A GPRS Case Study

GPRS Utility Locating Ensures Safe Demolition of Historic Ballpark

GPRS Utility Locating Ensures Safe Demolition of Historic Ballpark



GPRS utility locating services ensured that an abandoned 82-year-old ballpark could be safely demolished and paved the way for the safe and efficient construction of a high school in its place.




Pawtucket, Rhode Island

PM Insight




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Map buried utilities in and around the 82-year-old McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, to mitigate the risk of damaging these lines during demolition of the ballpark.


  • There were no up-to-date records of the property’s buried infrastructure
  • The stadium is over 80 years old, and has had multiple renovations throughout its life; the buried infrastructure was a tangled web of both active and abandoned lines
  • A utility strike during demolition would threaten the health and safety of the workers, derail the project’s schedule and budget, and cause service interruptions for the surrounding community


  • GPRS’ SIM-certified Project Managers utilized ground penetrating radar (GPR), electromagnetic (EM) locating, and remote-controlled sewer inspection rovers equipped with CCTV cameras and traceable probes to locate and map the utilities in and around the stadium
  • All this accurate, field-verified data was uploaded into SiteMap® to ensure seamless communication between members of the project team, as well as with the contractor who will eventually be selected to build the new high school


  • GPRS’ industry-leading accuracy rate when conducting utility locates means the demolition contractor can rely on the data we provided to safely plan and complete their work
  • Because this accurate, field-verified data was uploaded into SiteMap®, it will be available to the contractor who eventually constructs the high school


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“Our team was more effective and efficient because of SiteMap, allowing us to provide better results from more informed decision-making.”
Alexander Valigosky
Project Environmental Scientist

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