any excavation, conducting thorough soil testing is crucial. This helps identify the soil composition and determine the best approach for excavation. Testing can reveal the proportions of sand, silt, and clay, guiding decisions on equipment and techniques.

Equipment Selection

Choosing the right equipment is essential for handling different soil types. For example, sandy soil might only need a standard excavator, while clay could require more powerful machinery and additional attachments to break through its dense structure.

Project Timeline and Budget

Understanding soil conditions can help estimate realistic project timelines and budgets. Excavating through clay, for instance, will likely take longer and cost more than digging through sand. Accurate estimates can prevent unexpected delays and cost overruns.

Safety Measures

Different soil types require specific safety measures to prevent accidents and ensure worker safety. Sandy or loose soil may need additional support to prevent cave-ins, while compacted clay could necessitate reinforced excavation walls.

Communication and Coordination

Effective communication among stakeholders is vital, especially in complex projects involving multiple soil types. Tools like GIS mapping programs can help project planners, utility owners, and field crews coordinate their efforts and share information about soil conditions and excavation progress.

GPRS Project Managers conducting utility locating and mapping services.
GPRS offers non-destructive private utility locating services that work in any kind of soil.

GPRS Services Can Adapt to Any Job Site

Regardless of what type of soil you’re working with, striking the infrastructure buried within that soil while excavating could derail your project and endanger your workers.

GPRS offers non-destructive private utility locating services that work in any kind of soil. Utilizing complimentary technologies such as ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic (EM) locating, our SIM-certified Project Managers provide comprehensive infrastructure mapping to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize?

Frequently Asked Questions  

Can GPRS locate PVC piping and other non-conductive utilities?

GPR scanning is exceptionally effective at locating all types of subsurface materials. There are times when PVC pipes do not provide an adequate signal to GPR equipment and can’t be properly located by traditional methods. GPRS Project Managers, however, are expertly trained at multiple methods of utility locating.

Is GPRS able to distinguish between each type of underground utility which is located?

In most situations, we can identify the utility in question without any problems, although it is not always possible to determine what type of utility is present. When this happens, we attempt to trace the utility to a valve, meter, control box, or other signifying markers to determine the type of utility buried.

Will I need to mark out the utilities GPRS locates?

No, GPRS will locate and mark all utilities for you. We have a variety of tools and markers we can use to highlight the locations of utilities, underground storage tanks (USTs), and whatever else may be hiding.

No items found.

GPRS Deploys ‘Super Sonde’ for Video Pipe Inspection

GPRS paired specialized equipment with our industry-leading sewer pipe inspection process to locate an old sewer line hidden 40’ below a 124-year-old college campus.

GPRS paired specialized equipment with our industry-leading sewer pipe inspection process to locate an old sewer line hidden 40 feet below a 124-year-old college campus.

GPRS Project Manager Nate Johnson was tasked with locating the pipe buried beneath Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s Carnegie Mellon University, where Costa Contracting was doing foundation work for a new building.

Green spray paint on the ground of a job site.
While existing as-built documentation for Carnegie Mellon University indicated a sewer line was running through the planned site for a new building, the contractor had been unable to accurately locate the line by themselves.

While existing as-built documentation for the university indicated a sewer line was running through the planned excavation site, the contractor had been unable to accurately locate the line by themselves.

This isn’t unusual; the average sewer line in the United States is 45 years old. Even today, many facilities don’t have accurate maps of their buried infrastructure.

This is a problem, especially considering that the average sewer line in the U.S. is also at 81% capacity and 70,000 sanitary sewer overflows occur annually. You can’t maintain what you can’t find.

To find the buried sewer line at Carnegie Mellon, Johnson inserted a remote-controlled sewer inspection rover into a nearby access point and piloted the device through the line running under the job site. All of GPRS’ rovers and push-fed sewer scopes are equipped with CCTV cameras and sondes: instrument probes that are detectable from the surface using electromagnetic (EM) locators. This allows us to map your sewer system at the same time we’re investigating it for defects such as cross bores and inflow/infiltration (I/I).

The problem was that our rovers’ internal sondes can only locate sewer pipes up to 15 feet into the Earth. Because of the hilly terrain found across much of western Pennsylvania, pipes are often buried much deeper than 15 feet.

A Prototek DuraSonde Transmitter on a table.
To find the sewer line, GPRS Project Manager Nate Johnson deployed this Prototek Durasonde Transmitter, which is locatable in nonmetallic pipes over 50’ in depth.

To overcome this challenge, Johnson equipped his rover with a Prototek DuraSonde Transmitter. Colloquially referred to as a ‘super sonde,’ this 10 ¼ inch-long, 8 KHz frequency transmitter is locatable in nonmetallic pipes over 50 feet in depth.

“So, it gets attached to the crawler and is able to be located with our EM locators...,” Johnson said. "We do [jobs with this device] from time to time. With how hilly it is in western Pennsylvania, some of the lines are quite deep.”

With the super sonde along for the ride, Johnson used the rover to conduct GPRS’ comprehensive Video Pipe Inspection services. Through this process, we provide our clients with NASSCO-certified, WinCan reports detailing all issues found within the pipes we locate and map. These reports include photo and video evidence of the defects, which are geolocated and ranked by severity, so you know where you need to dig to make repairs and can prioritize maintenance.

Even the best infrastructure data is useless if you can’t share it when and where it’s needed. That’s why GPRS created SiteMap® (patent pending), a cloud-based infrastructure mapping software solution that provides accurate existing condition documentation to protect your assets and people.

Able to integrate with your existing GIS mapping system and securely accessible 24/7 from any computer, tablet or smartphone, SiteMap® eliminates communication silos and the mistakes, reworks, and change orders they cause. With the field-verified data collected by GPRS’ nationwide team of Project Managers at your fingertips exactly when and where you need it, you can plan, design, manage, dig, and build better.

Johnson determined that the sewer line at Carnegie was a vitrified clay pipe. It’s a type of pipe he is intimately familiar with, having mapped most of the wastewater infrastructure in the City of Pittsburgh, which primarily consists of vitrified clay pipe.

Like clay pottery, vitrified clay pipe is hard to crush, but will snap when not properly supported or when placed under extreme pressure from an external source such as a tree root – or the foundation of a building built on top of it. Because Costa Contracting contacted GPRS to locate the pipe prior to laying the foundation for the building they were constructing, they ensured the safety and success of their project.

From sewer lines to skyscrapers, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What size pipes can GPRS inspect?

Our professional Video Pipe Inspection Project Managers have the capabilities to inspect pipes from 2 inches in diameter and up.

What deliverables does GPRS offer when conducting a Video Pipe Inspection?

GPRS is proud to offer WinCan reporting to our Video Pipe Inspection clients. Maintaining sewers starts with understanding sewer condition, and WinCan allows GPRS Project Managers to collect detailed, NASSCO-compliant inspection data. GPRS Project Managers not only inspect the interior condition of sewer pipes, laterals, and manholes – they can also provide a map of their location. The GPRS Mapping & Modeling Department can provide detailed GPS overlays and CAD files. Our detailed WinCan/NASSCO reports contain screenshots of the interior condition of the pipe segments that we inspect, as well as a video file for further evaluation, documentation, and/or reference.

All this field-verified data is securely accessible 24/7 from SiteMap® (patent pending), GPRS’ cloud-based infrastructure mapping software solution.

Can GPRS locate pipes in addition to evaluating their integrity?

Yes! Our SIM and NASSCO-certified Project Managers use video pipe inspection technology equipped with sondes, which are instrument probes that allow them to ascertain the location of underground utilities from an inaccessible location. This allows them to use electromagnetic (EM) locating to map sewer systems at the same time they’re evaluating them for defects.

Does GPRS offer lateral launch services?

Yes, we offer lateral launch capabilities as part of our standard Video Pipe Inspection services.

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling
Utility Locating
Video Pipe Inspection

Where Do We Stand With The CGA’s 50 in 5 Initiative?

The Common Ground Alliance (CGA) made waves in February of 2023 when it unveiled its “50 in 5” initiative: a challenge to the damage prevention industry to reduce damages to critical underground utilities by 50% by 2028. While it’s still too early to truly gauge whether the initiative will be a success, the CGA is pleased with the response it has seen so far.

The Common Ground Alliance (CGA) made waves when it unveiled its “50 in 5” initiative in February 2023.

The national nonprofit dedicated to mitigating damage to buried utilities challenged the damage prevention industry to cut damages to critical underground utilities in half by 2028.

So far, the CGA is pleased with the results.

A woman smiling for the camera.
Sarah Magruder Lyle, President & CEO of Common Ground Alliance

“Once we announced 50 in 5, it basically took on a life of its own,” CGA President & CEO, Sarah Magruder Lyle, told the industry newsletter, The Built World*. “We have seen so many other associations and groups really grab that and say, ‘What can we do to do this?’ It’s gone from a, ‘Well, can we do it?’ to, ‘Yes we can, if we work together.’”

Although achieving a 50% damage reduction in 5 years is ambitious, the CGA had a significant advantage when presenting this challenge to its stakeholders: it had already been accomplished in the City of Chicago, one of the nation's largest and most utility-dense cities.

A construction worker in a hole in a city street.
With more utilities being installed underground than ever before, mitigating damage to existing buried infrastructure during excavation has taken on a new level of importance.

Chicago is one of only two cities – along with New York City – to have its own 811 One-Call System.

811 is the nationwide call-before-you-dig service. Since 2005, federal law mandates that contractors and excavators call 811 before starting any digging to determine the approximate location of public utilities in the area.

What distinguishes 811 Chicago from other 811 services is its project design review process, which lays the groundwork for safe excavation involving utility projects. As detailed in a CGA case study, this approach has led to a 50% decrease in annual damages in the city since 2017.

