A GPRS Case Study

Denali Construction Services Partners With GPRS To Accurately Pinpoint Underground Water Leak

Denali Construction Services Partners With GPRS To Accurately Pinpoint Underground Water Leak



GPRS was able to help Denali Construction Services out of Dallas, Texas, accurately pinpoint an underground water leak losing dozens of gallons per hour on their property, while also providing the location of all other surrounding utilities to ensure no further damage was caused during line repairs.




Leak Detection, Utility Locating


Dallas, Texas.

PM Insight


SiteMap® Personal map of utilities located within project scope, Job Summary Report, PDF, KMZ, and SHP file.



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Pinpoint the location of an underground water leak on site utilizing acoustic leak detection services.


  • Denali was experiencing surfacing water within their parking lot due to a suspected underground water leak. They knew they would need to saw cut to fix the leaking pipe, but they did not know where to start.
  • Surrounding underground utilities were at risk of being severed when saw cutting began.
  • Customer had no equipment or experience to locate existing underground utility lines and pinpoint the suspected water leak before cutting.


  • GPRS Project Manager Adam Kubicki located and mapped all underground utility lines on site and collected the data within GPRS’ GIS utility mapping platform, SiteMap®, to ensure the customer did not damage any lines when saw cutting.
  • GPRS Leak Detection Project Manager Erick Morales instructed the maintenance crew on site to core drill two locations located on top of the suspected leaking water line to access the pipe directly and complete a grounding rode connection to acoustically listen for the leak.
  • Using grounding rods, a well-trained ear, and the S30 Leak Detection Analog System, Morales pinpointed the exact location of the leaking water line.
  • Denali identified and easily avoided damaging any existing utilities when saw cutting due to GPRS’ markings and were able to cut a 3x3 area around the suspected leak, to the exact location where water was exiting the pipe.
  • Easily accessible 99.8+% accurate, field-verified, and GPS-enabled utility site maps in PDF, KMZ, and SHP file format were provided via SiteMap® to view project results.


  • Client was able to find and mitigate any further damages and expenses caused by the underground water leak, including, but not limited to: Sink hole formation, Drinking water contamination, Increased water bill, Flooded surrounding property
  • Easy and accurate reports saved them time and money
  • Denali Construction Services had peace of mind with GPRS providing a one-stop-shop for utility locating and underground leak detection on site.


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“Our team was more effective and efficient because of SiteMap, allowing us to provide better results from more informed decision-making.”
Alexander Valigosky
Project Environmental Scientist

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