A GPRS Case Study

GPRS Ensures Safe Excavation of Leaking Utility Line

GPRS Ensures Safe Excavation of Leaking Utility Line



GPRS provided accurate data on the utilities inside a buried pipe that had been used as a utility tunnel at a power substation to assist with the repair of an unknown leaking utility.




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Locate all utilities in and around a buried concrete or asbestos pipe, and investigate a possible void near these lines, to assist with the safe repair of a leaking utility.


  • A petroleum and natural gas electrical power station had a suspected leaking utility line that they believed was also causing a void
  • The leaking utility was encased in a concrete or asbestos pipe, which also contained several other utilities that had all been buried for over 40 years
  • There was no way to access this utility pipe, which sits under a newer steel building on the property


  • GPRS deployed ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic locating to map the utilities in and around the buried pipe
  • The Project Manager also identified the likely location of the leaking utility, which aligned with data the client acquired with a thermal imaging gun
  • GPRS went beyond the original project scope and located expansion joints along the buried utility tunnel
  • In addition to marking out located utilities with spray paint on the asphalt, the data was uploaded into SiteMap®


  • The client was able to avoid destructive and potentially dangerous exploratory potholing to find the leaking utility line
  • The accurate, actionable data obtained by GPRS will expedite the repair process by ensuring they only need to dig once
  • All stakeholders have 24/7, secure access to this field-verified data thanks to SiteMap®, which is available via computer, tablet, or smartphone


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“Our team was more effective and efficient because of SiteMap, allowing us to provide better results from more informed decision-making.”
Alexander Valigosky
Project Environmental Scientist