“811 Chicago’s damage prevention model is unique, and features aspects that other stakeholders may not be able to adopt within the current system in their state or region – namely enforcement authority and oversight of the OUC [Chicago’s Division of Infrastructure Management’s Office of Underground Coordination],” the CGA wrote in its case study. “But there are many aspects of 811 Chicago’s process that any stakeholder, regardless of local regulation, can incorporate into their damage prevention process.”

Any potential utility locating project in Chicago starts with a project design review, which the CGA says emphasizes collaboration and communication among project owners, engineers, and facility operators. As part of the review, project owners submit the location of the project, and the OUC sends them a utility atlas page that identifies the locations of most of the buried utilities in the vicinity of the project location.

The project owner must integrate the data from the utility atlas into an updated project plan that avoids existing utilities. This revised plan is then submitted back to OUC, which forwards it to its member utility owners for review. They examine the plan to ensure that the proposed utility will not interfere with their facilities.

The project gains approval only when all members concur on the revised plans. If any member requests modifications, the project planners must incorporate these changes before proceeding to the permitting phase.

“Projects approved by the OUC ensure a new facility’s potential impact on existing infrastructure is mitigated before the ground is broken,” the CGA wrote. “The OUC returns value to both utility owners and excavators by saving them costs associated with utility damages.”

Lyle shared with The Built World that the CGA was particularly impressed by the transparent communication among stakeholders regarding subsurface utility mapping when they reviewed the data from 811 Chicago.

The CGA’s case study highlights dotMaps as a key factor in Chicago 811's success. This custom-built GIS mapping tool displays the locations of OUC projects, permits, and dig tickets. Stakeholders utilize dotMaps to research both completed and upcoming infrastructure projects. Project and utility owners coordinate their efforts using the data, field crews access it for on-site information, and the public can view ongoing utility projects in their neighborhoods.

“Five years ago, it was ‘We can’t do that,’” Lyle said. “Now we have a lot of places that have shown us we can, and so that, to me, stuck out. Yes, we can provide access to mapping, and we can provide access to this information, and it actually does make the system better. They’ve shown that mapping tools work.”

SiteMap®: Accurate Infrastructure Mapping at Your Fingertips

Chicago has the resources to have an infrastructure mapping software solution purpose-built to suit its needs. That’s obviously not a reality for even most mid-size municipalities across the country.

So, GPRS did it for you.

SiteMap® (patent pending), powered by GPRS, is a GIS-based project & facility management application that provides accurate existing condition documentation to protect your assets and people.

What sets SiteMap® apart from other GIS-based infrastructure mapping solutions is that its built on the field-verified data collected on your site by GPRS’ SIM-certified Project Managers. That’s 99.8%+ utility locating, 2-4mm accurate 3D laser scanning, NASSCO-certified video pipe inspection, and pinpoint accurate leak detection data, at your fingertips 24/7 from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.

With SiteMap®, you and your team can eliminate communication silos and plan, design, manage, dig, and build better.

GPRS SiteMap® team members are currently scheduling live, personal SiteMap® demonstrations. Click below to schedule your free demo today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Benefits of Underground Utility Mapping?

Having an updated and accurate map of your subsurface infrastructure reduces accidents, budget overruns, change orders, and project downtime caused by dangerous and costly subsurface damage.

How does SiteMap® assist with Utility Mapping?

SiteMap®, powered by GPRS, is the industry-leading infrastructure management program. It is a single source of truth, housing the 99.8%+ accurate utility locating, concrete scanning, video pipe inspection, leak detection, and 3D laser scanning data our Project Managers collect on your job site. And the best part is you get a complimentary SiteMap® Personal Subscription when GPRS performs a utility locate for you.

Click here to learn more.

Does SiteMap® Work with my Existing GIS Platform?

SiteMap® allows for exporting of data to SHP, GeoJSON, GeoPackage, and DXF directly from any user’s account that either owns or has a job shared to their account. All these file formats can be imported and utilized by other GIS packages if manually imported by the user. More information can be found at

*DISCLAIMER: The Built World is published by GPRS.

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling
Utility Locating

Discussing BIM Standards And Laser Scanning

A Building Information Model is a 3D digital representation of a building’s features and measurements that is used by everyone from real estate developers to architects and building designers to construction contractors to plot, plan, design, prefabricate elements offsite, and collaborate on any building, retooling, or renovation project before anyone even breaks ground.
Building Information Model

What is a Building Information Model (BIM Model) & How are They Used?

A Building Information Model is a 3D digital representation of a building’s features and measurements that is used by everyone from real estate developers to architects and building designers to construction contractors to plot, plan, design, prefabricate elements offsite, and collaborate on any building, retooling, or renovation project before anyone even breaks ground.

Here’s the NIBS (The National Institute of Building Sciences) definition of a BIM model: “A BIM is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle from inception onward.”

Standards for BIM Models in Design

The construction, engineering, and architecture industry has seen a recent update from NIBS (The National Institute of Building Sciences) regarding their ongoing initiative to create a nationwide standard for BIM models in design.

September 2022 marks the third update to the proposed National BIM Standard, for which NIBS chartered its BIM Council in 2005. Now known as the Building Smart Alliance, they have been working for more than a decade to create and reach consensus on a national standard, and their first nationwide BIM standards release occurred in 2007. The new standards just issued by NIBS are known as NBIMS-US™ V3 and are included in a 3,100-page document laying out the rationale behind the collaborative effort to create the standards and how they can be effectively implemented.

Adopting New Technology in Data Capture for BIM Modeling

It is now possible, and even desirable, for as-built, existing structural elements to be measured and captured by 3D laser scanning, which utilizes LiDAR (light detection and ranging) at the rate of 2 million data points per second to provide structural features and measurements with millimeter accuracy. That data, organized as a point cloud, is then sent to CAD designers BIM Managers, Virtual Design Construction teams (VDCs), and technicians to fabricate the digital model with similar accuracy and attention to detail.

However, as pointed out in a recent Yahoo News article, the architecture, engineering and construction industries have been slow to embrace digitalization for construction projects. In many cases, architects and builders rely on manual measurements which can be as much as a full foot off. BIM models created with those measurements make clash detection/avoidance and off-site prefabrication difficult. Manual measuring for BIM can cause huge cost overruns, change orders, and lost time on the job when the data proves to be inaccurate.

“A critical issue in the U.S. construction industry is its low level of digitalization, which prevents it from transforming lifecycle work processes to be more efficient, less expensive, more resilient, and safer to build and maintain.” – Yahoo News

It makes sense, given the vast differences in modeling practices across the construction and design disciplines, to find a common standardization. Which is why in June of this year, NIBS brought in AEC specialist Johnny Fortune to oversee their national BIM initiative.

Additionally, the Building Smart Alliance cites the statistic that a mere 1% improvement in productivity in the architecture and construction-related industries has been achieved in the last 20 years, although the technology exists to vastly improve the timeliness, cost-effectiveness, and safety on construction and renovation jobsites.

Which is why they brought together 40 industry leaders to explore the subject and collaborate on best practices for version 3.

Where Does 3D Laser Scanning Fit In?

LiDAR News, a leading industry publication, had this to say about the upcoming V3 standards in February of 2022:

“The transformation in the building industry fostered by the evolution from use of analog drawings and text to the use of digital electronic Building Information Modeling (BIM) is comparable to the transformation that has already occurred in the aircraft, microprocessor, and automotive industries. Early definitions, which assert that BIM is simply a 3D model of a facility, are far from the truth and do not adequately communicate the potential of digital, object-based, interoperable building information modeling processes and tools and modern communications methods.”

There seems to be a persistent omission from NIBS massive standardization initiative: The use of 3D laser scanning technology. This omission is confounding, considering its popularity and use for structural measurements and building feature capture across the architectural, construction, and engineering spaces.

3D laser scanning with LiDAR is considered the most efficient, effective, and accurate measuring tool available to architects and designers because it can reduce measuring times down to a few hours, and instantly capture data and photogrammetry, so that CAD designers and Autodesk technicians can easily rectify the point cloud and images to provide an accurate and immediately accessible BIM model, along with drawings, maps, and even complete walkthrough and flythrough tours of the BIM.

GPRS' Director of Laser Scanning, Nate Baker, had this to say about the importance of 3D laser scanning in the BIM world and why standardization matters. “Laser scanning is typically the basis or starting point for an architect, engineer, GC, etc., when they don’t have good or existing drawings. So, we need to come up with a standard way of communicating expectations for all stakeholders.”

Baker voiced his opinion on the seeming continued omission.

“I think [standardization] is great… but it doesn’t really address laser scanning. For example, an LOD 400 model [a type of BIM] should include window internal mechanisms in the model by definition. With laser scanning, we are limited to line of sight, so we are not able to see those features and therefore cannot capture them in our data or model them. The USIBD has tried to fill this gap, but even they focus more on defining accuracy and less on defining what we will be capturing and how we will be modeling it.”

The organization Baker referred to, USIBD, is the U.S. Institute of Building Documentation, and fills a role adjacent to that of NIBS: to “establish standards, guidelines, and best practices to foster excellence in productivity, quality and safety of the documentation process.” It does not, however, specifically address 3D laser scanning’s role in data capture for BIM, although it is trying to bridge that gap.

When asked if he believes NIBS will succeed in its third BIM standardization attempt, Baker replied, “Yes, I do. There is a huge need for it, but I do wish they specifically addressed laser scanning. Laser scanning is a huge part of capturing as-built/as-is conditions, and so I think it should not be overlooked.”

Scan-to-BIM modeling services, like those provided by the Mapping & Modeling Team, are constructed with a wide range of software, but the goal is the same: to construct a true digital twin of the existing as-built structures to streamline data sharing, coordination, and management on the project.

Who is GPRS?

GPRS is a leading provider of 3D laser scanning services in the U.S., delivering accurate as-builts, point clouds, 2D CAD drawings, and 3D BIM models of architectural, structural, and MEP system layout and dimensions for existing buildings, facilities, and sites.

