A GPRS Case Study

GPRS Uses Smoke Test to Verify Existing Plans of Rail Yard Stormwater System

GPRS Uses Smoke Test to Verify Existing Plans of Rail Yard Stormwater System



GPRS conducted a smoke test on a Denver, Colorado rail yard’s stormwater system to quickly and efficiently verify the accuracy of existing as-built documents and allow the client to plan future operations & maintenance.




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  • The client wanted to verify existing as-built documentation of a stormwater system at a rail yard in Denver, Colorado
  • The client wanted to know what manhole structures were connected, to help them plan upcoming operations & maintenance
  • Jetting this expansive system and then documenting it with a remote-controlled sewer inspection crawler was both cost and time prohibitive


  • A GPRS Project Manager conducted a smoke test of the stormwater system, sending non-toxic smoke through the lines to see where it escaped to determine which manholes were connected
  • This test verified the accuracy of the client’s existing plans, confirming which manholes were connected and which were part of a separate system
  • The work was completed in one day on site – roughly a third of the time it would have taken to examine the system with a remote-controlled crawler


  • The client was able to quickly and efficiently verify the accuracy of their existing plans
  • Planning for future operations & maintenance can be completed responsibly with this accurate map of the stormwater system
  • GPRS’ smoke test saved the rail yard owner time and money they would have otherwise spent on jetting the stormwater system and then inspecting it with a remote-controlled crawler equipped with CCTV cameras


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“Our team was more effective and efficient because of SiteMap, allowing us to provide better results from more informed decision-making.”
Alexander Valigosky
Project Environmental Scientist