A GPRS Case Study

Hidden Utility Detection: How GPR Prevented Costly Excavation at an Industrial Facility

Hidden Utility Detection: How GPR Prevented Costly Excavation at an Industrial Facility



GPRS accurately located hidden sanitary sewer cleanouts beneath tiled flooring to help the client avoid unnecessary demolition and save valuable time and resources.


Industrial Fluids and Lubricants


Concrete Scanning


Perrysburg, Ohio

PM Insight


Job Services Report (JSR)



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Locate cleanouts that were covered by flooring and verify the location of sanitary sewer lines in office hallways.


  • Master Fluid Solutions faced a critical issue with their sanitary sewer lines leaking into offices, causing water to seep through tiled floors and disrupt the work environment
  • Existing facility drawings were inaccurate, making it difficult to locate the sanitary line and cleanouts
  • All cleanout access points had been tiled over, preventing maintenance crews from accessing them to clear blockages


  • GPRS was called in to locate the source of the sewer leak and verify the path of the sanitary line
  • Used ground penetrating radar (GPR) with a concrete antenna to scan the area non-invasively
  • Successfully pinpointed three of the five expected cleanouts by detecting their metal lids
  • Provided clear on-site surface markings to guide the facility team in accessing the cleanouts efficiently


  • The job was completed in significantly less time than initially estimated
  • Facility operations continued without the need for unnecessary tile removal or exploratory digging
  • The identified cleanouts were found to be approximately one foot off from their documented locations in existing drawings. Without GPRS’ precision, the team would have relied on outdated plans, leading to wasted effort and potential damage
  • By accurately marking cleanout locations, facility teams could confidently proceed with necessary repairs and maintenance without unnecessary guesswork


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“Our team was more effective and efficient because of SiteMap, allowing us to provide better results from more informed decision-making.”
Alexander Valigosky
Project Environmental Scientist