What can we help you visualize?

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Building Renovations Surpass New Construction In 2022

The renovation of older buildings in US cities recently hit a record high. As of spring 2022, 52% of architecture firm billings came from renovation work, not new construction, according to the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

For the first time in 20 years, renovations have overtaken new construction in architectural billings in the Unites States.

The renovation of older buildings in US cities recently hit a record high. As of spring 2022, 52% of architecture firm billings came from renovation work, not new construction, according to the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

In 2005, renovations made up 34% of billings. In 2017, it was 44%. Bloomberg reports that renovations have surpassed 50% for the first time in 20 years.

Renovations, rehabilitations, additions, and historic preservation as a percent of firm building design billings.

Why Building Renovations Happen

Changes in building function are the major cause for renovations. Kermit Baker, AIA’s chief economist, asked architecture firms about the most important goal of reconstruction projects they have worked on in the last 12 months and compiled these statistics:

  • 26% adaptive reuse/conversion
  • 24% basic interior modernization
  • 18% tenant fit-outs
  • 10% adding usable space
  • 6% upgrades to building shell
  • 5% upgrades to building systems
  • 4% energy performance
  • 3% historic preservation
  • 2% improve the resiliency of the building
Architectural firms reporting what has been the single most important goal of reconstruction projects that their firm has worked over the past year.

Accurate Site Data for Building Renovations

Renovations can reverse the trend of demolishing buildings and save them by reusing them. “There is an opportunity to adapt or renovate what we already have,” says Ryan Hacker, Director of Laser Scanning. He adds, “The challenge is that the architect may not have access to accurate as-built site data to complete these renovations.”

There are many concerns when it comes to renovating a structure which does not have the original construction drawings. The architect does not have access to the actual building or site dimensions. 3D laser scanning is the perfect solution to this problem. Exact dimensions and measurements of a building can be obtained in an efficient, accurate and safe manner.

Here are a few project examples where laser scanning can be valuable: expansion of a data center, office buildings being fitted with new amenities, manufacturing facilities adding new production lines, hotels catching up with deferred maintenance, and parking garages getting upgrades.

3D laser scanning can benefit your renovation project
3D laser scanning allows you to gather accurate as-built information about existing site conditions.

3D Laser Scanning Can Benefit a Renovation Project

Understanding how 3D laser scanning can benefit your renovation project is an important step in project planning, whether you’re embarking on a building renovation or facility maintenance. As-built laser scanning allows you to gather accurate, detailed information about existing site conditions. Data is collected in the form of a point cloud, a database of millions of points in a 3D coordinate system. Accurate to within millimeters, laser scanning captures a precise digital record of a building or site.

What are the Benefits of 3D Laser Scanning?

3D laser scanning offers the following benefits for renovation, retrofitting, restoration, and construction projects:

  • Fast, Accurate Data Collection: A single laser scan captures millions of 3D data points per second, providing comprehensive as-built information of a building or project site.
  • Data Shared Across the Project Team: Datasets are dimensionally accurate, measurable, and shareable, expediting project planning and execution.
  • Eliminates Site Revisits and Disruption: Sites are captured in high detail the first time, eliminating the need for return visits. High speed data collection expedites projects that require minimal disruption.
  • Reduced Costs and Change Orders: Accurate design plans are produced from the start, expediting field work and reducing change orders, delays, and costs.
  • Safe and Non-Contact: 3D laser scanners collect data on tripods from a distance in hard to reach or hazardous locations, keeping workers safe. The non-intrusive nature keeps historic sites and artifacts untouched.
  • Custom Deliverables: 2D CAD drawings, 3D mesh, and 3D BIM models can be produced at any level of detail. TruViews and virtual tours can be used to visualize the site.
  • Improved Communication: Teams can discuss plans while each has access to the same information, creating a more dynamic working environment.

Before beginning your renovation, retrofitting, or restoration project, laser scanning can grant architects, contractors, and sub-contractors access to accurate data to quickly move through the design phase. Utilizing laser scanning can offer many benefits and ensure a successful project outcome.

Why Choose GPRS 3D Laser Scanning Services?

GPRS is dedicated to helping you Intelligently Visualize the Built World® by delivering the highest quality 3D laser scanning services, using state-of-the-art equipment, technology, and processes. From conception to completion, we will provide exceptional service and work closely with you to achieve 3D laser scanning solutions for your project.

GPRS is the industry-leading 3D laser scanning service in the United States. Our professionals stay at the forefront of new technologies, we are client-dedicated, and uphold the highest professional standards in the practice of laser scanning, point clouds, and BIM/CAD technology.

When you hire GPRS 3D Laser Scanning, you are hiring the most accurate data collection experts in the business who will get the job done right – and fast – the first time.

What can we help you visualize?

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How Do You Select The Right 3D Laser Scanning Company?

A savvy professional knows that not all service providers are alike. Laser scanning is an advanced technology. 3D laser scanning companies must stay at the forefront of the industry to deliver successful projects. This means having the right people onboard with the correct skill set, professional-grade equipment, and software experience to get the job done right.

Eliminate Stress When Selecting a 3D Laser Scanning Service

A savvy professional knows that not all service providers are alike. Laser scanning is an advanced technology. 3D laser scanning companies must stay at the forefront of the industry to deliver successful projects. This means having the right people onboard with the correct skill set, professional-grade equipment, and software experience to get the job done right.

GPRS 3D Laser Scanning Services
3D laser scanning companies must stay at the forefront of the industry to deliver successful projects.

Do They Have Experience In Your Industry?

Trust companies whose primary business is laser scanning. Does the 3D laser scanning service have experience working with companies in your industry? Can the company commit to your project scope and requirements? Do they have a Project Manager in your area and an in-house Mapping and Modeling Team? Select a company who understands your industry and project objectives, and who adds value with custom deliverables.

Can You Speak With The Project Manager?

The ability to speak with a Project Manager in your area assures there is a person that can rapidly mobilize to your jobsite. Have the Project Managers been formally trained, and do they have field experience? Can the Project Manager tie the scan data to survey control and/or project coordinates for project documentation?

Do They Administer Due Diligence For Your Project?

Does the 3D laser scanning company work with you to define the project scope and spec the right tools to achieve the accuracy and deliverables needed to successfully complete your as-built project?

Do They Have A Range Of Laser Scanning Equipment?

What brands of 3D laser scanning equipment do they own and are they available for your project? The brands we suggest are Leica P-series scanners and the Leica RTC360 laser scanner. These professional-grade laser scanners capture exact dimensions and locations of architectural, structural, and MEP systems. Be sure to ask what format the point cloud will be delivered in (raw, indexed, file type, colorized, intensity, etc.).

Can They Provide Deliverables In Your Software Package?

Confirm that the 3D laser scanning company has the specialized software required for your project. Examples are ReCap, TruView, LFM, Cintoo, BIM 360, Navisworks, AutoCAD, Revit, Inventor, SolidWorks, and MicroStation. Ensure they have licenses for the software you require and that they are proficient in creating deliverables. There is a significant learning curve to creating high-quality 2D CAD drawings and 3D BIM models. Also, ask what modeling options they offer in terms of level of detail and how those levels are defined? How are their modeling services priced?

3D Laser Scanning Company
Established 3D laser scanning companies will have a portfolio of their past projects or case studies.

What is the Best Way to Evaluate 3D Laser Scanning Companies?

Request Information on Employees.

Ask for the backgrounds, technical expertise and experience of the staff. What relevant professional licenses do they hold? Do they have a team of architects, engineers, and CAD technicians? This will give you a good idea of whether the company has the right people for the job.

Ask for Past Project Examples.

Established companies will have a portfolio of their past projects or case studies. Check their website to see their capabilities and if they have worked on projects similar to your scope. Or, ask the company to send project examples to you via email.

Read Client Reviews.

Check the Google My Business account for reviews and their social media pages for comments. Also, check their website for testimonials. Reading responses from clients can give you a good feel of how they were treated, and what type of clients they’ve successfully worked with in the past.

Ask for a Consultation Call.

It’s important to select a service provider that understands your specific challenge, and will provide custom deliverables to help you achieve your goals. You should be able to get a proper feel of this during the initial talks, with the way that they approach the conversation and how they ask their questions.

Discuss Technical Preferences.

This can be in the form of software programs, level of detail, units, standards used, etc. This is also important for ensuring a scalable solution, should you decide to bring in a different team in the future, ensuring that they can easily update designs and work with the existing files in place.

Do They Have an In-House CAD Team?

Does the company have an in-house team of CAD designers, engineers and technicians that work with the actual data captured or are projects sent to other companies to register and model?

Determine How the Data Will Be Delivered.

There is tremendous value in 3D laser scan data. Is your company equipped with tools for storage and visualization? Can the data be shared in an online platform across design and construction teams? Be sure to discuss what will work best for your company. Upon project completion, ask if the 3D laser scanning company will host or turn the data over to you via Sharefile, cloud-hosted software, or on a hard drive. All GPRS data, drawings, maps, and models are delivered per the client's request to cloud-based data platforms, Sharefile, hard drives, or it can be uploaded to SiteMap®, our industry-leading infrastructure software platform. All GPRS customers receive a complimentary SiteMap® personal subscription with every GPRS service.

3D laser scanning service providers have the experience in taking a project from start to finish as efficiently as possible.

What are the Benefits of Using a 3D Laser Scanning Company?

Save Time.

3D laser scanning should provide a faster turnaround on projects. 3D laser scanning service providers have the experience in taking a project from start to finish as efficiently as possible. Chances are likely that they have done a similar project before, accelerating the deliverable process.

Control Costs.

The proposal should be transparent; there should be no hidden fees and no surprises when you receive your invoice.

Save Resources.

A common method for building documentation involves utilizing in-house resources and contact-type measurement devices to manually inspect sites, which is time consuming. 3D laser scanning enables you to produce highly accurate digital measurements and images quickly and easily, eliminating site disruption and revisits.

