A GPRS Case Study

VPI Helps Mitigate Risk of Contaminated Groundwater Infiltration at Outfall Point

VPI Helps Mitigate Risk of Contaminated Groundwater Infiltration at Outfall Point



GPRS pinpointed the defect in the storm sewer line that was allowing for inflow of contaminated groundwater so that the system manager could repair it and stem the flow of contaminants at the outflow point, to protect the waterway, the environment, and public health


Municipal, Water, Wastewater, Environmental




PM Insight



Inspect and assess the storm sewer system to find the source of the contamination and provide a NASSCO-certified VPI report that detailed the exact leak location, and all other pipe defects that could impact the system's safety and efficiency


Provide a video pipe inspection (VPI) to pinpoint the source of contaminated groundwater infiltration so the customer could mitigate it before it reached the outfall point

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Pinpoint the source of contaminated groundwater infiltration so the customer could mitigate it before it reached the outfall point


  • The client requested us to locate and inspect the storm sewer system, including potential laterals at a site with known soil and groundwater contamination
  • There was no known existing condition documentation or maps of the storm sewer system or potential laterals
  • The client identified higher contaminant concentrations at the storm sewer outfall than at upstream catch basins
  • An outfall is where a sewer line discharges into a body of water, so it is vital to the environment and public health to mitigate inflow contamination


  • GPRS VPI services located and mapped all storm sewer lines, laterals, and flow direction to the outfall
  • We did this utilizing lateral launch cameras, robotic CCTV crawlers, and push cameras
  • We identified the area of groundwater intrusion into the storm sewer system, which assisted in determining which portion of the system needed to be repaired to stem the contaminant inflow before it reached the outfall


  • On Time: Due to our rapid response, we kept the project moving, reducing downtime
  • On Budget: GPRS protected the client’s budget by preventing expensive and unnecessary excavations
  • Safety: GPRS provided accurate storm sewer locations and depths as well as the area the contaminated groundwater intrusion was identified. So the client was able to dig safely, repair the line, and eliminate the contaminated groundwater infiltration to eliminate risk to public health and the environment
  • Reputation: By preventing the client from using a trial-and-error approach, they can quickly deliver their results to their customers to alleviate concern and protect public health
  • GPRS provides complete NASSCO-certified Video Pipe Inspection Reports that provide video, photos, and reporting of each pipe defect discovered and its severity to help customers plan, repair, and better maintain their sanitary and storm sewer systems


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“Our team was more effective and efficient because of SiteMap, allowing us to provide better results from more informed decision-making.”
Alexander Valigosky
Project Environmental Scientist

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