A GPRS Case Study

3D Laser Scanning Before Concrete Pour Saved Client Thousands

3D Laser Scanning Before Concrete Pour Saved Client Thousands
GPRS’ nationwide team of scan technicians can mobilize to any site quickly. Our experience and long-term client commitment make us a great partner for your 3D laser scanning needs.
Vince Palko
Director of Marketing



The deliverables provided will be an asset for years to come as they can be referenced for any future coring or drilling needs showing where everything embedded in the slab was prior to pouring.


Concrete Construction


3D Laser Scanning Mapping & Modeling


Houston, Texas

PM Insight


GPRS’ Project Manager laser scanned each area and provided a colorized point cloud to the client. The colorized point cloud allowed the client to see color imagery, stitched over the point cloud to assess the area for misplaced sleeves, conduits and post-tension runs. This data was also aligned to the existing building plans to quickly find any issues.



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The client was in active build of an eight-story apartment complex in Houston, Texas. Each floor had five to six concrete pours scheduled on specific dates over an 8-month period. GPRS 3D laser scanned each area to capture the existing conduit, post-tensioning, rebar plan and sleeves prior to the slab being poured. This allowed the client to check the existing conditions for any irregularities.


The client was on a strict timeline and did not want delays in construction. They needed to quickly and accurately ensure that everything was in its correct location prior to pouring the slab. The client needed a 3D laser scanning company who could quickly mobilize to the site, conduct efficient laser scanning and provide point cloud data aligned to the design drawings within 24-48 hours.


  • GPRS worked closely with the client. The scan technician mobilized to the site 1-2 times a week for 8 months and quickly captured the data without stalling the construction process. The scan technician set up the laser scanner at multiple locations around each slab and captured the data without disturbing the active construction site. GPRS’ team of in-house engineers quickly provided the point cloud alignment. The sub-centimeter point cloud data allowed the client to review the site conditions and make changes prior to the scheduled pour and without ever having to leave the office.


  • The client relayed that GPRS saved them thousands of dollars with just the first mobilization. They identified issues with the sleeve alignment from the home office and had them corrected prior to the slab being poured. Finding out that the sleeves were not in the correct location, even the day after the pour, would have cost the general contractor tens of thousands of dollars in coring costs alone. And if this problem would not have been discovered until framing and other elements went up could have cost exponentially more.
  • 3D high-definition surveying has proven to be a quick, accurate, and versatile tool for architects, engineers, BIM managers, general contractors, and construction managers. It is ideal for adaptive reuse or renovation projects. In this case, GPRS provided the client with invaluable information that allowed them to assess the site from their office before the concrete slab was poured. The deliverables provided will be an asset for years to come as they can be referenced for any future coring or drilling needs showing where everything embedded in the slab was prior to pouring.


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“Our team was more effective and efficient because of SiteMap, allowing us to provide better results from more informed decision-making.”
Alexander Valigosky
Project Environmental Scientist

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