Accurate Data.

A single laser scan captures millions of 3D data points per second, providing incredibly rich detail of a building or project site. Datasets are dimensionally accurate, measurable and shareable. Accurate data facilitates project planning – design, specifications, scope of work, schedule, material takeoffs, and risk.

Receive Support.

Most 3D laser scanning companies provide support services. The company should be available for meetings, training, and consultation on how to best use the data.

Improve Communication.

Teams can discuss plans while each has access to the same information, creating a more dynamic working environment.

Minimize Change Orders.

The more time and effort you put into planning, the smoother the project will proceed. With 3D laser scanning, accurate design plans are produced from the start, expediting field work while reducing change orders, delays, and costs.

Why Choose GPRS 3D Laser Scanning Services?

Choosing the right 3D laser scanning service can be stressful. Asking the right questions can arm you with the information to choose the best partner for the job. Contact GPRS 3D laser scanning for any questions.

GPRS is dedicated to helping you Intelligently Visualize the Built World® by delivering the highest quality 3D laser scanning services, using state-of-the-art equipment, technology, and processes. From conception to completion, we will provide exceptional service and work closely with you to achieve 3D laser scanning solutions for your project.

GPRS is the industry-leading 3D laser scanning service in the United States. Our professionals stay at the forefront of new technologies, we are client-dedicated, and uphold the highest professional standards in the practice of laser scanning, point clouds, and BIM/CAD technology.

When you hire GPRS 3D Laser Scanning, you are hiring the most accurate data collection experts in the business who will get the job done right – and fast – the first time.

What can we help you visualize?

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3 Ways General Contractors Reduce Costs With 3D Laser Scanning

3D laser scanning and mapping methodologies are commonly used to capture the most accurate data for every architectural, structural and MEP detail of your site. This technology is applicable throughout the design, construction, operations, retrofit, and renovation stages of any construction project’s lifecycle.

In a recent article published by Autodesk Inc., 3D laser scanning, “also known as high-definition surveying (HDS) or reality capture,” was described as a “means of using a laser to map an area with high accuracy,” for a given construction project.

Data collected from this process provides facility managers, engineers, and other construction professionals with what is known as a point cloud. This is a database, which connects points within a 3D coordinate system, maintaining an “extremely accurate digital record of an object or space as it pertains to a project.”

Given their ability to improve quality and accuracy, provide immediate information, reduce manual labor, streamline coordination, and greatly cut costs, it’s no surprise that 3D laser scanning techniques have grown in popularity over the past few years.

In an interview with Aaron Seymour of the Rudolph Libbe Group, Seymour explained how GPRS 3D Laser Scanning is his choice measurement method for any construction project he’s assigned because it can save on time-consuming measurements and greatly cut costs. He elaborates on the fact that, "without the laser scanning capabilities that GPRS provides, we would have to hire an architect that would have to go through and do manual assessments and measurements in order to provide us with a set of drawings that we can actually build off of," which is a far more expensive and lengthy process.

However, using the modern techniques of GPRS Laser Scanning, we help project managers like Aaron fully visualize site data both above and below ground. Once all necessary data is collected by project managers and modeled by CAD technicians, it can then be easily stored and viewed using SiteMap®’s Map Viewer and Digital Plan Room.

3D laser scanning captures the most accurate data for every architectural, structural and MEP detail of your site.

There are three major ways in which 3D laser scanning can eliminate unnecessary costs for your construction project.

1. Measurement Accuracy

With more traditional methods of job site measurements, General Contractors usually have to hire an architectural firm to come in and manually collect all of the required measurements needed to create a set of drawings from which any construction plans or 3D model could be made.

However, this process has a very high chance of human error given that all measurements are taken and recorded by hand. This often results in inaccuracy up to a full foot, and therefore, major redesign costs later down the line after construction has already begun and such oversights stall any further progress.

On the other hand, with GPRS 3D Laser Scanning Services, complete as-builts can be captured with a far more reliable 2-4 mm level of accuracy, eliminating the redesign costs associated with traditional hand measurement techniques.

2. Efficient, Time-Saving Data Collection

Typical hand measuring techniques can take months if not years to be completed. Such delays can be very costly and greatly jeopardize the success of any project.

However, using 3D laser scan technology, it will only take about 1-2 days in most cases for our Project Managers to completely scan a job site. Afterwards, our CAD team can interpret the collected data to accurately generate the comprehensive maps, models, and drawings your project needs to move forward.

This modernized process can assess any location with high precision, allowing our customers to confidently execute their vision in a matter of days instead of weeks or even months.

3. Customizable 3D Models

3D laser scanning is also great at minimizing cost particularly because of its flexible, customizable approach to 3D modeling project sites. Not all aspects of the project site need to be modeled. The features are modeled to your project’s specific scope and LOD, as defined in the proposal. By using these detail specifications to scope projects, precision requirements of the BIM model are clearly communicated for faster project execution. 3D BIM models are revolutionizing the way projects are delivered across industries, adding intelligence and efficiency to project execution.

3D models and additional deliverables are stored in SiteMap® for easy access and faster collaboration. SiteMap is a cloud-based digital platform designed to be an easy-to-use portal, containing your accurate, and up to date “as-built” drawings all in one place. Designed with an intuitive user interface, SiteMap® delivers permanent records of site assets and infrastructure.

In Conclusion

With 3D laser scanning, you can confidently plan and execute any project knowing our services provide the most accurate data and systems required to keep you and your team on time, on budget, and safe. We help those looking to Visualize The Built World™ by creating the most detailed maps and models for a fully comprehensive representation of their entire site, both above and below ground.

We aim to empower our clients with the tools they need to share their plans with subcontractors, designers, engineers, and others using an easy, streamlined approach. Learn more about how 3D laser scanning can save your project time and money while providing the most accurate results by downloading our brochures and contacting us for a quote today!

It’s no surprise that 3D laser scanning techniques have grown in popularity over the past few years.

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GPRS Laser Scanning Equipment

GPRS utilizes Leica laser scanners to provide exact dimensions and measurements of large-scale projects such as buildings, sites, plants, machinery and industrial facilities with an accuracy of 2-4mm. The Matterport Pro3 delivers digital twins, floor plans, virtual tours, 3D meshes, 3D models, and topographical maps of physical spaces for our clients.

Equipment Used For Laser Scanning Data Capture

GPRS offers a wide range of laser scanning, photogrammetry, and visualization services. We work closely with each client to define the project scope and use the right tools to achieve the accuracy and as-builts needed to successfully complete each project. Beyond the point cloud data, we provide 2D CAD drawings, 3D BIM models, 3D meshes, and virtual tours to the highest quality standards for construction, design, prefabrication, clash detection, facility modifications, asset management, and more. All GPRS data, drawings, maps, and models are delivered per the client's request to cloud-based data platforms, Sharefile, hard drives, or it can be uploaded to SiteMap®, our industry-leading infrastructure software platform. All GPRS customers receive a complimentary SiteMap® personal subscription with every GPRS service.

3D Laser Scanning Equipment GPRS Project Managers Utilize

Leica ScanStation P50
Leica ScanStation P50

Leica ScanStation P50 | P40: Long-range, highest level of detail, dual-axis compensator

Leica P-Series ScanStations deliver the highest quality point cloud data and HDR imagery at an extremely fast scan rate of up to 1 million points per second and ranges of more than 1 kilometer. The P-series Leica laser scanners can tie to survey control, achieve 2-4mm accuracy and have real-time liquid filled dual axis compensators to help mitigate movement and ensure level scans. With unsurpassed range, survey-grade accuracy, and low range noise, these scanners deliver highly detailed point clouds mapped in realistic clarity.

Leica RTC360
Leica RTC360

Leica RTC360: Fast, precise, in-field registration

The Leica RTC360 3D laser scanner combines a high-performance laser scanner with Cyclone FIELD 360, a mobile-device app on a tablet computer, to capture and automatically pre-register scans in real time. With a measuring rate of up to 2 million data points per second and advanced HDR imaging system, you can have 3D colorized point clouds with 2-6 mm accuracy in under 2 minutes. Automatic targetless field registration (based on VIS technology) and the seamless transfer of data from site to office reduces time spent in the field, maximizing project productivity.

Matterport Pro 3
Matterport Pro 3

Matterport Pro 3: LiDAR and camera

Matterport Pro3 allows you to create virtual 3D models, point clouds, layouts, and floorplans of physical spaces, with the ability to edit and share them using the Matterport app and digital twin technology cloud service. The Matterport Pro3, updated with LiDAR-based scanning, offers 20mm accuracy within a 10m range, and has a maximum 100m scanning range. Data is collected at 100k points per second in under 20 seconds per sweep. The Matterport Pro3 features a custom 30-megapixel sensor and 12-element lens covering an ultra-wide angle to produce full-color digital twins.

Beyond the point cloud data, we provide 2D CAD drawings, 3D BIM models, 3D meshes, virtual tours, and more to the highest quality standards.

Data Platforms For Laser Scanning Projects

3D laser scanning data platforms help clients visualize, extract, analyze, and share point cloud data. There are many platforms available to manage laser scan projects and scan-to-BIM workflows. GPRS uses the following data platforms:

Autodesk BIM 360

BIM 360

BIM 360 is an Autodesk cloud-based solution that allows project teams to effectively work in a collaborative environment. In the AEC industry, it connects all project stakeholders to execute projects from conceptual design through construction and ultimately project turnover. BIM 360 is the overarching concept that is comprised of various modules focusing on different aspects of the project lifecycle: (Docs, Build, Design, Coordinate, Layout, Plan and Ops).

