Can You Convert a Point Cloud to a Mesh?

Can You Convert a Point Cloud to a Mesh?

Can GPRS Create a 3D Mesh Model?

GPRS can create a 3D mesh in .fbx, .stl, .obj, and .ply file formats from a LiDAR point cloud.

GPRS Project Managers use industry-leading laser scanners to gather point cloud information from a project site. The point cloud is a spatial representation of the site or object. Millions of high-density points are collected by the laser scanner to provide the most accurate and detailed geometry.

3D mesh of life-size statue.
A 3D mesh of a life-size animal statue.

In-house CAD technicians use the data set of x,y,z coordinates to generate a triangulated mesh from the 3D points using best-in-class software. Meshes are volumetrically accurate, high density and high resolution.

Meshes can be used for repairing or restoring scanned elements with fine, organic details that are otherwise difficult to reproduce in CAD. Meshes allow clients to view the object’s geometry inside a CAD environment without having to navigate a point cloud. Files are delivered in a compact, easy to use format.

GPRS Can Convert a Point Cloud to Mesh for:

  • Large statues, sculptures and artwork
  • Trees
  • Trains, cars and large objects
  • Building facades and elements for historical preservation or reconstruction
  • Sets for film and entertainment
  • Attractions at theme parks
3D mesh of car.
A 3D mesh of a car.

All CAD work is done in our corporate office by the GPRS Mapping and Modeling Team's experienced engineers and CAD technicians.

GPRS Intelligently Visualizes The Built World® to keep your projects on time, on budget, and safe.

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