Cintoo Cloud

Cintoo Cloud

Cintoo Cloud is a SaaS platform that make your laser scans fully cloud-compatible, shareable, distributable and enrichable with measurements and annotations. Cintoo Cloud is cloud connected to BIM 360, BIM Track, and Procore to enable QA/QC and issue tracking workflows when you need to compare your as-builds to your designs. Cintoo Cloud uses a unique core point cloud-to-mesh engine to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds. Accurate data of buildings, factories, plants, or any other asset, becomes accessible and easily interpretable, by experts and non-experts alike, from a simple web browser from anywhere at any time, using Cintoo’s 3D mesh streaming technology.



Matterport is a 3D data platform trusted by thousands of businesses to securely store and manage 3D digital twins of their properties. The Matterport cloud service requires a separately obtained login and provides collaboration, and customization such as metadata tags, modeling file export, and editing tools.

SiteMap® is a cloud-based GPRS software that stores up to date as-built records and site assets, geolocated and layered in an easy-to-use interface for project planning.

GPRS SiteMap® Software Delivers As-Builts, Maps & Models

When you partner with GPRS, the data we collect is instantly uploaded to SiteMap®, a cloud-based software that stores up to date as-built records and site assets, geolocated and layered in an easy-to-use interface for project planning.

Every member of your team can have their own login to SiteMap®, to access accurate site information via desktop or mobile devices to make critical decisions. You can share data with subcontractors, engineers, and stakeholders to keep your project on time, on budget, and safe. GPRS’ data in SiteMap® improves project planning, mitigates risk and improves communication for your team.

SiteMap® software can house a great amount of your site’s data. Almost any location data and documentation can be uploaded and organized. Examples of information clients can store, access and share include:

  • Subsurface Utility Maps
  • Concrete Layout and Imaging Maps
  • Point Cloud Data
  • 2D CAD Drawings
  • 3D BIM Models
  • 3D Mesh
  • TruViews
  • Virtual Tours
  • Drone Imagery
  • Subsurface Void Information
  • Sewer and Manhole Inspection Data

The GPRS Difference. Why Choose GPRS?

GPRS is the leading 3D laser scanning service providers in the United States. We have Project Managers in every major U.S. market equipped with 3D laser scanners to quickly document accurate site data. Our Project Managers undergo an extensive training program to ensure their competence in laser scanning equipment, field knowledge, and providing the best possible results for every project. Data is then compiled into customized data, maps and models and quickly delivered for project planning. When you hire GPRS, you know you’re hiring the most accurate in the business who will get the job done right – and fast – the first time.

What can we help you visualize?

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How GIS-Based Infrastructure Mapping Breaks Down Communication Silos in the Construction Industry

The success of your next construction project hinges on you being able to seamlessly communicate with your team, your subcontractors, and everyone else on the job site.

The success of your next construction project hinges on you being able to seamlessly communicate with your team, your subcontractors, and everyone else on the job site.

You can’t afford to have communication silos disrupt your planning and project execution. Yet we know that these silos are one of the construction industry’s most persistent challenges, as information is compartmentalized within specific groups of departments and efficiency and effectiveness is hindered.

Fortunately, the advent of GIS-based infrastructure mapping software offers a powerful solution to break down these barriers and foster a more integrated and collaborative working environment.

People working around design plans.
Communication silos are one of the construction industry’s most persistent challenges, as information is compartmentalized within specific groups of departments and efficiency and effectiveness is hindered.

Understanding Communication Silos in Construction

Communication silos in construction often arise due to the complex and diverse nature of projects. Construction typically involves multiple stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, subcontractors, and clients, each with their own specialized roles and responsibilities. These groups frequently operate in isolation, with limited sharing of information across departments. This fragmentation can lead to several problems:

  • Delayed Information Flow: When information is not shared promptly or accurately, it can cause delays and misunderstandings, leading to project setbacks
  • Inconsistent Data: Different teams might work with varying versions of project data, resulting in inconsistencies and potential errors in planning and execution
  • Increased Costs: Miscommunication and errors due to silos often result in rework and additional expenses, inflating project budgets
  • Safety Risks: Inaccurate or untimely information can compromise safety, putting workers at risk and potentially leading to accidents or hazards on the construction site

Given these challenges, addressing communication silos is crucial for the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and safety of construction projects.

The Role of GIS-Based Infrastructure Mapping

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have revolutionized many industries by providing tools to visualize, analyze, and interpret spatial data. In the context of construction, GIS-based infrastructure mapping software serves as a critical tool to bridge communication gaps. This technology integrates spatial data with project information, offering a comprehensive view of the project landscape that is accessible to all stakeholders.

Here are some ways which GIS-based infrastructure mapping helps eliminate communication silos in construction:

Centralized Data Repository: GIS software consolidates all project data into a single, centralized platform. This includes everything from site layouts and topographical maps to utility networks and environmental assessments. By having all information in one place, it ensures that everyone involved in the project has access to the most up-to-date and accurate data.

Enhanced Collaboration: With a centralized data repository, different teams can collaborate more effectively. GIS platforms often feature tools that allow for real-time updates and sharing of information, meaning changes or updates to project plans are immediately visible to all relevant parties. This transparency facilitates better coordination and reduces the likelihood of miscommunication.

Improved Decision-Making: Access to comprehensive spatial data enables more informed decision-making. Project managers can visualize the project site in detail, identify potential issues before they arise, and make proactive adjustments to the project plan. This foresight helps in mitigating risks and optimizing resource allocation.

Streamlined Workflow: GIS-based tools automate many of the processes involved in data management and analysis. For example, they can automatically update maps with the latest construction progress or detect clashes in planned infrastructure. This automation reduces manual effort and ensures that everyone is working with the latest information.

Stakeholder Engagement: Effective communication with external stakeholders, such as clients, regulatory bodies, and the public, is crucial in construction projects. GIS platforms can create interactive maps and visualizations that are easy to understand, helping to communicate complex project details clearly and concisely. This not only enhances transparency but also builds trust and engagement with stakeholders.

Spatial Analysis and Reporting: GIS software can perform sophisticated spatial analyses, such as identifying optimal locations for new infrastructure or assessing the impact of construction on the environment. These analyses are invaluable for planning and can be easily shared across teams to align on strategic decisions.

Practical Applications in Construction

To illustrate the impact of GIS-based infrastructure mapping in breaking down communication silos, consider the following practical applications in the construction industry:

Site Planning and Design: During the initial phases of a project, GIS tools can integrate various data sources to create detailed site plans. These plans can be shared with all stakeholders, ensuring that everyone has a common understanding of the site conditions and constraints.

Construction Management: Throughout the construction phase, GIS platforms can help managers monitor progress and provide real-time updates on the status of different project components. This continuous flow of information keeps all teams aligned and allows for quick adjustments if any issues arise.

Asset Management: Post-construction, GIS can be used to manage and maintain infrastructure assets. For instance, utility companies can use GIS maps to keep track of underground pipelines and cables, facilitating efficient maintenance and minimizing disruptions.

Disaster Response and Recovery: In the event of natural disasters, GIS-based mapping can quickly assess damage and coordinate response efforts. By providing accurate and timely information, it helps in deploying resources effectively and restoring infrastructure promptly.

SiteMap®: The Next Evolution of GIS-Based Infrastructure Mapping

Communication silos are a significant impediment to the efficiency and success of construction projects. By fostering isolated operations and limiting information flow, these silos can lead to delays, increased costs, and safety risks. GIS-based infrastructure mapping software provides a powerful solution to these challenges by offering a centralized platform for data integration, enhancing collaboration, and improving decision-making.

As the construction industry continues to evolve and embrace digital transformation, the adoption of GIS-based tools will be instrumental in creating more cohesive and efficient project environments. By breaking down communication silos, these technologies not only streamline operations but also pave the way for more innovative and sustainable construction practices.

SiteMap® (patent pending), powered by GPRS, is a GIS-based project & facility management application that provides accurate existing condition documentation to protect your assets and people.

Securely accessible 24/7 from any computer, tablet, or smartphone, SiteMap® is a single source of truth for the 99.8%+ accurate utility locating, NASSCO-certified video pipe inspection, pinpoint accurate leak detection, and 2-4mm accurate 3D laser scanning data that GPRS Project Managers collect on site. It enables seamless communication between you and your project team, subcontractors and more, eliminating silos and helping you plan, design, manage, dig, and ultimately build better.

GPRS SiteMap® team members are currently scheduling live, personal demonstrations. Click below to schedule your free SiteMap® demo today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Benefits of Underground Utility Mapping?

Having an updated and accurate map of your subsurface infrastructure reduces accidents, budget overruns, change orders, and project downtime caused by dangerous and costly subsurface damage.

How does SiteMap® assist with Utility Mapping?

SiteMap®, powered by GPRS, is the industry-leading subsurface and project infrastructure management program. It is a single source of truth, housing the 99.8%+ accurate utility locating, concrete scanning, video pipe inspection, leak detection, and 3D laser scanning data our Project Managers collect on your job site. And the best part is that you get a complimentary SiteMap® Personal Subscription when GPRS performs a utility locate for you.

Click here to learn more.

Does SiteMap® Work with my Existing GIS Platform?

SiteMap® offers fluid data portability that allows for exporting of data to SHP, GeoJSON, GeoPackage, and DXF directly from any account owner’s  or shared project’s account. All these file formats can be imported and utilized by other GIS packages if manually imported by the user. More information can be found at

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling
Ground Penetrating Radar
Leak Detection

Redefining Air Travel: The Architectural Marvel of Boston’s Terminal E

Airports are more than just transportation hubs; they are gateways to new experiences, cultures, and destinations.

Airports are more than just transportation hubs; they are gateways to new experiences, cultures, and destinations.

When it comes to global air travel, terminal design is a vital component of ensuring the safety and efficiency of every flight. Boston’s Terminal E expansion is an example of how innovative architecture and thoughtful planning can revolutionize the way travelers interact with the airport environment. And ground penetrating radar (GPR) and similar technologies play a crucial role in helping create these unique examples of architectural mastery.

The Importance of Airport Design

Airports serve as the first and last impression for travelers, setting the tone for their journey. Effective airport design goes beyond functionality; it embodies the spirit of a city, facilitates seamless navigation, and enhances the overall passenger experience. Terminal E at Boston Logan International Airport exemplifies this philosophy, combining striking architecture with intuitive planning to create a world-class travel hub.

According to leading architects and experts in the field, creating a calm and functional, as well as aesthetically pleasing airport environment can make a huge difference when it comes to beating the competition. There is a startling amount of competition in the air travel industry. The United States has the highest airport connectivity score, with $239 billion USD air passenger revenue in 2021 alone. As technology changes the way we travel, and the way we see the world around us, the air travel and airline industry is likely to hold strong. Because the market is so expansive, however, it also means that there’s no shortage of flight companies or airports to choose from. Reducing the stress of travel and providing safe places to wait for boarding can often be influencing factors when consumers and airlines choose to use your gates.

In addition to affecting traveler safety and satisfaction, airport design also helps determine the flow and operation of the facility’s air travel itself. Airlines increasingly form alliances, and share space in large, airports where travel from multiple lines can be managed from one location.

Regardless of its size and shape, the success of any airport project begins with what’s below. Technologies such as ground penetrating radar (GPR) help ensure safe construction of new airports, and expansions to existing ones.

GIS-based utility mapping software, such as GPRS’ SiteMap® (patent pending) platform, allow for seamless use and secure sharing of data such as GPR utility locates and concrete scans, 3D laser scanning, and more, allowing you to plan, design, manage, dig, and ultimately build better.

Boston Logan Airport Terminal E expansion with skyline.
(Photo courtesy of Ganley Images via WCVB) Boston Logan International Airport’s Terminal E expansion represents a new era in air travel.

Terminal E at a Glance

Also known as the International Terminal, opened its doors in 1974 as the Volpe International Terminal to accommodate the Boston market’s growing demand for international air travel. It offered 12 gates to serve 10 international airlines and 1.5 million passengers annually, and the number of gates remained the same until the recent expansion. Today, Terminal E stands as a modern marvel, blending state-of-the-art amenities with timeless design principles.

Massport announced the 320,000-square-foot expansion of Terminal E in 2018 with a budget of $700-750 million. The project was initially designed to add seven new gates, but COVID-related delays resulted in a reduced budget and only four gates being constructed. A parking lot expansion that was initially planned was also cut.

Terminal E is at least 20% more energy efficient than what’s required under the MA Energy Code, and its designed to achieve LEED Gold certification. It features photovoltaic window glazing, glare-controlling glass, and an energy-efficient displacement ventilation system.

Architectural Features

Contemporary Design

Terminal E boasts a sleek and contemporary design, characterized by clean lines, expansive glass facades, and soaring ceilings. The architecture reflects Boston’s reputation as a city of innovation and culture, creating a sense of arrival and departure that is both inspiring and welcoming.

Natural Light

One of the defining features of Terminal E is its abundant use of natural light. Floor-to-ceiling windows flood the terminal with sunlight, creating a bright and airy ambiance. Natural light not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the terminal but also contributes to a sense of well-being among passengers.

Sustainable Practices

In alignment with Boston’s commitment to sustainability, Terminal E incorporates eco-friendly design elements and energy-efficient systems. The terminal sets a new standard for environmentally conscious airport design. These sustainable practices not only reduce the airport’s carbon footprint, but also demonstrate a commitment to responsible stewardship of the environment.

Planning and Functionality

Passenger Flow

Efficient passenger flow is essential to the success of any airport terminal. Terminal E prioritizes seamless navigation, with clear wayfinding signage and intuitive layout design. The terminal’s spacious concourses and streamlined security checkpoints ensure smooth transitions for travelers, minimizing congestion and wait times. The international terminal has additional 390,000 square feet of space for stores, lounges, and gates, improving traffic flow.

Retail and Dining

Terminal E offers a diverse array of retail shops, restaurants, and amenities to cater to the needs of modern travelers. The concourse has several newly added dining options, including Sal’s Pizza, Boston Harbor Distillery, Legal Sea Foods, grab-and-go meals from Boston market and Hudson, and more.

Passenger Comfort

Ample seating areas, charging stations, and other relaxation zones are scattered throughout the Terminal E expansion. There’s even a sensory room for customers overwhelmed by the crowded concourse that features a replica airplane cabin to help customers acclimate before takeoff.

Technological Integration

Digital Innovation

From self-check-in kiosks to real-time flight information displays, Terminal E not only embraces, but leverages technology to empower travelers with information about their impending trip. It features an expanded ticketing area with modernized TSA security checkpoint that allows travelers to keep their important items such as laptops and other electronic devices within their bags during the screening process. Time is saved, and passengers can complete this often-stressful process with less friction.

Smart Infrastructure

The terminal’s infrastructure is equipped with smart technologies to improve operational efficiency and security. Advanced surveillance systems, automated baggage handling systems, and biometric authentication tools enhance safety and convenience for passengers and staff.

Underneath Terminal E

The Terminal E expansion has earned acclaim from passengers and industry professionals alike, setting a new standard for airport terminals worldwide. By prioritizing passenger comfort, efficiency, and sustainability, it has redefined the airport experience and made travel more enjoyable and less stressful for millions of travelers annually.

These upgrades wouldn’t have been possible without the architects, contractor, and subcontractors on the project first gaining an understanding of the existing built world beneath the airport. Technologies such as ground penetrating radar (GPR) and GIS-based utility mapping support infrastructure projects such as the Terminal E expansion by visualizing what’s below, so that dangerous and costly subsurface damage can be avoided during excavation.

Existing conditions as-builts serve as a guide for construction planning, allowing the construction team to construct and plan with confidence. Subsurface utility locating and concrete scanning are vital to ensuring the safety and success of terminal construction and design, helping you see the unseen and ensure the safety of everyone involved in the project.

The namesake of GPRS, GPR works in concert with other technologies to identify buried objects and underground utilities. GPRS Project Managers provide 99.8%+ accurate, field-verified utility maps, all securely accessible 24/7 from any computer, tablet, or smartphone via SiteMap® (patent pending). Our in-house Mapping & Modeling Team can export the GPR scans to create accurate existing conditions as-builts to give you the information you need in a format you can easily work with to stay on time, on budget, and safe.

Active electromagnetic (EM) locating involves actively transmitting a frequency through the underground utility’s conductive material. This is done by connecting through various points depending on the utility. The transmitter can be connected to various types of utility lines via a grounding wire or other physical utility structure above ground to provide the active signal that the EM locator can then read.

EM locators are preferred by One Call contractors to locate public utility lines. GPRS utilizes these devices with GPR and other technologies as part of the Subsurface Investigation Methodology (SIM) process to detect live AC power or radio signals along conductive utilities.

GPRS Project Managers use robotic crawlers and push-fed sewer scopes equipped with CCTV cameras and sondes as part of our Video Pipe Inspection services, which provide accurate sewer pipe visualization.

Terminal E stands as a shining example of architectural innovation and strategic planning in the realm of air travel – but it would not be possible without first mapping what’s below.

GPRS’ SiteMap® team members are currently scheduling live, personal demonstrations. Click below to schedule your free SiteMap® demo today!

About GPRS
Ground Penetrating Radar
Mapping & Modeling
Utility Locating

What Is Revit Modeling?

Revit is a building information modeling (BIM) software used by architects, engineers, designers, and construction professionals to create, edit, and review 3D models of buildings and infrastructure in exceptional detail. It is owned by a company called Autodesk, a leader in AEC industry software such as AutoCAD.

What is Revit?

Revit is a building information modeling (BIM) software used by architects, engineers, designers, and construction professionals to create, edit, and review 3D models of buildings and infrastructure in exceptional detail. It is owned by a company called Autodesk, a leader in AEC industry software such as AutoCAD.

Autodesk Revit software expedites the design of a building or structure and its components in 3D, annotates the model with 2D drafting elements, and stores building information modeling details. It has tools to plan and track different stages of the building's lifecycle, from concept and construction, to maintenance and renovation.

Revit Building Information Model Software
Revit is a building information modeling (BIM) software by the company Autodesk.

What is Revit Used For?

  • Revit is used to design, document, visualize, and deliver architecture, engineering, and construction projects.
  • Revit is used to model structures and systems in 3D with precision and ease.
  • Revit documents revisions to plans, elevations, schedules, and sections as projects change.
  • Revit provides project teams with useful toolsets and a unified virtual work environment.
  • Revit is used for coordination in conjunction with Autodesk Construction Cloud.

Who Uses Revit?

Architects, structural engineers, MEP engineers, builders, fabricators, designers, and many other professionals use Revit modeling to achieve their design, construction, operations, and maintenance goals.

3D Revit Model of Howard University Building
3D Revit Model of Howard University Building

Revit for Architectural Design

Architects use Revit to design, document, analyze and render 3D BIM models. Revit allows architects to collaborate with other team members in real-time, helping to review and coordinate design conflicts and inconsistencies in the design process.

Design and Documentation

Revit modeling allows architects to place building components, such as windows, walls, and doors into the 3D model. They are able to generate floor plans, elevations, sections, schedules, 2D and 3D views, and renderings quickly and accurately.


Revit allows architects to optimize the functionality of the architectural design, run accurate cost estimates, and monitor performance over the lifecycle of a building or project.


Architects can generate photorealistic renderings and view the 3D model in virtual reality software. They can create construction documentation with cutaways, 3D views, and stereo panoramas.

Coordination and Collaboration

Architects can share, sync, and review designs with engineers and contractors in a unified project environment. In coordination with Autodesk Construction Cloud, Revit speeds up the design process and makes collaboration more efficient.

Revit for Structural Engineering

Structural engineers have embraced Revit’s capabilities. It has tools for creating detailed models of structural elements such as beams, columns, and walls. Engineers use BIM models to analyze the structural performance of a building and ensure that it meets construction standards.

Reinforcement Detailing

Structural engineers can model reinforcement designs in an advanced BIM environment. Revit gives them the ability to create detailed reinforcement shop drawings with rebar schedules.

Construction Documents

Structural engineers can create thorough and accurate construction documents. Revit gives them the ability to define design intent at a high level of detail, ensuring the project meets safety standards.

Structural Analysis

Structural engineers can perform linear and nonlinear analysis of any structure type and shape to design steel, concrete, and timber elements of a structure. Revit gives them the ability to export to design and analysis applications.

Fabrication of Components

Structural engineers can make precise calculations and design building components for off-site manufacturing with confidence that they will fit properly when installed on-site.

Revit Model of Brick Manufacturing Facility
Revit Model of Brick Manufacturing Facility

Revit for MEP Engineering

Revit provides MEP engineers tools for designing and modeling complex systems such as HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems. MEP engineers use Revit models to ensure that the systems are properly integrated with the building design and to minimize any potential clashes between disciplines.

Integrated Design

Expedite the MEP design engineering process with Revit. Coordinate and communicate design intent in a single model before construction begins.


Precise as-built data is critical for engineering-driven calculations. MEP engineers can conduct simulations and run interference detection throughout the design process.


Revit provides the opportunity to design, model, and document building systems in a full building information model, including architectural and structural components.


MEP engineers can create fabrication-ready models, ensuring smooth coordination and installation.

Revit for Construction

Autodesk Revit is a good tool for construction management. It allows construction managers to visualize the construction process and plan the construction sequence. It is also used to coordinate construction activities and communicate project information to stakeholders.

Make Informed Decisions

Use data-rich 3D models to make planning and preconstruction project decisions.

Connect Design to Detailing

Model design plans with a high level of detail. Use tools to better connect structural design to detailing, helping reduce clashes and change orders.

Prepare for Fabrication

Revit enables fabricators to create accurate designs, helping to reduce errors in the fabrication process. It also allows fabricators to communicate effectively with other team members.

Improve Communication

Use Revit models to coordinate onsite trades, detect clashes, sequence phases, and improve office-to-field efficiency, quality assurance, and quality control.

In Conclusion

Before Autodesk Revit, constructing a BIM model was difficult and time-consuming. Now the design process has become more straightforward and efficient. Revit is a powerful tool that has many benefits for architects, general contractors, sub-contractors, estimators, and fabricators. It allows these different trades to design, simulate, and manage building projects efficiently. Revit improves accuracy, enhances collaboration, and streamlines project management. It is an essential tool for anyone involved in the Architectural Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.

3D laser scanning supports Revit modeling by providing accurate dimensions for the 3D models that are created. For more information on Autodesk Revit, contact GPRS 3D Laser Scanning Services.

What can we help you visualize?

Mapping & Modeling
3D Laser Scanning

3D Laser Scanning for All Phases of Construction

Laser scanning accurately captures, maps, and visualizes the 3D geometry of a building or project site. The scan data or point cloud data is uploaded and processed into a file that can be loaded into modeling software. By implementing this into every phase of a construction project, architects, engineers and contractors can increase accuracy and reduce risk.

Laser scanning accurately captures, maps, and visualizes the 3D geometry of a building or project site. The scan data or point cloud data is uploaded and processed into a file that can be loaded into modeling software. By implementing this into every phase of a construction project, architects, engineers and contractors can increase accuracy and reduce risk.

Design Phase

Capture accurate infrastructure and measurements in minutes.

  • Leica laser scanners capture millimeter-accurate as-builts, even in densely populated facilities and while plants are in operation.
  • 3D laser scans can be delivered as a point cloud, or in customizable 2D & 3D drawings, maps, 3D mesh models, and BIM models.
  • Matterport offers rough measurements and locates important features.

Construction Phase

Prevent change orders with instantly accessible real-time data.

  • Point cloud data and 360 imagery documents construction progress.
  • 3D laser scans discover unanticipated conditions so its easy to locate, tag and fix them later.
  • Real-time data makes communication and collaboration smoother and faster.

Post Construction Phase

Eliminate costly mistakes with instant visualization.

  • 3D laser scans capture complete and updated as-builts for the finished project, so you can add notes and specifications to simplify future retrofits and renovation.
  • Up to date as-builts, captured with millimeter accuracy simplify facility operations, and make tenant finishes and remodels much easier because everyone can visualize existing features instantly.
"The point cloud and model worked out tremendously well. Documenting the existing building conditions the usual way would have been extremely difficult."  N. PELLIZZARI -- ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING PROFESSIONAL

GPRS Sample Models:

Point cloud data and highly accurate 3D BIM models can be created for any football stadium, basketball court, baseball park, golf course, ice rink, theatre, and arena to aid in design planning, renovation, and construction management.

3D Laser Scanning Stadiums

"We entrusted GPRS to fly around the country and scan several NFL stadiums. They are the best in the biz at what they do." DAN P. -- MANAGING DIRECTOR

3D Laser Scanning Hotels
GPRS can 3D capture a complete full interior layout of any hotel with incredible efficiency - minimizing time and disturbance and eliminating site revisits for missed measurements.

3D Laser Scanning Hotels

Hotel renovations required as-built data and a 3D model. The image above shows the Revit model with NavVis VLX laser scan data overlaid in color.

3D Laser Scanning Water Treatment Facilities
GPRS has extensive experience 3D laser scanning and BIM modeling Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants.

3D Laser Scanning Water Treatment Facilities

59 acres and 27 buildings were 3D laser scanned to provide complete as-built documentation of a Colorado Wastewater Treatment Plant. This 3D model of the digester facility is accurate to within millimeters.

3D Laser Scanning Office Space
3D laser scanning helped to develop as-built drawings, plans, and specifications necessary for construction space planning, and furniture placement for this corporate office.

3D Laser Scanning Office Space

"Scans are one of the most amazing tools we use right now. At the estimating stage, it's critical. Many details are missed if you only have a 2D drawing. With a laser scan we can visually see complex areas, height differences, and material changes like you’re there in person." CHRIS L. -- PRECONSTRUCTION SERVICES

3D Laser Scanning to Expedite the Installation of ACM Panels
By working hand-in-hand with the client, GPRS was able to provide the exact measurements needed in order to properly install the ACM panels.

3D Laser Scanning to Expedite the Installation of ACM Panels

Our client was installing ACM (Aluminum Composite Material) panels to the canopy of a newly constructed airport terminal.

"GPRS has changed the way we field measure, layout, and install projects." VINCENT N. -- SUPERINTENDENT

3D Laser Scanning Manufacturing Facilities
A 3D model facilitated virtual design planning to ensure there are no clashes during the retrofitting of the new piping.

3D Laser Scanning Manufacturing Facilities

GPRS 3D laser scanned the structural steel, equipment and MEP piping in this manufacturing facility to create a 3D model to help the client plan the routes of the new piping. The Revit model shows an example of the facility’s proposed renovations. Red indicates items that will be removed.

3D Laser Scanning Processing Plants
When plant engineers at a pet food packaging facility needed to make modifications, they asked GPRS 3D Laser Scanning to provide as-built documentation and a 3D BIM model to plan retrofits to the existing structure.

3D Laser Scanning Processing Plants

Point cloud data and a 3D BIM model was created for a processing plant in Kentucky. 40,000 sq. ft. and 7 levels of elevated platforms containing product packaging equipment were captured with millimeter accuracy.

3D Laser Scanning The Virginia Air and Space Museum
GPRS 3D laser scanned the museum in less than 2 hours in the early morning to avoid interrupting visiting hours.

3D Laser Scanning The Virginia Air and Space Museum

The museum’s design team wanted a digital representation of the space to begin design planning and renovation.

"GPRS had a quick turnaround on deliverables that saved time within the project. We look forward to working with them on future projects." MICHAEL T. – DIRECTOR OF FACILITIES


You can trust our team to provide the best experience in laser scanning by walking you through the entire 3D laser scanning process from pre-planning through project completion.

We offer a consultative approach to project management, working with you to ensure our data, maps, and models are the perfect solution for your project. The data delivered is accurate within millimeters, and the maps and models provide complete as built and location data.  

Our elite team of Project Managers is required to complete an extensive training program before performing field services on your job site. Every Project Manager completes 80 hours of classroom training and 320 hours of field mentoring.

All GPRS team members work together to help you Intelligently Visualize The Built World® to help you reduce change orders and costs so that your projects come in on time and on budget.

What can we help you visualize?

3D Laser Scanning
Mapping & Modeling

How SiteMap® streamlines communication throughout AECO lifecycle

A new report from the International Facility Management Association highlights the facility management sector’s desire for a data-driven future.

A new report from the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) highlights the facility management sector’s desire for a data-driven future.

The report, titled Optimizing Building Management With A Lifecycle Approach, explores the crucial role that facility managers can play in fostering better collaboration across the AECO lifecycle.

“Industry fragmentation across the AECO lifecycle has long hindered efficiency,” the report reads. “More collaboration and data sharing are crucial steps toward extending the lifespan of buildings and reducing waste.”

A facility manager in personal protective equipment looks at a tablet.
In preparation for that future, facility managers are preparing to embrace data and analytics like never before.

The report included a survey of members of the facility management sector, as well as those in the AEC, real estate, and technology provider professions. Key findings include:

  • 96% of facility managers surveyed believe AEC data enhances key processes
  • 12% is the average time wasted because of fragmented data
  • 70% of all individuals surveyed expect greater collaboration with workplace designers
  • 20% plan to invest in digital twins in the next 12 months

“It is well known that facility managers play a key role in ensuring the efficient and safe operation of buildings and infrastructure, helping their organizations push for ever-greater cost efficiency and space optimization,” the report reads. “At the same time, facility managers are starting to find themselves as key stakeholders influencing broader projects such as workplace redesigns, capital upgrades, and renovations, helping to extend the lifespan of buildings.”

Respondents to the report’s survey expect collaboration and communication to improve over the next three years, with 70% predicting more collaboration with workplace designers, reflecting facility managers’ growing influence on workplace redesign and facility upgrades.

In preparation for that future, facility managers are preparing to embrace data and analytics like never before. The findings of the survey indicate that:

  • 87% will use more data and analytics to shape decision-making. Facility managers are preparing to leverage data and analytics to enhance their operational processes. By utilizing a wider range of data sets, including current condition data, asset lifecycle data, and budget data, facility managers can make more informed decisions to optimize their facilities’ performance.
  • 78% expect to use AI in daily tasks and data analysis. AI technologies have the potential to streamline and automate some processes like fault detection or maintenance scheduling, enabling more efficient operations and resource allocation. Additionally, AI can play a role in data analysis, extracting valuable insights that contribute to improved decision-making.
  • 70% anticipate more collaboration with IT departments. As the facility management profession transitions toward a more software-driven future, collaboration with the IT department will become crucial. The IT department is vital in implementing and integrating software systems, data platforms, and analytics tools that support data-driven facility management.

SiteMap®: The Future of Facility Management

New technologies will be necessary to achieve the data-driven future envisioned by the facility managers surveyed in the IFMA report.

That’s why GPRS created SiteMap® (patent pending), a project & facility management application that provides accurate existing condition documentation to protect your assets and people.

SiteMap® gives you control over your communications, workflows, record-keeping, and accountability. It provides a single source of truth capable of aggregating, tagging, geolocating, and layering existing subsurface and above-ground conditions to eliminate information bottlenecks, and reduce mistakes that lead to expensive clashes, change orders, reworks, and even serious injuries.

With SiteMap®, you can see every piece of your facility or project’s puzzle – above and below ground – with exceptional accuracy and state-of-the-art data delivered via drawings, maps, models, photogrammetry, and more. And it’s all at your fingertips 24/7, securely accessible from any computer, tablet, or smartphone, allowing you and your team to plan, design, manage, dig, and ultimately build better.

GPRS SiteMap® team members are currently scheduling live, personal SiteMap® demonstrations. Click below to schedule yours today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Benefits of Underground Utility Mapping?

Having an updated and accurate map of your subsurface infrastructure reduces accidents, budget overruns, change orders, and project downtime caused by dangerous and costly subsurface damage.

How does SiteMap® assist with Utility Mapping?

SiteMap®, powered by GPRS, is the industry-leading infrastructure management program. It is a single source of truth, housing the 99.8%+ accurate utility locating, concrete scanning, video pipe inspection, leak detection, and 3D laser scanning data our Project Managers collect on your job site. And the best part is you get a complimentary SiteMap® Personal Subscription when GPRS performs a utility locate for you.

Click here to learn more.

Does SiteMap® Work with my Existing GIS Platform?

SiteMap® allows for exporting of data to SHP, GeoJSON, GeoPackage, and DXF directly from any user’s account that either owns or has a job shared to their account. All these file formats can be imported and utilized by other GIS packages if manually imported by the user. More information can be found at

About GPRS
Mapping & Modeling

Explaining Urban Stormwater Capture

Urban stormwater can be more than just a nuisance.

Urban stormwater can be more than just a nuisance.

That’s the takeaway from a report released recently by global water think tank the Pacific Institute and 2NDNATURE Software Inc., a provider of stormwater management software.

The report, titled Untapped Potential: An Assessment of Urban Stormwater Runoff Potential in the United States, says there are multiple ways that cities in the U.S. – particularly those in coastal regions, could make greater use of stormwater, which is typically seen today as a nuisance to be removed as quickly as possible.

Stormwater runs into rain gardens.
(Photo courtesy of NYC Water) Rain gardens like these in New York City are an example of the increasing efforts to capture urban stormwater and put it to good use.

“…Water scarcity is a growing risk due in part to natural hydrologic variability, population and economic growth, and the intensifying effects of climate change,” the report reads. “Yet, traditional water sources, such as freshwater from rivers and streams and underground aquifers, are increasingly facing peak water limits. These constraints have led water providers to adopt water conservation and efficiency to reduce demand and develop new, alternative water supply strategies, such as reusing treated wastewater and capturing urban stormwater runoff.”

Urban stormwater – runoff generated from precipitation falling on rooftops, roads, and other impervious surfaces in urbanized areas – has historically been considered a nuisance or hazard because it carries pollution from roads and other urban surfaces to rivers, lakes, estuaries, and the ocean, threatening both aquatic life and public health. Additionally, it can lead to flooding that causes property damage and risks for communities.

Because of these risks, urban areas are typically designed with dedicated storm sewers to collect and dispose of the runoff into nearby waterways or detention ponds as quickly as possible. However, as water scarcity as become an increasingly serious problem across the globe, more and more cities are looking at a way to capture stormwater and put it to good use.

In Los Angeles County, more than 27,000 acre-feet (8.8 billion gallons) of stormwater is captured annually at centralized spreading grounds where it recharges groundwater in the San Fernando Groundwater Basin. And in New York City, curbside rain gardens capture stormwater to help reduce the risk of flooding.

Stormwater capture is also garnering increased attention and support at the federal level. The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Water Reuse Action Plan (WRAP) provides a roadmap for collaboration and action to implement water reuse strategies across the United States.

The Untapped Potential report details how stormwater capture can be achieved at a variety of scales, and include traditional gray infrastructure, such as storm sewers and combined sewers that route stormwater to a treatment facility or storage pond for infiltration, or green infrastructure, such as bioswales and rain gardens that use plants and soils to slow, filter, and store stormwater before it enters the storm system. A mix of both gray and green infrastructure can also be used to capture stormwater.

“…[Reusing treated wastewater and capturing urban stormwater runoff] can help ‘close the gap’ between existing and anticipated water supply and demand and support long-term water resilience,” the report reads.

A GPRS Project Manager uses a small crane to lower a lateral launch camera out of the back of a white van.
GPRS’ NASSCO-certified VPI Project Managers use sophisticated, remote-controlled sewer inspection rovers and push-fed scopes equipped with CCTV cameras and sondes: instrument probes that allow us to map your sewer and stormwater systems while we’re inspecting them for defects.

GPRS Keeps Water & Wastewater Projects On Track

Whether you need to maintain and preserve your existing water and wastewater infrastructure or are looking to install stormwater capture systems to improve your existing systems, GPRS has the subsurface damage prevention, existing conditions documentation, and construction & facilities project management services to ensure the success of your project.

When breaking ground, it’s vital you know what’s below to avoid subsurface damage that could endanger your workers, wreck your budget, and decimate your schedule. GPRS utilizes ground penetrating radar scanners and electromagnetic (EM) locators to provide 99.8%+ accurate utility locating and concrete scanning services to help you know what’s below so you can dig, cut, and core with confidence.

A GPRS Project Manager uses acoustic leak detection equipment on a fire hydrant.
Using acoustic leak detection and leak detection correlators, GPRS’ water loss specialists locate leaks and provide insights into your water distribution system.

Water lines can develop links that cost you tens of thousands of dollars in non-revenue water (NRW) loss. And sewer lines can be compromised by defects such as inflow/infiltration (I/I) and cross bores, which can threaten the health and safety of entire communities.

GPRS leak detection and video pipe inspection (VPI) services help you maintain, preserve, and update your water and wastewater infrastructure. Using acoustic leak detection and leak detection correlators, our water loss specialists locate leaks and provide insights into your water distribution system. And on the wastewater side, our NASSCO-certified VPI Project Managers use sophisticated, remote-controlled sewer inspection rovers and push-fed scopes equipped with CCTV cameras and sondes: instrument probes that allow us to map your sewer and stormwater systems while we’re inspecting them for defects.

From skyscrapers to sewer lines, GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

What can we help you visualize? Click below to schedule a service or request a quote today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many miles of water lines can GPRS inspect in one day?

Our professional leak inspection specialists can test up to 10 miles of pipe a day on a metallic system (cast iron/ductile) and can test a contact point (hydrant/valve) within a minute before moving on to the next one. They’re able to work so efficiently because they are trained to hear the specific tone that a leak produces compared to any other number of noises a general environment makes.

Can a GPRS Project Manager determine the size of the leak they’ve detected?

We can determine the size of the leak by how far the leak signal travels between contact points and the pitch of the tone received. We do not, however, produce formal leak size estimation reports.

What size wastewater pipes can GPRS inspect?

Our elite, NASSCO-certified Project Managers have the capabilities to inspect pipes from 2” in diameter and up.

What deliverables does GPRS offer when conducting a sewer pipe inspection?

GPRS is proud to offer WinCan reporting to our Video Pipe Inspection clients. Maintaining sewers starts with understanding sewer condition, and WinCan allows GPRS Project Managers to collect detailed, NASSCO-compliant inspection data. GPRS Project Managers not only inspect the interior condition of sewer pipes, laterals, and manholes – they can also provide a map of their location. The GPRS Mapping & Modeling Department can provide GPS overlays and CAD files. Our detailed WinCan/NASSCO reports contain screenshots of the interior condition of the pipe segments that we inspect, as well as a video file for further evaluation, documentation, and/or reference.

About GPRS
Leak Detection
Mapping & Modeling
Video Pipe Inspection

training manuals

Utility Locating: Electromagnetic Locating
View Manual
Ground Penetrating Radar: Rebar Slabs
View Manual
Ground Penetrating Radar: Dielectrics
View Manual
Concrete Scanning – Slab-On-Grade
View Manual
Ribbed Slab Construction: Slab Type – Ribbed and Waffle
View Manual
Understanding Decking from a Concrete Scanning Perspective
View Manual
Understanding Decking from a Concrete Scanning Perspective - Hollow Core
View Manual